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Torizon IDE Extensions Issue Tracker


The following table contains known issues, scheduled bug fixes, and feature improvements for the Torizon IDE Extensions. The tickets are split in two major states:

  • Submitted (open): new features and bug fixes for Torizon IDE Extensions versions that have not yet been released. They may be scheduled for a specific release version; not planned; or in our backlog. All of them have one of the following states:
    • Known Issue: a bug or unexpected behavior that has been reported and pending a fix. Once fixed, the status will transition to Fixed.
    • Feature Request: a new feature that may be added to a future release. Once released, the status will transition to New Feature.
  • Released (closed): new features and bug fixes for BSP versions that have already been released. All of them have one of the following states:
    • Fixed: a bug that has been fixed and released.
    • New Feature: something that didn't exist before and was added to a new release.

Any schedules are not guaranteed but reflect the current planning. The planning could be shifted due to priority changes.
Issues that are scheduled for a specific version will be integrated into the mentioned version of the BSP.

We will update this table continuously in order to always provide the latest state of our development plan.

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Issue #StatusSubjectModuleComponentsSeverity

2.5.0 - Torizon IDE Extension
Torizon IDE Extension for VS Code 2.5.0
TIE-886Known IssueWhen connecting to a device, if there is no TorizonCore on the name on /etc/os-release, the extension gets stuck instead of printing an errorTorizon IDE Extension 2Low

Description: If you build a custom Torizon OS image and the string "TorizonCore" is not present in the NAME variable on /etc/os-release, the IDE Extension doesn't work.

Workaround: Make sure your custom build includes the string "TorizonCore" in the NAME.

TIE-855Feature RequestAs a user, I want to know how to add and debug extra files (shared library binaries, etc), including those that are outside the project's workspaceNot applicableTorizon IDE Extension 2

Description: Commonly, developers want to use shared libraries available on their PCs in other directories outside the Torizon project workspace. It is clumsy to have to copy them inside the Torizon workspace and keep them up-to-date.

Support for this use case has been added to the Torizon IDE Extension for VS Code and documented on Torizon IDE Extension - Add Packages, Libraries and Tools

Workaround: Use the pre-release version of the extension until 2.5.0 is released.

2.4.0 - Torizon IDE Extension 2 (Release date: 2024-01-26)
Torizon IDE Extension 2 for VS Code 2.4.0
TIE-866Feature RequestAs a user, I want to instantly know I need to install the extension on WSL, so I don't think the IDE is only a Linux thingTorizon IDE Extension 2

Description: The Torizon IDE Extension for VS Code must be installed inside WSL on Windows machines. If you try to install it outside WSL a message tells that Windows is not supported.

A clear message was added to the extension description to help users find out how to install on Windows - which is through WSL.

2.2.0 - Torizon IDE Extension 2
TIE-826FixedMulticontainer folder paths are created with absolute pathsNot applicableTorizon IDE Extension 2Low

Description: As reported on ApolloX Multicontainer Project generates files with absolute path, having absolute paths on multicontainer projects leads to a bad UX when sharing the project with other colleagues, who will download the project in different directories .

TIE-825Feature RequestDeprecate the IDE 1 on the VS Code MarketplaceNot applicableVisual Studio Code Extension

Description: The IDE 1 is in maintenance mode, and new projects must use the IDE 2. To clarify this with new users, the version 1 is being set as deprecated on the VS Code marketplace, so you don't install it by mistake and start using it on a new project.

TIE-823Known IssueUnable to debug Python apps on Ubuntu 22.04 due to error "no such option: --break-system packages"Not applicableTorizon IDE Extension 2Low

Description: Due to the version of pip available on the Ubuntu 22.04 LTS package feeds being too old, an error installing dependencies with pip prevents the Python debug to work.

Workaround: Upgrade pip with "pip install --upgrade pip" instead of using the apt package manager.

TIE-801New FeatureCreate CMake template for IDE 2Not applicableTorizon IDE Extension 2

Description: Since CMake is a common build system, a template will be added to the vscode-torizon-templates.

2.1.0 - Torizon IDE Extension 2
TIE-810Known IssueWhen using WSL, due to performance penalties, the user must not be allowed to save a project on "/mnt/c"Not applicableTorizon IDE Extension 2Low

Description: If you save a project in the Windows file system, a huge performance drawback will happen due to this Windows-Linux file system translation being done through a network protocol, leading to 10x slower build times.

Workaround: Create a project in a folder that is not "/mnt/c"

TIE-808Known IssueWhen using WSL, avahi-resolve does not work, thus not resolving the hostnames properlyNot applicableTorizon IDE Extension 2Low

Description: For Windows users, the Toradex SoMs IP are listed instead of their hostname, which makes the user experience of the IDE Extension less optimal.

TIE-791Known IssueWrong network interface is selected when host has two interfacesNot applicableTorizon IDE Extension 2Low

Description: When the host PC has more than one network interface, the extension will pick the first one, which may not be the interface that the target device is connected to. This leads to the extension not being able to connect to the target.

Workaround: Edit the "host_ip" in the VS Code settings.json to use the IP address of the network interface that is the same one the target is connected to.

TIE-787Known IssueVS Code prints the warning ""No qmlls can be found in current Python environment."" related to QML and python, when using a C++ QML projectNot applicableTorizon IDE Extension 2Low

Description: When using a C++ Qt QML project, a warning about Python is printed "No qmlls can be found in current Python environment."

Workaround: Just ignore the warning.

TIE-785Known Issue"Try Update Template" fails for TorizonCore Builder template with the error "Cannot find path '/home/username/.apollox/tcb/.conf/update.json' because it does not exist."Not applicableTorizon IDE Extension 2Low

Description: The Torizon IDE Extension 2 has a feature that allows a user to update their project against the latest version of the template that created it, so they get the latest features and fixes at the template level.

For TorizonCore Builder templates, this feature does not work, and the following error is displayed: "Cannot find path '/home/username/.apollox/tcb/.conf/update.json' because it does not exist."

TIE-784Feature RequestAs a user, I want a better description about the "WARNING: THIS DEVICE IS IN ENGINEERING MODE", so I can understand the impact of this feature and how to get back to normal modeNot applicableTorizon IDE Extension 2

Description: After connecting a device to the IDE Extension 2 for the first time, the following message is printed in the device debug UART or SSH session: WARNING: THIS DEVICE IS IN ENGINEERING MODE

To provide a more meaningful message, a hyperlink to is printed so you can learn more about it.

TIE-762Known IssueTorizon IDE Extension 2 does not connect to the device if the password has special characters, with error "undefined"Not applicableTorizon IDE Extension 2Low

Description: The Torizon IDE Extension 2 does not connect to the device if the password has special characters, with the error "undefined".

TIE-761FixedCreating a multi container project with TCB templates hangs the systemNot applicableTorizon IDE Extension 2Low

Description: Although it is possible to choose and add a TCB template to create a multi-container project, this is not supported yet.

TIE-758Known IssueTemplates for Debian Bookworm using graphic interface are not enabling hardware acceleration by the GPU on i.MX8Not applicableTorizon IDE Extension 2Low

Description: As reported on Limited Support for graphical acceleration on downstream-based modules #51, the templates for i.MX8 are not accelerated by the GPU.

TIE-752Known IssueIf the default device IP changes, the extension does not update the insecure registry entry in the daemon.json, generating a device not reached errorNot applicableTorizon IDE Extension 2Low

Description: As reported in a community post , when a device IP changes, the insecure registry entry is not updated in the daemon.json. This generates a "Device not reached! Please check if the device is turned on and connected to the network" warning message followed by a device not reached error.

Workaround: Remove the device from the IDE extension device list and re-add it.

TIE-726Known Issue"Create Production Docker Image" task shows a "Successfully Finished" message even when the task failsNot applicableTorizon IDE Extension 2Low

Description: The "Create Production Docker Image" task shows a "Successfully Finished" message even when some part of the task has failed.

VS Code 2.0.0-labs-alpha
TIE-747Feature RequestAs a user, I want to be able to run CI/CD pipelines from ApolloX templates in Gitlab CINot applicableVS Code Extension 2.0

Description: The Toradex templates for the IDE 2.0 come with integrated CI pipelines for popular platforms. In this task, GitLab CI integration is added.

TIE-737Feature RequestAs a user, I want to be able to update my application against the latest template updates over time, so I can get the latest and greatest features and fixesNot applicableVS Code Extension 2.0

Description: In IDE 2.0 also known as ApolloX, once you create a project from a template, you have the freedom to modify the template to your project needs, and the ownership to maintain it. To make things easier for you to rebase your project against updates in the templates, we plan to introduce a feature that starts the rebase, allows you to resolve conflicts, and ultimately makes it possible for you to keep your projects up-to-date over their lifecycle.

TIE-733Feature RequestAs a user, I want to have a ASP.NET Blazor Server template to create a project on the extensionNot applicableVS Code Extension 2.0

Description: As ASP.NET is a popular web development framework, Toradex will provide a ASP.NET Blazor Server template for the new IDE Extensions.

TIE-730Feature RequestAs a user, I want to have documentation about the specifics of each template directly on VS Code, so I learn how to configure and use my project following the template proposalNot applicableVS Code Extension 2.0

Description: Each template may have its own particularities, like the Python templates that have a method of creating a virtual environment that only applies to them. We will provide documentation for each template and it will be possible to read it directly on VS Code after you create a new project from a template.

