7.2.0-devel-202502 monthly pre-release TOR-3739Feature Request Enable the Microchip Ethernet PHY VSC8552 and VSC8221 on Torizon 7 All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable kernel config options as module for the Microchip Ethernet PHY VSC8552 and VSC8221 on Torizon 7
7.1.0 quarterly release TOR-3735Fixed Hibernation missing on Auto Provisioning script Aktualizr Low Description: It is possible to enable the hibernation mode during the production programming process. On Torizon 7.0.0, it is broken and therefore even when the hibernation is set via TCB, the board won't self-provision hibernated.
Update: this is fixed on Torizon 7.1.0
TOR-3733Fixed CONFIG_DM_CRYPT missing in Torizon OS 7 Kernel Low Description: CONFIG_DM_CRYPT is missing in Torizon OS 7, whereas it was enabled on Torizon 6.
TOR-3728Fixed OS Rollback not working on Verdin AM62 and Aquila AM69 Aktualizr Low Description: OS Rollback does not work on Verdin AM62 and Aquila AM69 on Torizon 7.
Update: this is fixed and it is highly recommended to use Torizon 7.1.0 or newer.
7.1.0-devel-202412 monthly pre-release TOR-3651New Feature Enable kernel config option for "MediaTek MT7921U (USB) support" All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable kernel config option for "MediaTek MT7921U (USB) support"
7.1.0-devel-202411 monthly pre-release TOR-3615New Feature Enable the Microchip12-Bit, Quad Digital-to-Analog Converter with EEPROM Memory MCP4728 on Torizon OS 7 All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable kernel config option CONFIG_MCP4728 in Torizon OS
TOR-3599Fixed Apalis iMX8 loop on boot on Torizon 7 Kernel Low Description: During the full qualification for releasing Torizon OS 7.0.0, a bug was found on Apalis iMX8, where the OS intermittently would freeze on startup, leading to the hardware watchdog rebooting the board.
Workaround: For development, use any available monthly build of Torizon OS 7. For production, wait for the quarterly release 7.1.0, where this bug will be fixed.
TOR-3594Fixed Splash screen aren't appearing on Torizon 7 Open Embedded Medium Description: On Torizon OS 7.0.0 it was noticed that the Splash Screen didn't work on some modules, using several display outputs (native HDMI, LVDS, and VGA).
Update: this has been fixed on 7.1.0 nightly pre-releases. It is advisable to wait for the 7.1.0 release to make this feature to production in your product, or alternatively, you may backport the solution as a patch to 7.0.0.
TOR-3556New Feature Implement the BCoT on Torizon OS 7 (scarthgap) and Verdin AM62 Secure Boot Description: Implement the Basic Chain of Trust (BCoT) on Verdin AM62, focused on Torizon OS 7.
7.0.0 quarterly release TOR-3591New Feature Enable kernel config option for "Watchdog device controlled through GPIO-line" All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable kernel config option for "Watchdog device controlled through GPIO-line"
TOR-3563New Feature Enable IIO High Resolution Timer Trigger on Torizon OS All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable IIO High Resolution Timer Trigger on Torizon OS
TOR-3245New Feature Disable Aktualizr data-proxy in Torizon OS 7 Aktualizr, Open Embedded Description: The aktualizr-data-proxy was a Torizon-specific implementation to send device monitoring data to the Torizon Cloud. It was replaced with the standard Fluent Bit HTTP output, but the old proxy was kept active in Torizon OS 6 for backward compatibility.
On Torizon OS 7 the proxy is disabled. If you have custom metrics, in other words, if you manually modified the /etc/fluent-bit/fluent-bit.conf file, check the [OUTPUT] section. It should look as follows:
name http
match *
host dgw.torizon.io
port 443
uri monitoring/fluentbit-metrics
format json
tls on
tls.verify off
tls.ca_file /usr/lib/sota/root.crt
tls.key_file /var/sota/import/pkey.pem
tls.crt_file /var/sota/import/client.pem
Retry_Limit 10
6.8.0 quarterly release TOR-3591New Feature Enable kernel config option for "Watchdog device controlled through GPIO-line" All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable kernel config option for "Watchdog device controlled through GPIO-line"
TOR-3563New Feature Enable IIO High Resolution Timer Trigger on Torizon OS All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable IIO High Resolution Timer Trigger on Torizon OS
TOR-3551Fixed Docker daemon fails to start on x86 devices sometimes with error "runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference" Container Engine, Open Embedded Low Description: Sometimes, on x86 devices (using the images provided by Common Torizon), the Docker daemon fails to start with the error "runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference".
Update: this is a known issue and a fix has been backported to Torizon OS 6. It doesn't affect Torizon OS 7.
6.8.0-devel-202408 monthly pre-release TOR-3527New Feature Enable support for the Texas Instruments DP83867 Gigabit Ethernet PHY on Torizon OS 6 All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable the device driver for the Texas Instruments DP83867 Gigabit Ethernet PHY as a module on Torizon OS 6
6.7.0 quarterly release TOR-3490New Feature Enable Analog Devices AD525x Quad 64-/256-Position I2C Digital Potentiometers on Torizon OS 6 All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable Analog Devices AD525x Quad 64-/256-Position I2C Digital Potentiometers on Torizon OS 6
TOR-3488New Feature Enable the Linear Technology LTC2497 I2C 16-Bit 8-/16-Channel DS ADC on Torizon OS 6 All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable the Linear Technology LTC2497 I2C 16-Bit 8-/16-Channel DS ADC on Torizon OS 6
TOR-3486New Feature Enable kernel config option for "I2C EEPROM slave driver" All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable kernel config option for "I2C EEPROM slave driver".
TOR-3278New Feature As a user, I want to be able to set the Torizon Cloud device name on provisioning at scale, so I can have predictable device names instead of random ones Aktualizr, Open Embedded Description: It is a common request to be able to customize the device name on the Torizon Cloud. This usually reflects how a company manages its product lines, with company-specific unique identifiers, product names, among other parameters.
This task implements a streamlined easy-to-use mechanism for updating a product name.
6.7.0-devel-202406 monthly pre-release TOR-3474New Feature Enable support for the LED Support for TI/National LP5523/55231 LED driver chip on Torizon OS 6 All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable the device driver for the TI/National LP5523/55231 LED driver chip as a module on the Torizon OS kernel.
TOR-3447Fixed Wi-Fi cannot connect to a Wi-Fi network with "Error: Connection activation failed: (53) The Wi-Fi network could not be found." on Verdin AM62 Open Embedded Low Description: When trying to connect to a Wi-Fi network, the system throws "Error: Connection activation failed: (53) The Wi-Fi network could not be found."
This only happens after a cold boot.
Update: this issue is fixed on nightlies as of May 10th 2024, and will be released on upcoming monthly and quarterly releases.
Workaround: It was observed Wi-Fi works given the following workarounds:
- Restart NetworkManager with the command "sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager"
- Toggle Wi-Fi off and on again with the commands "nmcli radio wifi off" and "nmcli radio wifi on"
Then try to connect again.
It was also observed that, without applying the above workaround, NetworkManager will successfully connect after about 10 minutes since the board is powered on, regardless of whether it is the first try to connect.
6.7.0-devel-202405 monthly pre-release TOR-3446New Feature Enable support for the Generic RPMSG tty driver (CONFIG_RPMSG_TTY) on Torizon OS Verdin AM62 Kernel Description: Enable support for the Generic RPMSG tty driver (CONFIG_RPMSG_TTY) on Torizon OS.
TOR-3396Fixed rpc-based apps fail when running under TC6 Container Engine Low Description: Some RPC-based apps seem to not work on Torizon OS 6 inside a container.
Workaround: It appears that using future versions of Containerd resolves this issue. One can backport the recipe for Containerd 2.0.0 from here: https://git.yoctoproject.org/meta-virtualization/tree/recipes-containers/containerd/containerd-opencontainers_git.bb?h=scarthgap
Only very basic testing has been done on such a backport.