TIE-729Feature RequestAs a user, I want to be able to change the default user to run my application (run as root for example)Not applicableVS Code Extension 2.0

Description: In a few scenarios, setting the user inside the container as "root" instead of "torizon" is required. The IDE Extensions debugger process needs to know this information somehow, in addition to setting it on the Dockerfile or the Docker Compose file.

TIE-728Known IssueError pop-up "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'globalState')" prevents the connected devices feature to workNot applicableVS Code Extension 2.0Low

Description: Error pop-up "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'globalState')" prevents the connected devices feature to work.

TIE-722Known Issue.NET Console and .NET Uno templates debugging not working on the board with error "unable to prepare context: unable to evaluate symlinks in Dockerfile path: lstat /var/rootdirs/home/torizon/Dockerfile.debug: no such file or directory"Not applicableVS Code Extension 2.0Low

Description: The .NET Console and Uno templates are not working when deployed to the board, with the error "unable to prepare context: unable to evaluate symlinks in Dockerfile path: lstat /var/rootdirs/home/torizon/Dockerfile.debug: no such file or directory".

TIE-720Known IssueQt QML C++ template debugging not working with error "qmake: could not exec '/usr/lib/qt5/bin/qmake': No such file or directory"Not applicableVS Code Extension 2.0Low

Description: The Qt QML C++ template does not work with the error "qmake: could not exec '/usr/lib/qt5/bin/qmake': No such file or directory".

TIE-715Feature RequestAs a user, I want to create and update a project for any active TorizonCore version on VS CodeNot applicableVS Code Extension 2.0

Description: Different TorizonCore releases may use different versions of Debian Containers for Torizon. For example, in TorizonCore 5, containers are based on Debian Bullseye whereas, in TorizonCore 6, they are based on Debian Bookworm.

Due to this, a mechanism to allow you to create a project for the version of the Debian containers that matches the version of TorizonCore you are using is required.

TIE-713Known IssueApolloX installed as UI extension on Windows tries to run scripts on \bin\bashNot applicableVS Code Extension 2.0Low

Description: The new IDE Extension, also known as ApolloX, is not meant to be installed on Windows directly. It is only meant to be installed on WSL 2. On this task, the option to install it on Windows will be disabled to prevent errors such as "\bin\bash does not exist".

TIE-671Feature RequestAs a user, I want the VS Code extension integrated with the Platform Services API as soon as I create a project from the template, so I can adopt a DevOps-enabled workflow with low effortNot applicableVS Code Extension 2.0

Description: In the IDE 2.0, also known as ApolloX, it is envisioned that the integration with the Torizon Platform Services - possible through their API - is part of the development workflow and the project lifecycle from day 1, and not just a command to run at the end of the development cycle right before release.

To achieve such goal, we plan to setup projects around a DevOps-oriented workflow where the CI pipelines already have steps that integrate with the Torizon Platform Services, including operations such as pushing the application to the platform and deploying it to a test fleet of devices.

The CI pipelines will be provided for GitHub Actions.

TIE-665Feature RequestAs a user, I want to have Python templates to create a project on the extensionNot applicableVS Code Extension 2.0

Description: As Python is a popular development language, Toradex will provide CLI and PySide (Qt QML) templates for the new IDE Extensions.

TIE-663Feature RequestAs a user, I want to use the VS Code extension with Docker Compose V2Not applicableVS Code Extension 2.0

Description: In the latest Docker installation instructions for Ubuntu which is the Linux distro we test ApolloX against, Docker Compose V2 is installed. Therefore, all templates are being updated to call Docker Compose V2 as "docker compose" instead of "docker-compose", which was the default way for Compose V1.

Workaround: Either install Docker Compose V2 on your development PC (recommended), or symlink/alias the "docker-compose" to point to "docker compose".

TIE-652Feature RequestAs a user, I want a Toradex Labs page, so I learn about the new IDE Extension and its value propositionNot applicableVS Code Extension 2.0

Description: The new IDE Extension proposal is going to be released in Toradex Labs, thus a webpage for the project will be created, so you can learn the benefits, how to get started, and how to provide feedback.

Update: the page has been released and is available on Toradex Labs.

TIE-651Feature RequestAs a user, I want to learn what is the proposed development workflow for the new VS Code IDE ExtensionNot applicableVS Code Extension 2.0

Description: Documentation for ApolloX will be released as it gets promoted to stable.

TIE-650Feature RequestAs a user, I want an easy way to configure a multi-container workspace from templatesNot applicableVS Code Extension 2.0

Description: Throughout the existence of our IDE Extension for VS Code V1.x, several customers requested the ability to develop multi-container applications. Given this requirement, on the new IDE Extension for VS Code 2.x, multi-container support will be added.

TIE-647Feature RequestAs a user, I want a public repository for the Torizon IDE templates, so I can freely modify and contribute to the templatesNot applicableVS Code Extension 2.0

Description: The new Torizon IDE will have a repository with two types of templates: (1) those maintained by Toradex and (2) those provided and maintained by the community. This task aims to create the repository and structure.

Update: the repository is available on our GitHub as vscode-torizon-templates.

TIE-643Feature RequestAs a user, I want minimal documentation for the new IDE Extension for VS Code, so I can evaluate it as early as possibleNot applicableVS Code Extension 2.0

Description: As we come up with a new concept for the IDE Extensions on Toradex Labs, it is planned to release documentation as early as possible so you can test and provide feedback about it as early as possible.

Update: documentation is available on toradex/torizon-experimental-torizon-ide-v2-docs.

TIE-583Feature RequestAs a user, I want to learn about what is provided and what is expected of me about .gitignore files, so I understand what I must maintain by myself during the project lifecycleNot applicableVisual Studio Code Extension

Description: We plan to make some changes to .gitignore files, deprecating project-specific entries. With that, we will also document what is supported and what is expected from users with regards to .gitignore files generated by the IDE Extension.

TIE-259Feature RequestAs a user, I want to be prompted to install third-party extensions that are required by the Torizon extensionNot applicableVS Code Extension 2.0

Description: The VS Code Extension for Torizon leverages third-party extensions to improve the development experience.
For a better UX, we let the users know directly in VS Code what extensions are recommended and easily install them.

Torizon IDE Extension 2 2.0.0
TIE-734New FeatureAs a user, I want a TorizonCore Builder project template, so I can make OS customization closer to the application development and simplify integration tests and CI pipelinesNot applicableVS Code Extension 2.0

Description: The new IDE 2.0 Extension for Torizon, also known as ApolloX, is meant to be a tool that simplifies the development workflows for TorizonCore. This includes OS customization and integration tests.

By providing a TorizonCore Builder template, we allow customers to easily develop their application against a custom TorizonCore, as well as simplify the deployment of such apps and custom OS on a CI pipeline.

VS Code 1.6.0
TIE-717Known IssueOn Python templates, the release Dockerfile has the argument debug instead of release for the and scriptsNot applicableMoses (IDE Backend), Visual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: As reported on Pyhton app ownership issue, the release Dockerfiles for Python pass the wrong argument to "", leading to a wrong app ownership issue.

TIE-670Known IssueDocumentation about Torizon IDE Backend Command-line Interface needs to be updated to include information about the CI/CD pipeline generation commandNot applicableMoses (IDE Backend)Low

Description: The IDE extension CLI documentation is outdated, missing the information about the new CI/CD Pipeline Generation Command and it should be updated. Also, the IDE Extensions back-end is built and published as a standalone package, meant to be used in CI scripts. It is available on our artifacts server.

The documentation on how to install it is outdated, stating that one must also install either the Visual Studio or the VS Code extension, while it is not necessary anymore.

TIE-662Known IssueMoses fails to start due to a dependency problem, with the error "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'openapi_spec_validator.handlers'"Not applicableMoses (IDE Backend)Low

Description: This is a regular maintenance task and not impact users, unless you want to build Moses from source. As versions of libraries used by Moses mismatch, it fails to start with the error "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'openapi_spec_validator.handlers'"

Update: if you want to build Moses from source, use the "dev" branch, where this is fixed.

TIE-658Known IssuePublish application to OTA Server error "FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/credentials/'" for C/C++ applicationsNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: The error "FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/credentials/'" happens when trying to push files to OTA from the VS Code extension on a C/C++ project.

TIE-655Feature RequestAs a user, I want documentation on how to create a CI/CD pipeline for my projectNot applicableVisual Studio Code Extension

Description: To make it easier for you to set up your own CI pipeline from a project built with VS Code, we plan to write documentation and create an example.

Update: documentation is available on Visual Studio Code Extension for Torizon - Continuous Integration and Conntinuous Delivery.

TIE-640Feature RequestAs a user, I want to build my application in a CI/CD environment as I'm using the F5 from VS Code without write the docker run commandNot applicableMoses (IDE Backend)

Description: Today in a CI/CD environment, you need to write a "docker run" command to build the application. This disrupts the IDE Extensions experience since while on the IDE this is made by VS Code behind the scenes, using data present in "launch.json" and "tasks.json".
We will introduce a command on VS Code that generates the build instructions, so the UX of setting up a DevOps CI pipeline is simplified.