TOR-3394Fixed Touch controller issues with Capacitive Touch Display 10.1" DSI on Verdin iMX8M Mini Device Tree, Kernel, Open Embedded Low Description: The Capacitive Touch Display 10.1" DSI has been reported as not working on Verdin iMX8M Mini, with touch events delayed or not recognized at all.
6.6.1 quarterly release TOR-3399New Feature Enable kernel config option for "LED Multicolor Class Support" All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable support for LED Multicolor Class Support on Torizon OS 6
TOR-3397New Feature As a user, I want ModemManager to try to connect to cellular network in infinite loop, so my product is resilient to intermittent connection drops in the field Not applicable Open Embedded Description: ModemManager only retry connections 4 times by default. This may be an issue for unattended devices.
Learn how to set the retry value to infite on Modem Support - Set Cellular Connection Retries
6.6.0-devel-202403 monthly pre-release TOR-3383New Feature Enable support for the ExFAT file system on Torizon OS All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable the kernel option for the ExFAT file system.
TOR-3373New Feature Change default systemd-timesync interval to a long value Not applicable Open Embedded Description: When there is no sync to NTP servers for a while, the systemd-timesync saves the current time to a file, to guarantee the systems continues roughly monotonic on reboots. This is explained on the systemd doc for timesyncd.conf, timesyncd.conf.d — Network Time Synchronization configuration files .
The default frequency is 60 seconds, which means there is a write operation to the flash very often. Therefore, the default value is overridden in Torizon OS to increase this frequency to 3600 seconds.
TOR-3333Fixed Splash screen not working on AM62 Verdin AM62 Open Embedded Low Description: The splash screen is not displayed on the DSI to LVDS adapter interface on Verdin AM62
6.6.0-devel-202402 monthly pre-release TOR-3360New Feature Switch to use meta-toradex-torizon on GitHub Not applicable Open Embedded Description: Previously, the meta-toradex-torizon on GitHub was only a mirror from an internal Git repository. The project, currently available on torizon/meta-toradex-torizon , has issues and pull requests also public, as well as a discussion space.
TOR-3353New Feature Enable support for the Marvell SD8787 in Torizon OS All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable support for the Marvell SD8787 in Torizon OS, more specifically, for the power sequence of the module.
TOR-3349New Feature Support the SIMCom SIM7600 cellular modem on Torizon OS Not applicable Kernel, Open Embedded Description: Enable kernel config for the SIM7600 modem on Torizon OS 6.
TOR-3339New Feature qemuarm64/genericx86-64 dont have serial numbers Open Embedded Description: The serial number is being appended to machine name to be able to have a unique device name for toradex machines.
The serial number is being read out from /proc/device-tree/serial-number, but qemuarm64 and genericx86-64 machines dont have it, so currently the unique device name is not supported on these machines.
A solution could be using partuuid (hexadecimal digits) of the root disk and translate it to a 8 decimal digits, since we have only one root partition and it's different for a specific build.
TOR-3336New Feature As a developer, I want genericx86-64 could be run by runqemu Open Embedded Description: Currently we are supporting two machines qemuarm64/genericx86-64 along with toradex machines.
qemuarm64 could be run by qemu:
$ runqemu qemuarm64
but genericx86-64 could not.
in OE kirkstone branch, it's already supported with qemu-ovmf, like this:
$ runqemu genericx86-64 ovmf
maybe we should consider support it?
TOR-3335New Feature genericx86-64 grub fails to boot Not applicable Open Embedded Description: genericx86-64 grub fail to boot per my test, this is a know issue of grub 2.6, and it's been fixed in grub upstream, OE master has the backport patch: https://github.com/openembedded/openembedded-core/commit/51eab4bb0cae46c9c32d28986eb97badf47594b7
we need port it in meta-toradex-torizon.
TOR-3312Fixed U-Boot failing with error "collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status" during linking step on Secure Boot images on Verdin iMX8M Mini Verdin iMX8M Mini Secure Boot, U-Boot Low Description: U-Boot fails with the error "collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status" when building a signed Torizon OS image for Verdin iMX8M Mini.