Update: the command is available in the early access release, and documentation on how to use it in the Visual Studio Code Extension for Torizon.

TIE-595Feature RequestAs a user, I want to build SDK containers with tdsktNot applicableMoses (IDE Backend)Low

Description: The Torizon IDE Backend Command-line Interface does not allow building the SDK container for C/C++ projects. Due to this, it is currently not possible to build such projects in a CI environment.

Update: this task has been rejected because SDK operations including build the SDK, are already supported.

TIE-594Feature RequestAs a user, I want an update the list of supported SoMs in VS Code, so I can create a new project that supports my SoMColibri iMX6ULL, Colibri iMX7, Colibri iMX8XMoses (IDE Backend)

Description: Recently, the support of some SoMs was dropped (apalis-imx8x, colibri-imx8x-v10b, colibri-imx7, colibri-imx6ull) and others were added (colibri-imx6ull-emmc). We are reviewing the list of supported SoMs, adding the missing ones and removing the obsolete ones.

TIE-573Known IssueInput validation failure on QTDesignStudio preferences "URI with a scheme is expected"Not applicableQt Design Studio Extension for VS CodeLow

Description: The current Torizon QtDesignStudio support plugin asks for a folder where the QtDesignStudio is installed. Any input, even a valid one, triggers a red error saying "URI with a scheme is expected".

TIE-497Feature RequestAs a user, I want to be able to install the IDE-backend on servers/containers without having to install an IDE-extensionNot applicableMoses (IDE Backend)

Description: The IDE Backend for our VS and VS Code extensions is bundled with the IDE Extensions installers. This means that, in practice, if you want to install it you must also install an extension.
This is not ideal for CI/CD pipelines, therefore we plan to release the backend standalone, so it can be easily integrated.

Update: this is done and Moses is being published on

TIE-352Feature RequestAs a user, I want public documentation of ports/protocols used by VS Code, VS and the IDE BackendNot applicableMoses (IDE Backend)Low

Description: The extension currently relies on a number of protocols and ports that are used on the host machine. When access to these are blocked by firewall/antivirus it can cause the extension to fail in ways that aren't obvious to debug.

Additionally, this info is useful to use Moses in a CI environment. This is especially useful given that projects that use an SDK (C/C++) run on a different port.

Visual Studio 1.6.0
Visual Studio 2019 IDe Extension V1.6.0
TIE-352Feature RequestAs a user, I want public documentation of ports/protocols used by VS Code, VS and the IDE BackendNot applicableMoses (IDE Backend)Low

Description: The extension currently relies on a number of protocols and ports that are used on the host machine. When access to these are blocked by firewall/antivirus it can cause the extension to fail in ways that aren't obvious to debug.

Additionally, this info is useful to use Moses in a CI environment. This is especially useful given that projects that use an SDK (C/C++) run on a different port.

Visual Studio 1.5.0
TIE-622FixedVS 2019 does not build project if moses is using different port than 5000Not applicableMoses (IDE Backend), Visual Studio ExtensionLow

Description: VS 2019 does not build project if moses is using different port than 5000

TIE-512FixedVisual Studio 2019 v16.9 not connecting to remote devicesNot applicableVisual Studio ExtensionLow

Description: To learn more about this bug, refer to the community post Visual Studio 2019 remote connection issue on Verdin iMX8M Mini

TIE-489New FeatureAs a user, I want an option to store securely my password and credentials and not being prompted at every push/publish operation.Not applicableVisual Studio Code Extension, Visual Studio ExtensionLow

Description: Add the capability in the IDE Extensions to securely store credentials (Docker Hub, Torizon OTA, etc).

TIE-415New FeatureAs a user I want to have the mnemonic tag used instead of the image name in dockerfile and command lineNot applicableMoses (IDE Backend)Low

Description: When a tag is configured, it should be used by the generated commandline and docker-compose file to make them more generic.

TIE-370New FeatureAs a user, I want to be asked to (re)build a container before pushing it to a container registryNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: If the release image is not available or has never been built, an error is raised. The extensions should ask if the user wants to build a container, instead. If the container exists, ask if the user wants to rebuild it.

TIE-254New FeatureAs a user, I want the IDE extension to automatically push docker-compose files to Torizon OTA, so I don't have to manually do itAll supported modulesMoses (IDE Backend), Visual Studio Code Extension, Visual Studio ExtensionLow

Description: The IDE Extensions should be able to push docker-compose files to Torizon OTA.

VS Code 1.5.0
TIE-627Feature Request"Torizon: Build release container for the application" does not compile the source code for Qt projects with error "make: *** No rule to make target 'install'. Stop.". A similar issue also happens for C and C++ singlefile projectsNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: When trying to execute the command Torizon: Build release container for the applicationon Qt-based C/C++ projects the source code does not compile, showing the following error: make: *** No rule to make target 'install'. Stop.

Workaround: Workaround: Switching to the release configuration with the command `Torizon C/C++: Switch to release configuration`, executing the default build, deploy and run on debug mode command by pressing `F5` and them running the command `Torizon: Build release container for the application`

TIE-618FixedCreating a C/C++ application and launching reports "chgrp: changing group of '/var/run/docker.sock': Operation not permitted"Not applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: When creating or opening an existing C/C++ application, a console reports "chgrp: changing group of '/var/run/docker.sock': Operation not permitted".

Workaround: While this message seems alarming at first sight, it has no negative impact and you can ignore it.

TIE-615FixedQt Types inspection during debug do not working as expected, showing binary values instead of Qt data typesNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: Even though support for Qt data types has been added, it doesn't seem to be working as expected in debug mode.

TIE-614Fixeddevice_cgroup_rules not being exported on docker-composeNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: When running the command "Torizon: export docker-compose file", the generated Docker Compose file misses cgroup rules configured in the project.

Workaround: Manually add the cgroup_rules to the generated Docker Compose file. Check out the Compose v2 reference doc.

TIE-613FixedNewly created Qt Widgets projects report "command 'torizon.ccpp.getTargetFolder' not found"Not applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: When creating a new C/C++ project of type QT/Widgets, and then trying to run the build, the error "command 'torizon.ccpp.getTargetFolder' not found" happens.

Workaround: This has been addressed and the issue has been fixed.

TIE-611FixedExtension does not activate when a devcontainer C/C++ project is loadedNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: The first time that a c/c++ project is loaded, also every time the devpackages change which lead to a reload and rebuild of the SDK (that uses the devcontainer feature) the extension is not loaded and in fact is disabled.

Workaround: To enable it, the workaround is to reload the window (ctrl+shift+p->→ Reload Window)

TIE-609FixedPython Qt UI project failing to build with error "Variable ${config:python.pythonPath} can not be resolved because setting 'python.pythonPath' not found."Not applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: When trying to build a Python Qt UI project the following error is shown: "Variable ${config:python.pythonPath} can not be resolved because setting 'python.pythonPath' not found."

TIE-589Fixeddocker-compose for release container does not work for C/C++ qt-qml applicationsNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: This error is a side-effect of another known bug, in which device_cgroup_rules is not being properly added to the autogenerated Docker Compose files.

TIE-560Known Issuebuild_release task not working on Qt Based projectsNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: There was a report that the build_release for Qt-based projects is not working. We will investigate it and, if the bug is confirmed, fix it.

Workaround: You can edit the ".vscode/tasks.json" manually and add the missing property "dependsOn: qmake_release" to the "build_release" task.

Visual Studio 1.4.0
TIE-443New FeatureAs a user, I want Verdin iMX8MP support in the IDE ExtensionsVerdin iMX8M PlusMoses (IDE Backend), Visual Studio Code Extension, Visual Studio ExtensionLow

Description: Verdin iMX8M Plus support in the IDE Extensions.

TIE-427FixedExport of volumes to docker-compose file generates wrong syntaxNot applicableMoses (IDE Backend)Low

Description: The rw mount specifier is appended to the mount point name using the wrong separator, this leads to an incorrect mount point name inside the container.

TIE-400FixedBase container for arm64-wayland platform does not include Vivante driversNot applicableMoses (IDE Backend)Low

Description: Base container for arm64-wayland platform does not include Vivante drivers.

TIE-398FixedExport of volumes to command line generates wrong syntaxNot applicableMoses (IDE Backend)Low

Description: The rw mount specifier is appended to the mount point name using the wrong separator, this leads to an incorrect mount point name inside the container.

TIE-360FixedPlatform docker-compose file is not considered when exporting docker-composeNot applicableMoses (IDE Backend)Low

Description: It's possible to specify a docker-compose file for an application and it will be merged with additional parameters to run the application. The docker-compose file can be specified also by the platform (ex: for platforms who need to run weston), but it is ignored during export.

TIE-325FixedNew application wizard closes when VS Code window loses focusNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: This can be fixed by forcing the different controls using during app creation to ignore focus change. The user will have to press ESC to abort project creation.

TIE-311New FeatureLocal Docker registry supportAll supported modulesMoses (IDE Backend), Visual Studio Code Extension, Visual Studio Extension

Description: Using a local Docker registry improves performance and decreases dependencies on external projects.

TIE-309New FeatureAs a user, I want to use .NET 5 runtime in the IDE Extensions, so I can leverage the new runtime with bug fixes and new featuresAll supported modulesMoses (IDE Backend)Low

Description: Update .NET runtime version to 5.

TIE-306New FeatureAs a user, I want to use the IDE Extensions to develop on Colibri iMX6ULL, so I can be more productive developing software for my productsColibri iMX6ULLMoses (IDE Backend), Visual Studio Code Extension, Visual Studio ExtensionLow

Description: Add support to Colibri iMX6ULL in the IDE extensions.

TIE-253New FeaturePush containers to a registryAll supported modulesMoses (IDE Backend), Visual Studio Code Extension, Visual Studio ExtensionLow

Description: The IDE extensions should be able to push container image to a registry.

TIE-158New FeatureGenerate Dockerfile, command line and docker-compose file to run release containerAll supported modulesMoses (IDE Backend), Visual Studio Code Extension, Visual Studio ExtensionLow

Description: Add support to generated Dockerfiles and docker-compose files in the IDE Extensions.

VS Code 1.4.0
TIE-570New FeatureAs a user, I want documentation on how to use the Uno Platform on VS CodeNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: While we migrate the Uno Platform integration support from experimental to stable, the documentation present on GitHub will be migrated to the Toradex developer website

TIE-566New FeatureAs a developer I want to bump the .NET Core 3 and .NET 6 version with the latest security patchesNot applicableMoses (IDE Backend), Visual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: The versions of .NET Core 3 and .NET 6 must be bumped to the latest. This is in preparation for our upcoming stable release.

TIE-563New FeatureAs a user, I want the Uno Platform support promoted to stable, so I can leverage it for my projects in the long termNot applicableMoses (IDE Backend), Visual Studio Code Extension

Description: As we plan a stable release of VS Code, it was decided to update the Uno Platform integration from experimental to supported. It will be updated to the latest version, working with .NET 6.

Documentation on GitHub is deprecated and an updated version of it released on the Developer website

TIE-561FixedHigh severity vulnerability reported by npm audit: Exposure of Sensitive Information in simple-getNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionCritical

Description: We have found a high-severity vulnerability in the NPM package simple-get tracked by CVE-2022-0355 when running "npm audit" in our CI pipeline. If you are using the extension V1.3.0, please switch to the latest early access release.

TIE-554FixedWhen opening a project without IDs and keys, the appconfig_0/config.yaml file contents are deletedNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: When opening any project without IDs and keys, removed with the command "Torizon: Remove IDs and keys from application", the "appconfig_0/config.yaml" file contents are deleted.

TIE-552FixedASP.NET Internal Server error: 'PlatformConfig' object has no attribute 'init_validation_tables'Not applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: When creating a new application, you will see the following error: Internal server error :: Error (500) - 'PlatformConfig' object has no attribute 'init_validation_tables'

TIE-547FixedUnable to create TorizonCore Builder project if the image installed on the board is not available on Artifactory anymoreNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: When creating a new TCB project on VS Code, there is an option to select the image currently on the device as the image to initialize the project.
For pre-releases (monthly and nightly images), Artifactory has a pruning policy and there are no guarantees that the image from the device will still be available for fetching. This leads to the project not being fully created.

TIE-544Fixed"extraparams" sytax validation is preventing "device_cgroup_rules" from being setNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: When trying to set device_cgroup_rules in the extraparams property, a syntax validation error prevents from proceeding.
If setting up the property as device_cgroup_rule just to be able to continue and after that edit the YAML, another syntax validation error happens when trying to set the rules to \[ "c 199:* rmw" , "c 226:* rmw" ].

Workaround: Edit the property manually inside the file "appconfig_0/config.yaml".

TIE-542New FeatureAs a user, I want an update the list of supported SoMs in Moses, so I can create a new project that supports my SoMColibri iMX6ULL, Colibri iMX7, Colibri iMX8XMoses (IDE Backend)

Description: Recently, the support of some SoMs was dropped (apalis-imx8x, colibri-imx8x-v10b, colibri-imx7, colibri-imx6ull) and others were added (colibri-imx6ull-emmc). We are reviewing the list of supported SoMs, adding the missing ones and removing the obsolete ones.

TIE-540FixedExposure of sensitive information in the NPM package "follow-redirects"Not applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionCritical

Description: A vulnerability in the NPM package "follows-redirects" has been patched and we must update to using the patched version as soon as possible. Learn more about the vulnerability on CVE-2022-0155: Exposure of sensitive information in follow-redirects

TIE-537FixedUnable to create a volume due to error "Value does not appear to be a valid relative file path."Not applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: When creating a new volume in the Torizon properties, if the value of the property is set to an absolute path (for example /tmp), the extension will not allow that with the error: "Value does not appear to be a valid relative file path."

TIE-532FixedOn VS Code, the environment variables ("env" section) of tasks.json get overwritten by the extensionsNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: When editing environment variables in the tasks.json file, for example when configuring a C/C++ build, the extension overwrites - and therefore ignores - them during the build process.

Workaround: This is fixed. Update to the latest early access of the VS Code extension.

TIE-531FixedIn C/C++ projects, cannot activate the 'Toradex Torizon Support (Early Access)' extension because it depends on the 'YAML' extension which is disabledNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: Adding the YAML extension required for some projects as a global dependency causes the extension to fail to start inside the development container for C/C++ projects.

Workaround: Update to the latest version of the VS Code extension for Torizon (early access).

TIE-521FixedUnable to create .NET Blazor applications using the early access versions of the extension for VS CodeNot applicableMoses (IDE Backend), Visual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: Due to validation files missing for .NET Blazor applications, it is not possible to create projects for the provided Blazor templates.

TIE-520FixedUnable to connect to community devices that report the "aarch64" architectureNot applicableMoses (IDE Backend)Low

Description: For community devices that returns `aarch64` instead of `arm64` from `arch` command, the Moses back-end does not connect saying it is an `Unsupported architecture`

TIE-519FixedVolumes configuration no longer accepts file paths with certain characters, like dot and dashMoses (IDE Backend), Visual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: To make the user experience with the extensions more reliable, we have introduced input fields validation. With it, file paths with some characters like dot (.) and dash (-) were evaluated as invalid, even though they are actually valid.

TIE-511New FeatureAs a user, I want to use .NET 6 because it is a Long Term Support (LTS) version of .NETNot applicableMoses (IDE Backend), Visual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: Microsoft has released .NET 6 as a Long Term Support (LTS) version. We are adding support of .NET 6 to our IDE extension, including templates.
Support for .NET 5 will be kept for existing projects, but it will be omitted from the "create new project" templates.

TIE-506FixedVS Code Extension recursively creating appconfig_0 directory in .NET projectsVerdin iMX8M MiniVisual Studio Code ExtensionMedium

Description: A customer reported that when he tries to deploy his application using the VS Code Extension, it was taking way too long. He noticed that each time he tried to build the image, a new appconfig_0 folder would be created inside of the previous one, in a loop-like format. This issue only affects .NET projects.

TIE-489New FeatureAs a user, I want an option to store securely my password and credentials and not being prompted at every push/publish operation.Not applicableVisual Studio Code Extension, Visual Studio ExtensionLow

Description: Add the capability in the IDE Extensions to securely store credentials (Docker Hub, Torizon OTA, etc).

TIE-475New FeatureVSCode: Add debugging capabilties for Qt data typesNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: Currently when developing Qt applications there seems to be a limitation with debugging Qt data types/objects. For example when debugging the value of a `QString`, you'll see basic information like the size of the data, but it won't actually show the value of the string. This is due to Qt implementing somewhat complex data types that can't be easily parsed by GDB. So we should seek to improve the debugging experience for Qt applications, by at least allowing proper debugging of Qt-specific data types, if possible.

TIE-415New FeatureAs a user I want to have the mnemonic tag used instead of the image name in dockerfile and command lineNot applicableMoses (IDE Backend)Low

Description: When a tag is configured, it should be used by the generated commandline and docker-compose file to make them more generic.

TIE-414New FeatureAs a user, I want to be able to shutdown and reboot devices from the device listNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: Often during development, you may need to reboot your device. We are conveniently adding reboot and shutdown buttons to our IDE Extensions, so the task is made easier.

TIE-370New FeatureAs a user, I want to be asked to (re)build a container before pushing it to a container registryNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: If the release image is not available or has never been built, an error is raised. The extensions should ask if the user wants to build a container, instead. If the container exists, ask if the user wants to rebuild it.

TIE-254New FeatureAs a user, I want the IDE extension to automatically push docker-compose files to Torizon OTA, so I don't have to manually do itAll supported modulesMoses (IDE Backend), Visual Studio Code Extension, Visual Studio ExtensionLow

Description: The IDE Extensions should be able to push docker-compose files to Torizon OTA.

TIE-245New FeatureAs a user, I want to configure TorizonCore using a Graphical User Interface on VS CodeAll supported modulesVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: The Torizon Platform is envisioned to be an easy-to-use platform for embedded systems. To achieve this goal, Toradex provides the TorizonCore OS as a binary distribution, which means you don't need to build it from source with the Yocto Project, for instance.
To help you customize TorizonCore without having to rebuild the OS, we provide the TorizonCore Builder tool. It is a command-line tool that allows customizing the OS behavior, device tree, splash screen, among other features.
As a further step to improve your end-to-end development experience, we are creating an integration between TorizonCore Builder and the Visual Studio Code Extension for Torizon. This integration will abstract the calls to command-line commands and make it easier and faster to deploy and test your changes to the board, among other benefits.