Update: this is fixed, use Torizon OS 6.6.0-devel-202402 or newer.
TOR-3059New Feature As a user, I want to learn how to setup a DHCP server on the Ethernet interface, so I can provide a dynamic IP to other devices Open Embedded Description: Learn how to setup a DHCP server with internet forward in the Ethernet interface on Networking with Torizon .
6.5.0 quarterly release TOR-3311New Feature Enable support for the NXP PCA963X I2C LED driver on TorizonCore 6 All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable the NXP PCA963X I2C LED device driver as a module on TorizonCore 6.
TOR-3310Fixed OE image_ostreepush authentication with push server failed Not applicable Open Embedded Low Description: Pushing OS images to the Torizon Cloud with Yocto fails due to an authentication error.
Update: this is fixed in Torizon OS 6.5.0.
6.5.0-devel-202312 monthly pre-release TOR-3275New Feature Enable the TI ADS8688 ADC on TorizonCore 6 All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable the device driver for the TI ADS8688 16-bit, 500-kSPS, 8-channel, single-supply SAR ADC with bipolar input ranges on TorizonCore 6
TOR-3267New Feature Enable the Lattice RGB-HDMI bridge RGB to HDMI bridge SiI9022 on TorizonCore 6 Colibri iMX7 Kernel Description: Enable the Lattice Sil9022 RGB-HDMI bridge device driver as a module on TorizonCore 6.
6.4.0 quarterly release TOR-3227New Feature Enable support for the Vishay Semiconductor VEML6030 High Accuracy Ambient Light Sensor on TorizonCore 6 All supported modules Kernel Description: Vishay Semiconductor VEML6030 High Accuracy Ambient Light Sensor device driver as a module.
TOR-3197New Feature Enable support for the Texas Instruments PCM1681 CODEC in TorizonCore 6 All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable the Texas Instruments PCM1681 CODEC device driver as a module.
6.4.0-devel-202309 monthly pre-release TOR-3195New Feature Enable support for the SHT40 humidity sensor on TorizonCore 6 All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable the SHT40 humidity sensor device driver as a module
TOR-3190New Feature Enable kernel config support for NTC thermistor sensors All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable support for NTC thermistor sensors on TorizonCore 6.
TOR-3063New Feature As a user, I want public documentation on how to build a TorizonCore image with Secure Boot, so I can leverage the basic chain of trust on my products Not applicable Open Embedded Description: Toradex supports Secure Boot on TorizonCore. For you to be able to leverage this feature, comprehensive documentation is provided on the article Secure Boot on TorizonCore .
TOR-2744Fixed Splash screen not appearing on Verdin iMX8M Mini and iMX8M Plus Verdin iMX8M Mini, Verdin iMX8M Plus Open Embedded Low Description: On TorizonCore 6, the splash screen is not being displayed on Verdin iMX8M Mini and Verdin iMX8M Plus.
6.4.0-devel-202308 monthly pre-release TOR-3138New Feature Enable Linear Technology LTC1660 and LTC1665 DACs on TorizonCore 6 All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable the kernel config CONFIG_LTC1660 as a module on TorizonCore 6 for the Linear Technology LTC1660 and LTC1665 DACs
TOR-3121New Feature Enable the MAX31855 thermocouple chip on TorizonCore All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable kernel config MAXIM_THERMOCOUPLE on TorizonCore 6 so the MAX31855 thermocouple chip can be used
6.3.0 quarterly release TOR-3116Fixed Device won't boot when enabling docker data on external storage with different permission than "drwx--x--x" Open Embedded Low Description: Due to the Docker daemon starting too early in the boot process, before the usermount service that mounts the external storage, sometimes the Docker data on external storage failed to boot the board and led to an infinite reboot loop.
TOR-3043New Feature Enable ISO 15765-2:2016 CAN Transport Protocol (CAN ISOTP) support on TorizonCore 6 All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable ISO 15765-2:2016 CAN Transport Protocol (CAN ISOTP) support on TorizonCore 6
TOR-2983New Feature Add OCI image support for lockboxes in Aktualizr Not applicable Aktualizr Description: Lockboxes don't accept OCI images by default, and therefore support in being added to address this use case.