Learn how to get started on TorizonCore Builder VS Code Integration

Visual Studio 1.3.0
TIE-263FixedImages in marketplace page are no longer rendered correctlyAll supported modulesVisual Studio ExtensionLow

Description: It seems that images that include extra attributes are no longer converted to HTML in the right way by the website.

TIE-261FixedSDK build not working when buildkit is enabledMoses (IDE Backend)Low

Description: When buildkit is enabled you can't reference local images. This prevents multi-stage builds or Dockerfile referencing a local image from working. SDK uses a container that is generated on the fly and kept on the local machine and this fails.

Workaround: Disable buildkit on the local Docker installation.

TIE-260FixedBuild of SDK container fails on WindowsMoses (IDE Backend)Low

Description: Docker on Windows generates an internal exception when the IDE backed checks if the SDK container is actually running. This behavior is not reproducible on all Windows 10 machines, even when they run the same docker ad Windows 10 releases.

TIE-234FixedMultiple Devices with Different user cause duplicate volumesVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: If you are connecting multiple devices and these devices are using different users the IDE backend will create a duplicate volume entry for the project for each user.

Workaround: Select the debug configuration and manually delete the duplicate volume entry for the user that you want.

TIE-201FixedDownload/Update base containers operation never completes if there is a download errorVisual Studio ExtensionLow

Description: When a download error happens the operation will not complete, no error message is shown and the menu option remains grayed out until visual studio is restarted.

TIE-97FixedVisual Studio Plugin Project Build ErrorVisual Studio ExtensionLow

Description: During the first build of a C++ project with Visual Studio Plugin, one may see the following error message: "error : Error calling ApplicationUpdatesdk: {"code": 500, "description": "Internal server error"

Workaround: Build the project again.

TIE-12FixedSometimes Visual Studio displays the message "Visual Studio stopped responding for X seconds"Visual Studio ExtensionLow

Description: Sometimes Visual Studio displays the message "Visual Studio stopped responding for X seconds. Disabling the extension Torizon Visual Studio Development Tools might help". It may be possible to optimize the plugin to avoid it from happening. Despite the latency caused by Visual Studio becoming non-responsive, there are no side-effects reported.

Workaround: Just click "Don't report this extension again".

VS Code 1.3.0
TIE-472FixedCMake library template ignores project nameNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: The project name specified by the uset is not taken in account by the template that uses dummy-000 as base name.

Workaround: Change the CMakeList.txt files manually and set the exename property to the right file name.

TIE-462New FeatureAs a user, I want a sample application that shows how to build multiple components in the same project.Not applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: This can be done using CMake and may be provided as a template. The project should be minimal, building a library with one function and an executable calling it. It could be used to show how to do this and also how such a thing can be debugged.

TIE-443New FeatureAs a user, I want Verdin iMX8MP support in the IDE ExtensionsVerdin iMX8M PlusMoses (IDE Backend), Visual Studio Code Extension, Visual Studio ExtensionLow

Description: Verdin iMX8M Plus support in the IDE Extensions.

TIE-434FixedExtension activation high CPU usage when checking if Docker is runningVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: The IDE Extension causes a high CPU usage when checking if Docker is running.

TIE-427FixedExport of volumes to docker-compose file generates wrong syntaxNot applicableMoses (IDE Backend)Low

Description: The rw mount specifier is appended to the mount point name using the wrong separator, this leads to an incorrect mount point name inside the container.

TIE-425FixedEULA Accept License does not workNot applicableMoses (IDE Backend), Visual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: After installing the latest Early Access on Visual Studio Code, every time Visual Studio Code is opened, the user is prompt to accept the NXP EULA.

TIE-424FixedInvalid device appears in devices list and debug and other features no longer worksNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: Using VSCode version 1.55.2 or newer a random invalid device appears in the devices list and features like starting the debugger or creating a new project stop working.

TIE-421FixedInvalid device appears in devices list and debug and other features no longer worksNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: Using VSCode version 1.55.2 or newer a random invalid device appears in the devices list and features like starting the debugger or creating a new project stop working.

TIE-418FixedDeleting a configuration does not refresh the configurations listNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: When deleting a configuration, the configuration is removed, the message about activation of a different configuration is shown (when needed), but the deleted configuration is still visible in the list.

Workaround: Reloading the window using the "Developer: Reload Window" command fixes the issue.

TIE-412FixedDocker error when setting network mode to hostNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: When the extra-parameter "network_mode" is set to "host" the debugger stops working.

Workaround: Issue has been fixed in v1.3.117, available via early access on marketplace.

TIE-404FixedUsing a docker volume target with a comma in the filename results in an error.Not applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: In the Visual Studio Code extension, specifying a docker volume target with a comma in the filename results in a `Remote docker exception`.

Workaround: Do not use a comma in the filename of the container-side mapping. The comma in the host side volume specification works as expected.

TIE-403FixedC/C++ Template code does not generate immediate outputNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: Our template code does not append a newline after the message, this means that no output is visible in the output terminal until a new line is printed or execution terminates. Since this may be confusing for new users doing step-by-step execution, we should add a line ending to fix the issue.

TIE-400FixedBase container for arm64-wayland platform does not include Vivante driversNot applicableMoses (IDE Backend)Low

Description: Base container for arm64-wayland platform does not include Vivante drivers.

TIE-398FixedExport of volumes to command line generates wrong syntaxNot applicableMoses (IDE Backend)Low

Description: The rw mount specifier is appended to the mount point name using the wrong separator, this leads to an incorrect mount point name inside the container.

TIE-396FixedVSCode: C/C++ Dev-container fails to build with buildx enabled.Not applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: When buildx is enabled (this is the default in latest docker releases, at least on Windows), build of SDK container fails because system is not able to find the source image. Error message is not very clear and seem to imply some missing access rights on

Workaround: Issue has been fixed in v1.3.117, available on early access channel in visual studio marketplace.

TIE-395FixedPython setup script may fail on windows machines if git converts line-endingsNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: If a user configured git to convert line ending from the original format to Windows CR+LF this will change the and scripts, generating an error when those are executed in the Linux container during build.

Workaround: Convert, and requirements.txt to unix-style line endings.

TIE-394Fixedmounts specified in extraparms are not exported to command lineNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: When adding an extra parameter like: mounts : [{ type: "bind", source: "/media", target: "/media", propagation; "shared" }] The parameter is used when running the container, but it's not exported when generating the command line.

TIE-393FixedgetHostTriplet commands returns an invalid stringNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: the torizon.ccpp.getHostTriplet command that can be used in tasks returns a string that is missing the last character, this can lead to build errors.

TIE-388FixedMessage for release container deployment says "deployin" instead of deploying.Not applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: Fix typo in the release container deployment message.

TIE-386FixedInfo tab is not in sync with current state of objectNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: This may happen when a device is deleted or when the information is refreshed, the info panel content is not refreshed and may show old information.

Workaround: Click on the object to refresh the information.

TIE-385FixedVS Code Unable to Prepend Volumes With Application IDNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: VS Code unable to prepend volumes with application ID.

TIE-384FixedChanging configuration may lead to invalid executableNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: In C/C++ projects when changing configuration from arm32 to arm64 or vice-versa the system may not rebuild the final executable (depending on the build system) and this may lead to a wrong exe being executed on the target during debug/release.

Workaround: Manually rebuild application when changing active configuration.

TIE-383FixedRebuild and reload in container command doesn't open container when executed in local modeNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: When the command is executed while the project is already opened in a container, it works. When executed without a container ready (ex: opening the project on a different machine) it rebuilds the container but does not switch to container mode.

Workaround: After container build has completed, reload project in a container using the Remote-Containers/Reload in container command.

TIE-382New FeatureAs a user, I want the Uno Platform integrated in the VS Code IDE extensionNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: Uno Platform templates integrated into the IDE Extensions.

TIE-381FixedVSCode: Building a python project in the debug configuration without debug/deploying first failsNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: Building a python project in the debug configuration without debug/deploying first fails.

TIE-378FixedIssues building wayland applications targeting imx8 using vscode extensionVerdin iMX8M Plus, Verdin iMX8M Mini, Colibri iMX8X, Apalis iMX8XMoses (IDE Backend), Visual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: Fix a change in packages for vivante-imx8 specific libraries that broke the platform template used by the extension.

TIE-377FixedWhen a device is deleted from the device list, all the devices which are listed below are also removedNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: When a device is deleted from the device list, all the devices which are listed below are also removed, and we have to include them again.

TIE-360FixedPlatform docker-compose file is not considered when exporting docker-composeNot applicableMoses (IDE Backend)Low

Description: It's possible to specify a docker-compose file for an application and it will be merged with additional parameters to run the application. The docker-compose file can be specified also by the platform (ex: for platforms who need to run weston), but it is ignored during export.

TIE-334FixedError Exporting Docker Compose FileVerdin iMX8M Plus, Verdin iMX8M Mini, Colibri iMX8X, Colibri iMX6ULL, Colibri iMX7, Colibri iMX6, Apalis iMX8, Apalis iMX6, Apalis iMX8XVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: When exporting a docker-compose file you get the error:

ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)

This happens when ",rw" or similar attribute is appended to destination for volumes.

TIE-325FixedNew application wizard closes when VS Code window loses focusNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: This can be fixed by forcing the different controls using during app creation to ignore focus change. The user will have to press ESC to abort project creation.

TIE-311New FeatureLocal Docker registry supportAll supported modulesMoses (IDE Backend), Visual Studio Code Extension, Visual Studio Extension

Description: Using a local Docker registry improves performance and decreases dependencies on external projects.

TIE-309New FeatureAs a user, I want to use .NET 5 runtime in the IDE Extensions, so I can leverage the new runtime with bug fixes and new featuresAll supported modulesMoses (IDE Backend)Low

Description: Update .NET runtime version to 5.

TIE-306New FeatureAs a user, I want to use the IDE Extensions to develop on Colibri iMX6ULL, so I can be more productive developing software for my productsColibri iMX6ULLMoses (IDE Backend), Visual Studio Code Extension, Visual Studio ExtensionLow

Description: Add support to Colibri iMX6ULL in the IDE extensions.

TIE-253New FeaturePush containers to a registryAll supported modulesMoses (IDE Backend), Visual Studio Code Extension, Visual Studio ExtensionLow

Description: The IDE extensions should be able to push container image to a registry.

TIE-158New FeatureGenerate Dockerfile, command line and docker-compose file to run release containerAll supported modulesMoses (IDE Backend), Visual Studio Code Extension, Visual Studio ExtensionLow

Description: Add support to generated Dockerfiles and docker-compose files in the IDE Extensions.

Visual Studio 1.2.0
TIE-314FixedDownload of debian package lists fails on WindowsVisual Studio Code Extension, Visual Studio ExtensionLow

Description: When building an image, during the apt-get update command execution you may get the following error: {code:bash} Release file for is not valid yet (invalid for another 18513d 2h 11min 31s). Updates for this repository will not be applied. {code} When this happens time on the linux/arm platform seem to be set to the wrong date (usually the beginning of unix epoch). You can test this by running a standard debian image: {code:bash} docker run -it --rm --platform linux/arm debian:bullseye-slim Unable to find image 'debian:bullseye-slim' locally bullseye-slim: Pulling from library/debian 5ed966da184b: Pull complete Digest: sha256:6dd2509b000570c24fbf0dd6ea4c907227e36f77b8a7ca2b818464bbff8287dc Status: Downloaded newer image for debian:bullseye-slim root@cb280c464483:/# date Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 UTC 1970 {code}

Workaround: Usually just running the container build multiple times solves the issue. Restarting docker also works, but if you are using VSCode inside a container this will force you to exit the system.

TIE-308FixedCan't use spaces in log file path for IDE backendColibri iMX7Visual Studio ExtensionLow

Description: When configuring the log file paths you can't use a path that include spaces, this leads to a failure when starting the IDE backend.

Workaround: Configure a path with no spaces for the log file.

TIE-203New FeatureAdapt IDE Extensions to Debian BullseyeAll supported modulesMoses (IDE Backend)

Description: Add support to Debian Bullseye in the IDE extensions

TIE-184New FeaturePreview releases for IDE extensionsAll supported modulesVisual Studio Code Extension, Visual Studio Extension

Description: Publish one additional extension in the marketplace (for each IDE) called Preview to release development versions of the Extensions.

TIE-77Fixedextraparms setting not available in Visual Studio 2019 Application Properties dialogVisual Studio Extension

Description: This setting can be used to configure additional settings related to container execution. It's available in Visual Studio Code UI, but not in Visual Studio 2019.

TIE-98FixedVS Extension: Adding outside files/folder to the project causes compilation to failAll supported modulesMoses (IDE Backend)Low

Description: When trying to add files/folder that are located outside of the the main VS project folder the project folder structure then gets altered. This alteration of the folder structure then causes things like compilation and debugging to fail.

TIE-76FixedVisual Studio Code for Linux fails attempting to add a device via serialAll supported modulesMoses (IDE Backend)Low

Description: Customer in referenced community post has an issue in the VScode extension where attempting to add a device via serial seems to fail.

TIE-64FixedVisual Studio error: Object reference not set to an instance of an objectMoses (IDE Backend), Visual Studio ExtensionLow

Description: On one of the PCs where the extension has been tested, when executing "Deploy and Debug Torizon Application", a dialog pops-up with the error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". From this point onwards, it is impossible to deploy and debug Torizon applications, even if a new project is created or Visual Studio is restarted. There are issues also accessing the debugging options of the project and of any project created using the Visual Studio for Linux extension.

Workaround: Uninstall and Reinstall Visual Studio.

VS Code 1.2.0
TIE-268FixedEPERM trying to run the "Torizon: Rebuild SDK and reload"All supported modulesVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: Run "Torizon: Rebuild SDK and reload in container" results in an EPERM error (3).

TIE-261FixedSDK build not working when buildkit is enabledMoses (IDE Backend)Low

Description: When buildkit is enabled you can't reference local images. This prevents multi-stage builds or Dockerfile referencing a local image from working. SDK uses a container that is generated on the fly and kept on the local machine and this fails.

Workaround: Disable buildkit on the local Docker installation.

TIE-260FixedBuild of SDK container fails on WindowsMoses (IDE Backend)Low

Description: Docker on Windows generates an internal exception when the IDE backed checks if the SDK container is actually running. This behavior is not reproducible on all Windows 10 machines, even when they run the same docker ad Windows 10 releases.

TIE-234FixedMultiple Devices with Different user cause duplicate volumesVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: If you are connecting multiple devices and these devices are using different users the IDE backend will create a duplicate volume entry for the project for each user.

Workaround: Select the debug configuration and manually delete the duplicate volume entry for the user that you want.

TIE-212FixedUse backend to resolve hostname for debug connectionsVisual Studio Code ExtensionMedium

Description: When debugger is started the project is correctly built and deployed, but then debugger fails to start

Workaround: Add .local as suffix to the device hostname or replace hostname with the device IP address.

TIE-1New FeatureSupport C/C++ development in VS Code providing cross-compiling and remote debuggingVisual Studio Code Extension

Description: Developing applications in C/C++ will be supported by the Visual Studio Code extension for Torizon. Cross-compilation and remote debugging will be supported.

VS Code 1.1.0
TIE-314FixedDownload of debian package lists fails on WindowsVisual Studio Code Extension, Visual Studio ExtensionLow

Description: When building an image, during the apt-get update command execution you may get the following error: {code:bash} Release file for is not valid yet (invalid for another 18513d 2h 11min 31s). Updates for this repository will not be applied. {code} When this happens time on the linux/arm platform seem to be set to the wrong date (usually the beginning of unix epoch). You can test this by running a standard debian image: {code:bash} docker run -it --rm --platform linux/arm debian:bullseye-slim Unable to find image 'debian:bullseye-slim' locally bullseye-slim: Pulling from library/debian 5ed966da184b: Pull complete Digest: sha256:6dd2509b000570c24fbf0dd6ea4c907227e36f77b8a7ca2b818464bbff8287dc Status: Downloaded newer image for debian:bullseye-slim root@cb280c464483:/# date Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 UTC 1970 {code}

Workaround: Usually just running the container build multiple times solves the issue. Restarting docker also works, but if you are using VSCode inside a container this will force you to exit the system.

TIE-299Fixed.NET 5.0 applications can't be debugged on ARM32 architecturesVerdin iMX8M Plus, Verdin iMX8M Mini, Colibri iMX8X, Colibri iMX6ULL, Colibri iMX7, Colibri iMX6, Apalis iMX8, Apalis iMX6, Apalis iMX8XVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: This is a known issue of the VS debugger that is used by VSCode and Visual Studio 2019 to debug .NET Core applications: Issue has been reported to MS and may be fixed in a new release of the debugger, but no timeline has been given.

Workaround: Keep using .NET Core 3.1 if using a 32 bit target.

TIE-203New FeatureAdapt IDE Extensions to Debian BullseyeAll supported modulesMoses (IDE Backend)

Description: Add support to Debian Bullseye in the IDE extensions

TIE-191FixedNPM Pointing Security Vulnerability on VS Code buildVisual Studio Code ExtensionMedium

Description: No need public description, this is a development issue, we need to update the npm library lodash

Workaround: No need public description, this is a development issue, we need to update the npm library lodash

TIE-184New FeaturePreview releases for IDE extensionsAll supported modulesVisual Studio Code Extension, Visual Studio Extension

Description: Publish one additional extension in the marketplace (for each IDE) called Preview to release development versions of the Extensions.

TIE-183Fixed.NET Console Application template with wrong indentationVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: When a .NET Console project is created using VS Code extension, the program.cs file is not created with the correct indentation

Workaround: Select the block with the incorrect indentation and apply a TAB

TIE-150FixedUsing VS Code Insiders version with the C/C++ Template returns "Error property 'program' is missing or empty"Visual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: Using VS Code Insiders version with the C/C++ Template returns "Error property 'program' is missing or empty"

Workaround: This is an internal version, so no public workaround

TIE-148FixedC/C++ support does not work on insider's builds of VSCodeVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: The extension registers itself to run inside the container by creating a subfolder in the folder where VSCode keeps its extensions. Unfortunately this path is different between stable and insiders builds and so extension does not run there.