TOR-2880Fixed Wi-Fi Access Point (AP) does not work in TorizonCore 6 Not applicable Open Embedded Low Description: In TorizonCore 6, it is not possible to connect to a Toradex SoM with on-SoM Wi-Fi configured in Access Point (AP) mode. When configuring the device in AP mode , no errors are displayed.
TOR-1748New Feature As a developer, I want a class in OE for signed images, so I can build images with secure boot support Apalis iMX6, Apalis iMX8, Apalis iMX8X, Colibri iMX6, Colibri iMX7, Colibri iMX8X, Verdin iMX8M Mini, Verdin iMX8M Plus Open Embedded Description: To make it possible for you to build a TorizonCore image with Secure Boot enabled, a new Yocto Project/OE class named "torizon-signed" is being introduced. You must include it into your TorizonCore custom image to enable secure boot. A how-to guide will be released with more instructions.
6.3.0-devel-202306 monthly release TOR-3012New Feature Enable MAC80211 (Wi-Fi) mesh networking support on TorizonCore 6 All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable MAC80211 (Wi-Fi) mesh networking support on TorizonCore 6.
TOR-3008Fixed OS rollbacks fail with error "EFI boot manager: Cannot load any image" in TorizonCore 6 Not applicable Open Embedded Medium Description: As reported on the Toradex community post OSTree rolling back to "unconfigured" state after flash/deploy , OS rollbacks fail with error "EFI boot manager: Cannot load any image" in TorizonCore 6.
Workaround: Update to TorizonCore 6.3.0-devel-202306 or newer.
TOR-3001New Feature Enable support for the Analog Devices AD7606 ADC in TorizonCore 6 All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable the Analog Devices AD7606 ADC as a module in TorizonCore 6.
6.3.0-devel-202305 monthly release TOR-2977New Feature Enable support for the SPI/SDIO to Wi-Fi Module Microchip ATWILC1000 on TorizonCore 6 All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable the SPI/SDIO to Wi-Fi Module Microchip ATWILC1000 device driver as a module.
TOR-2975New Feature Enable support for the Microchip KSZ8795/KSZ88X3 switch chips on TorizonCore 6 (upstream kernel) Apalis iMX6, Colibri iMX6, Colibri iMX6ULL, Colibri iMX7 Kernel Description: Enable the Microchip KSZ8795/KSZ88X3 switch IC device driver as a module on TorizonCore 6, for the upstream kernel.
TOR-2951New Feature As a user, I want the ethtool utility on TorizonCore, so I can make various network configurations without having to install this tool in a container Not applicable Open Embedded Description: The ethtool utility is useful for examining and tuning the settings of ethernet-based network interfaces.
6.2.0 quarterly release TOR-2957Fixed Offline sync updates broken in TorizonCore 6 Aktualizr Low Description: Offline sync updates are not working on TorizonCore 6. Even though both OS and application updates are installed, the process is never concluded and after the reboot with the new OS version, the application is never started.
Update: this bug has been fixed. As a side-effect, in case a rollback happens during a synchronous offline update, the newer application container image is not removed from the system, as it should. This means that some of the flash storage space will be used without need.
TOR-2929New Feature Enable support for the Microchip KSZ8795/KSZ88X3 switch chips on TorizonCore 6 (NXP downstream kernel) Apalis iMX8, Colibri iMX8X, Verdin iMX8M Mini, Verdin iMX8M Plus Kernel Description: Enable the Microchip KSZ8795/KSZ88X3 switch IC device driver as a module on TorizonCore 6, for the NXP downstream kernel.
TOR-2928New Feature Enable support for the Ilitek I2C 213X/23XX/25XX/Lego Series Touchscreen Controller on TorizonCore 6 All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable the Ilitek I2C 213X/23XX/25XX/Lego Series Touchscreen Controller device driver as a module on TorizonCore 6.
TOR-2923Fixed The "ip" command does not work as expected when bringing up the CAN interface leading to error "either "dev" is duplicate, or "type" is garbage" Not applicable Open Embedded Low Description: In TorizonCore 6 it is not possible to configure the CAN interface with the command "ip" (for example, "ip link set can0 type can bitrate 125000") outside a container. This leads to the error "either "dev" is duplicate, or "type" is garbage" when trying to bring up the CAN interface.
Workaround: Use the "ip" command inside a container, as described on How to Use CAN on TorizonCore .
TOR-2921New Feature Enable support for the VUB300 USB to SD/SDIO IC on TorizonCore 6 All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable the VUB300 USB to SD/SDIO IC device driver as a module on TorizonCore 6.
TOR-2452Fixed Increased boot time by approximately 2x on TC 6 when compared to TC 5 on SoMs that use an upstream kernel Apalis iMX6, Colibri iMX6 Open Embedded Low Description: The boot time on TorizonCore 6 for 32-bit devices has increased by approximately 2x.
Update: the root cause of the increased boot time seems to be that our Embedded Linux BSP 6 is using 2x CPU when compared with BSP 5.
Update 2: the BSP performance has been fixed. Despite that, TorizonCore first boot time seems to be greater on TorizonCore 6 than 5, so we continue to investigate it.
TOR-2426Fixed Aktualizr: Offline Updates don't work on container images containing symlinks in their layer metadata with error "Found in archive a file with bad file type: 40960" Not applicable Aktualizr Low Description: As reported in the community thread
[aktualizr, offline updates] Found in archive a file with bad file type: 40960 , some docker images may contain layers that are symlinked to other layers, which leads to an error. The reason a docker image would contain a symlink in the layers is unknown.
6.2.0-devel-202303 monthly pre-release TOR-2844New Feature Enable HIDRAW - Raw Access to USB and Bluetooth Human Interface Devices on TorizonCore All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable the HIDRAW interface in TorizonCore. To learn more, read the Linux kernel document HIDRAW - Raw Access to USB and Bluetooth Human Interface Devices .
TOR-2792Fixed During a synchronous update Aktualizr may try to start the new application before rebooting, on TorizonCore 6 Not applicable Aktualizr Low Description: Once a synchronous update is triggered, the new application is not expected to start until the system reboots and the new OS version is available. On this bug, which affects TorizonCore 6.x releases only, the application starts on the upcoming polling for updates (which by default is 5 minutes) regardless of whether the system reboots and the new OS is loaded.
Given the TorizonCore default polling of 5 minutes and that usually, a reboot due to a synchronous update happens before that time, this bug should not affect most customer use cases. If you customize TorizonCore to use a much shorter polling time, there might be a case when this undesired behavior happens.
TOR-2761Fixed Aktualizr is rebooting mid-process during synchronous updates with big container images Not applicable Aktualizr Low Description: When synchronous updates happen, the reboot command may be called before the container (application) updates are finished, leading to a reboot in the middle of the process. This leads to an update failure and rollback to the previous state. This was seen with big containers when performing offline updates. Although it has never been reported, in theory, this bug can affect online updates as well.
Workaround: A workaround for TorizonCore 5.7.y and 6.1.0 is available. A side-effect of the workaround is that updates take longer to complete.
Create a new configuration file for Aktualizr as specified in the article Aktualizr - Modifying the Settings of Torizon Update Client , with the following contents:
force_install_completion = true
Then, disable the current reboot mechanism as specified in the section enabling and disabling automatic reboot .
This configuration will still trigger the reboot, and it's expected to take a longer time before it happens.
TOR-2495Fixed On-SoM Bluetooth not working on Verdin iMX8M Plus V1.1A in TorizonCore Verdin iMX8M Plus Open Embedded Low Description: Although unsupported on TorizonCore 5, Bluetooth has been reportedly working on Verdin iMX8M Plus V1.0. It does not work on Verdin iMX8M Plus V1.1A, though.
We plan to add basic Bluetooth support only on TorizonCore 6 or newer, without testing any specific Bluetooth profile in particular.