TIE-147New FeatureQt applications development support in VS CodeQt Design Studio Extension for VS Code, Visual Studio Code Extension

Description: Qt applications development support in VS Code.

TIE-137FixedDebugger does not connect if network mode of the container is set to hostVisual Studio Code Extension

Description: When "network_mode" extraproperty of configuration is set to "host" the container runs in host mode, but debugger can't connect.

TIE-98FixedVS Extension: Adding outside files/folder to the project causes compilation to failAll supported modulesMoses (IDE Backend)Low

Description: When trying to add files/folder that are located outside of the the main VS project folder the project folder structure then gets altered. This alteration of the folder structure then causes things like compilation and debugging to fail.

TIE-76FixedVisual Studio Code for Linux fails attempting to add a device via serialAll supported modulesMoses (IDE Backend)Low

Description: Customer in referenced community post has an issue in the VScode extension where attempting to add a device via serial seems to fail.

TIE-94FixedCommand to create ASP.NET application fails if the extension is not loadedVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: Visual studio code activates the extensions on different event. Torizon extension is activated and loaded when an existing project is opened, when a new python or .NET application is create or when the Torizon bar is used. ASP.NET app creation command was not considered an activation event and so it fails if you try to execute it when the extension is not already loaded.

Workaround: Open the torizon bar by clicking on the Torizon logo in the Visual Studio code Activity Bar on the left side of VS Code main window, this will activate the extension and allow you to run the ASP.NET application create command.

TIE-74FixedSSH error on Windows when debugging a .NET application from a folder that is not under user's homeVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: When developing a .NET application that is stored in a folder that is not under the user home or is accessible to all users, you get an error when trying to start debugger. On the debug console you can see an error message from SSH complaining about the fact that the permissions for the key file are too open.

Workaround: Move your project under your home folder or change it's access rights to make it accessible only from your user.

TIE-6New FeatureASP.NET templates for Visual Studio Code ExtensionsVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: ASP.NET provides multiple application types. Current template uses basic MVC, but this may not fit customer’s requirement. New templates has been added for most of the ASP.NET application types supported by the “dotnet new” command. A more flexible template definition (via YAML file) has been added and may allow definition of more templates also for other languages.

TIE-71FixedWeird behavior in the appconfig_0 folderVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: An error was causing a weird behavior in the appconfig_0 folder of the VSCode plugin.

TIE-14FixedApply environment settings to Dockerfile and ssh connection in debug buildsVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: Currently settings added via the "env" property are applied only when the application runs in the release container. Debugger connects over SSH and those variables are not defined when the application runs.

TIE-62FixedVS Code Extension - Error Deploying to Device using WSL 2: can't find a valid IP for apalis-imx8Visual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: On Windows 10 Home and WSL 2, when deploying to a device, the following error occurs several times: "Error (545) - Can't find a valid IP for board name". NOTE: Windows 10 Home and WSL 2 are not supported at the moment.

Workaround: Retry to deploy (press F5 for instance) until it works. It may work on 1 out of 10 tries.

TIE-65FixedError adding device: this.refresh is not a function in VS Code ExtensionVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: Error in Visual Studio Code extension when adding device from network

TIE-108FixedError on 64-bit .NET Core containersVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: 64-bit .NET Core container does not work

TCB Integration 0.x.y-labs-alpha
TIE-639Feature RequestAs a user, I want the TorizonCore Builder IDE integration supported on VS Code IDE V2.0 (ApolloX)Not applicableTorizonCore Builder Extension for VS Code, Visual Studio Code Extension

Description: In the VS Code Extension for Torizon 1.x (early access only), the TorizonCore Builder integration has been added to the main extension, as documented on TorizonCore Builder VS Code Integration.

In the version 2.x, also known as ApolloX, we reintegrated the TorizonCore Builder support. ApolloX uses TorizonCore Builder VS Code extension as a dependency for OS customization features.

Not Planned
TIE-871Known IssueCreating project inside `/mnt` folder is not allowedVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: Creating a project inside the /mnt root directory is not allowed on Windows, but on Linux it should be.

Workaround: Use another base directory.

TIE-642Known IssueEnable ARM emulation inside a dev container fails with error "Command 'Torizon: Enable ARM emulation for docker containers' resulted in an error (command 'torizon.enableARMemulation' not found)"Visual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: When a C/C++ project is opened inside a container on VS Code - which is common - it is not possible to enable ARM emulation. This is because ARM emulation must be enabled on the host.

Workaround: Either (1) close the remote container and run the command again or (2) run the command from the command-line.

TIE-636Known IssueVS Code Extension C/C++ environment "Exit code 1"Not applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionCritical

Description: For C/C++ projects, the devcontainer fails to load with "Exit code 1". This happens since the Microsoft Remote - Containers version 0.238.2 was released.

We have reported the issue upstream and are following-up on it: Problem when opening a devcontainer on Ubuntu 20.04

Update: Further investigation seems to indicate that a newer version of Docker (20.10.17) fixes the issue.

Workaround: Either downgrade the Remote - Containers extension to version 0.234.0 or upgrade Docker to version 20.10.17

TIE-630Known IssueA ASP.NET created with the extension is not using the right EnvironmentName while in Debug ModeNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: The EnvironmentName on an ASP.NET project is being defined as Production even if you are developing in Debug Mode.

Update: there are no plans to fix this potential bug, because it is considered a configuration issue. A potential fix might adversely impact other customers' projects.

Workaround: Add the following line to your project's ".vscode/launch.json" file:

"env": { "ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT": "Development" },

TIE-629Known IssueThe baseimage configuration of a project is ignoredVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: This is not a supported use case.

It is currently not possible to configure a custom base image for the container in a project created via the Torizon Visual Studio Code Extension. This does not affect projects that can use the images that are provided in the templates.

Workaround: If you must start from a base image that is not supported, you must write and build your own Dockerfile.

We are working on a new template-oriented concept for the VS Code IDE Extension, where it will be possible to configure this field.

TIE-624Known IssueNetwork connections not being made when using WebSockets on ASP.NET applicationsNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: An end-user has a specific application that uses WebSockets to connect back to a PC running a standalone application. When running their app in a container manually on the target, the connections to the PC go through. However, when debugging their app from within the IDE extension, those connections are never seen by the PC.

Update: this task has been rejected because the issue was on misuse of "System.Net.WebSockets". As general advice, if you face a similar issue, and you can use a library that provides a higher level of abstraction, that might help prevent such type of error.

TIE-612Known IssueCreating a new "Torizon Image Customization Project" with a quarterly build sets "build-date: NaN" in tcbuild.yamlNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: When creating a new TorizonCore Customization Project with the VSCode IDE Extension, it prompts you to select the TorizonCore version to be used. After the setup is finished, the generated template tcbuild.yaml sets the property "build-date" as "NaN"

Workaround: For quarterly or LTS images, remove the "build-date" field.

TIE-606Known IssueIDE Extension on Windows fails due to undefined variable "%{port}"Not applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: Running version 1.4.271 of the IDE extension under VSCode for Windows, a customer trying to deploy a .NET Core console “hello world” app gets a popup that “The pipe program ‘ssh’ exited unexpectedly with code 255.”

Starting: "ssh" -T -p %{port} -i %{keypath} -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o "UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null" %{devicelogin} "/vsdbg/vsdbg --interpreter=vscode"
Error from pipe program 'ssh': Bad port '%{port}'
The pipe program 'ssh' exited unexpectedly with code 255.

TIE-593Feature RequestAs a user, I want a more obvious command to add a new Torizon project configurationNot applicableMoses (IDE Backend)

Description: A new project configuration is useful in some cases, for example when adding support for two different platforms (32-bit and 64-bit) in the same project, or testing a new configuration for the same platform.

In the command palette, the command to add a new configuration will be rephrased from "Torizon: Add support for a different platform" to "Torizon: Add a new configuration".

TIE-584Feature RequestAs a user, I want to easily debug Debian libsNot applicableMoses (IDE Backend), Visual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: The IDE Extensions debugger comes configured in a way that it’s very easy to debug the application source code. It does not include symbols and source code for the Debian packages in the SDK, though.
This makes it one step harder for users to get more meaningful stack traces or “step into“ library functions, often useful to debug potential issues with the libraries themselves.

Workaround: To shorten this gap, it was documented one way to allow library debugging on Add Debug Symbols and Source Code From Debian Feeds.

TIE-581Feature RequestAs a user, I never want project IDs and keys committed to my Git repository by defaultNot applicableMoses (IDE Backend)Low

Description: As of today, to keep IDs and keys outside a Git repository, you need to run the command Torizon: Remove IDs and keys from application

We plan to deprecate this command and keep all related files ignored in the .gitignore that generated when you create a new Torizon project from template.

TIE-580Feature RequestAs a user, I want to split Torizon configuration files in version-controlled and ignored with .gitignoreNot applicableMoses (IDE Backend)

Description: At the moment, often the Torizon configuration files are modified and Git keeps stating they have changed. It contains info that is not essential to the project. Let's call this info *environment configuration*.
On the other hand, the same file has very important info that is essential to the project and that only changes when you modify them, let's call it *project configuration*.
It is annoying to keep being asked to commit environment configuration if needed at all. We plan to split it into two files and keep the environment configuration in .gitignore.

TIE-576Known IssueWhen I export a docker-compose file and then do a "Save As", the default name should be docker-compose.ymlVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: Currently, when exporting a Docker Compose file, the default name is "# docker-compose.yml", but sometimes it is reported by users that the file name defaults to whatever name of the directory you plan to save it to.

Workaround: Rename your file before saving it for the first time. If you have already saved it with the wrong name, rename the file to your liking.

TIE-533Known IssueAs a user, I want to be able to create C/C++ projects on WSL or any other remote connection by VS CodeNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: VS Code has a feature to remote access another development machine through remote SSH connections.
You may have two machines where you do development: (1) is a headless machine where the processing is done, and (2) is a computer where you run VS Code and do the programming.
Also, the same mechanism is used by VS Code when you have (1) an instance of VS Code installed on Windows and (2) want to create a Torizon C/C++ project in WSL.

In such situations, when creating a Torizon C/C++ project you will get the following error: The Remote-Containers extension (ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers) is required to develop C/C++ applications on Torizon.

Workaround: Currently, it is only possible to create a new Torizon C/C++ project on a local machine, without the use of the remote SSH connection. Please create your project on the same machine you have VS Code installed and don’t use WSL.

TIE-523Known IssueAs a user, I want to push application to OTA Server directly from IDE ExtensionsMoses (IDE Backend), Visual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: It was only possible to reproduce it in the case that the tag parameter was set as "" instead of "/". But this is not a bug, as the proper way to push images to Dockerhub (or another registry) is by using the tag as "/".

Refer to the Docker tag reference for more information.

TIE-517Known IssueVS Code doesn't automatically switch focus to the debug console when running a Python application for the second timeNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: When you deploy and debug a Python application for the second time in a row, VS Code may not switch focus from the terminal to the debug console.

Workaround: Manually click on the debug console to switch focus.

TIE-465Feature RequestAs a user, I want to develop CMake-based projects with Visual StudioNot applicableVisual Studio ExtensionLow

Description: The Visual Studio Extension for Torizon does not support a CMake oriented workflow.

Workaround: We focus our development on the Visual Studio Code Extension for Torizon. It is a cross-platform environment, supports the C/C++ workflows and already provides templates for CMake.
Read the article C/C++ Development and Debugging on TorizonCore Using Visual Studio Code to learn more.

TIE-428Feature RequestAs a user, I want container rebuilds to happen only when I changed properties that can be used inside the generated dockerfile.Moses (IDE Backend)

Description: Actually, any change to the configuration will force a rebuild of the container. This, in addition to the need of re-deploying it to the device, increases development time.

TIE-397Feature RequestAs a user, I want to configure extra arguments to be sent to Docker commands using the command-line syntax instead of the Docker Python APINot applicableMoses (IDE Backend), Visual Studio Code Extension

Description: As of now, the IDE extensions provide a field name "extraparams" that allows users to pass extra arguments to the Docker calls when running a container. Those extra arguments are expected in the Docker Python API syntax, since it is the same API used by Moses, the IDE back-end.

This is a bit confusing, since everywhere else in our documentation we use the command-line syntax instead. Therefore, to bridge this gap, we are introducing a configuration field named "dockercmdline" that has the same purpose as "extraparams" but accepts the command-line syntax instead of the Python API syntax.

Workaround: Use "extraparams" with the Docker Python API syntax

TIE-376Feature RequestAs a user, I want to be able to manually change the config.yaml file in the source directoryNot applicableVisual Studio Code Extension

Description: The project configuration is autogenerated and stored on a "config.yaml" file in the project directory. When this file is changed manually - for example, on a "git checkout" - the IDE does not recognizes changes, which leads to build errors.

Workaround: Whenever you check out a new git branch, reload the VS Code window.

TIE-369Feature RequestAs a user, I want to see human-readable numbers on VS Code devices and containers info panelNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: In the VS Code IDE Extension info panel, some memory numbers are presented in full, instead of using engineering notation (for example kB, MB, GB, etc.). This makes it hard to read those numbers.

TIE-368Feature RequestAs a user, I want a button to create a new Torizon project on VS CodeNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: At the moment, we only support creating Torizon projects using the VS Code command palette. For new users, it may be interesting to have a button that guides them through their first project creation.

Workaround: Create and configure a project from the command palette.

TIE-139Known Issue.NET containers use port 22 for debug ssh and can't run in host modeVisual Studio Code Extension

Description: It's possible to fix the issue by configuring a custom port in launch.json (replacing the ${port} entry) and by adding to buildcommands a command that changes it in sshd configuration.

TIE-118Feature RequestAs a user, I want a button to open my default browser pointing to the board IP address or hostnameNot applicableVisual Studio Code Extension

Description: Often when developing an app that has a remote UI or any kind of back-end server over the network, one has to do the following:

  • Open browser
  • Find IP or copy hostname, e.g. `apalis-imx8-01234567.local`
  • Paste on browser

We already provide a shortcut button to open a terminal. In this task, we add a button that allows you to quickly open a browser pointing at your application

TIE-660Known IssueA computer with many keys in the SSH agent might lead to the error "Received disconnect from port 22:2: Too many authentication failures" when connecting to the boardNot applicableTorizon IDE Extension 2, Visual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: A customer with 7 keys in their SSH agent has reported that the IDE Extension fails to connect to the board with the error "Received disconnect from port 22:2: Too many authentication failures".

Workaround: Some SSH servers have a configurable option for the number of authentication failures before it throws an error. To overcome that, you may either (1) change the config to a bigger number or (2) remove some keys from your agent.

TIE-582Feature RequestAs a user, I want documentation stating that I need to maintain project-specific .gitignore entries, while Toradex only focuses on Torizon-specific .gitignore entriesNot applicableTorizon IDE Extension 2

Description: We don't have resources to add and - especially - maintain .gitignore files for all technologies we support (C Makefile, autotools, CMake, Qt QML, Qt Widgets, and so on). Let's call this project-specific entries.
We want, though, to keep .gitignore for everything that we create and users should not keep versioned. Let's call this Torizon-specific entries.
For this reason, we are removing support for project-specific entries and keeping only the Torizon-specific ones.

TIE-545Known IssueMisleading warning about C/C++ toolchain not being found "Cannot find arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc"Not applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: On a Makefile or CMake based project, in the "c_cpp_properties.json" file, there is the "compilerPath" variable that (by default) is set to "${env:CC}". This seems to be ok since "$CC" holds (by default) "arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc" and this compiler is accessible from the terminal.

The Issue is that the “PROBLEMS” tab shows a warning "Cannot find arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc" and there is the squiggle under the "${env:CC}".

Workaround: Just ignore the warning, everything works as expected.

TIE-518Known IssueInvalid docker-compose.yml exported when using the field extraparams to set the "cap_add" propertyNot applicableVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: When exporting a docker-compose.yml using the VS Code extension, the "cap_add" field is formatted in a way that makes the YML file invalid. This required manual intervention to fix the file syntax after exporting it.
There are many scenarios where you'd need to set the "cap_add" field. One of them would be to configure the container to use the host network, required for using the CAN on TorizonCore.

Workaround: Manually fix the syntax issue.

TIE-467Known IssueError when running commands during the VS Code extension startupVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: If a command is invoked very early during vscode startup the extension may not have registered the appropriate handlers and this will lead to an error.

Workaround: Wait until extension initializazion has been completed before using the commands.

TIE-459Known IssueSDK container not existing notification is not displayed when re-opening an existing C/C++ projectVisual Studio Code ExtensionLow

Description: When opening a project that has no SDK container the tool should prompt for a rebuild. Unfortunately this does not happen 100% of the times.

Workaround: Rebuild SDK container manually when re-opening the project on a different machine or after having removed containers from your development machine.

TIE-451Known IssuePossible Incompatibility between our extension and VS 16.10.2Visual Studio ExtensionLow

Description: When upgrading to release 16.10 build and other features no longer work, due to changes in VS2019 workflow for Linux.

Workaround: Keep using VS2019 16.7 until a fix is released.

TIE-449Known Issuersync issues when application container is running as rootMoses (IDE Backend)

Description: After adding the --delete flag to ensure that files removed from application folder on dev PC are also removed from the host there is an issue with the __pycache__ folder, created by the python interpreter. When root is used as container user, the folder is owned exclusively by root and can't be deleted by rsync running as torizon.

Workaround: There are multiple workarounds: - run the application as torizon user until issue is fixed - add ENV PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE="1" as env property to avoid cache generation from python interpreter - manually cleanup the pycache folder before deployment

Next - Torizon IDE Extension 2
Torizon IDE Extension 2 for VS Code Next
TIE-821Known IssueGithub Actions does not work with private registriesNot applicableTorizon IDE Extension 2Low

Description: As reported on the Toradex community, GitHub Actions does not work with private registries.

Workaround: Use the latest pre-release 2.1.100 or newer, where it has already been fixed.

TIE-796Feature RequestAs a user, I want the tasks from the "task runner" and their properties well-described, so I can use the IDE Extension without asking the Toradex support for helpNot applicableTorizon IDE Extension 2

Description: As reported in the Toradex community, on the post Specify the GPU using ApolloX - create-production-image, some tasks and their respective required properties are not well-described, thus leading users to not be able to use them without asking the Toradex support.