6.2.0-devel-202302 monthly pre-release TOR-2767New Feature Enable kernel configurations related to encryption: CONFIG_DM_CRYPT, CONFIG_FS_ENCRYPTION, CONFIG_ECRYPT_FS All supported modules Kernel Description: On the Toradex community post USB Storage Encryption , a user has asked how to have a USB storage device encrypted and that can be used with TorizonCore.
We have enabled the kernel config options CONFIG_DM_CRYPT, CONFIG_FS_ENCRYPTION and CONFIG_ECRYPT_FS, so you can leverage those for either full-disk or file-based encryption. Please note however, that the TorizonCore team does not fully validate this use case nor provide documentation about how to use encryption with TorizonCore at the moment, thus you must consult documentation from other sources, such as encryption projects, for more details.
A good starting point to learn more is Sergio Prado's blog post Introduction to Embedded Linux Security - Part 1 .
TOR-2766New Feature Enable support for the SI5351 I2C-programmable any-frequency CMOS clock generator + VCXO on TorizonCore 6 All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable the SI5351 I2C-programmable any-frequency CMOS clock generator + VCXO device driver as a module.
TOR-2765New Feature Enable support for the LTS2952 Pushbutton PowerPath Controller with Supervisor on TorizonCore 6 All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable the LTS2952 Pushbutton PowerPath Controller with Supervisor device driver as a module.
TOR-2764New Feature Enable support for the DS2782 Stand-Alone Fuel Gauge IC on TorizonCore 6 All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable the DS2782 Stand-Alone Fuel Gauge IC device driver as a module.
TOR-2757Fixed Wi-Fi not working on Verdin iMX8M Plus V1.1A Verdin iMX8M Plus Kernel, Open Embedded Low Description: Due to missing firmware, Wi-Fi is not working on Verdin iMX8M Plus V1.1A.
Workaround: Build a custom version of TorizonCore with the Yocto Project, including the package "linux-firmware-nxp89xx" in the build.
TOR-2722New Feature As a user, I want to be able to downgrade the bootloader to the TorizonCore 5 version, so I can also downgrade the OS and application as well in case I find a critical bug in the field Not applicable Aktualizr, CI / CD Description: Bootloader updates will only be supported with bootloader binaries published by Toradex - at least initially. Therefore, publishing them and making them available for you is necessary.
TorizonCore 5 bootloader binaries will allow you to downgrade from TorizonCore 6 to 5 if you find non-obvious bugs in the field and later decide a downgrade is necessary.
6.1.0 quarterly release. Learn more on https://www.toradex.com/news/torizon-core-release-6-1-0-quarterly-release TOR-2746Fixed Missing /dev/colibri-spi-cs0 symlink Colibri iMX6, Colibri iMX6ULL, Colibri iMX7 Open Embedded Low Description: The Colibri Evaluation Board uses the SPI interface for an SPI-to-CAN controller, however, we do enable the spidev (a userspace SPI API) on the same SPI interface and CS with an overlay that is currently enabled by default. This leads to a conflict.
Starting from BSP 6.1.0, the overlay that enables spidev on the given SPI interface is not loaded by default. Our test infrastructure caught this change as a possible issue due to a missing symlink to "/dev/colibri-spi-cs0". In fact, this was the intended behavior after the change.
As a customer, if you want to use such an interface with spidev, you must disable the CAN and enable the spidev overlay. For more details on CAN and SPI in our BSP, refer to the CAN (Linux) and the SPI (Linux) articles. To manage device tree and overlays on TorizonCore, we recommend the articles Device Tree Overlays on Torizon and TorizonCore Builder Tool - Customizing TorizonCore Images .
TOR-2724New Feature Enable kernel config option CONFIG_NET_CLS_MATCHALL in TorizonCore so the PROFINET stack/driver from Siemens can be used All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable the kernel config option CONFIG_NET_CLS_MATCHALL so the PROFINET stack/driver from Siemens can be used.
TOR-2723New Feature Enable support for the TI OPT3001 digital ambient light sensor in TorizonCore All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable the TI OPT3001 digital ambient light sensor.
TOR-2665Fixed LAVA: lshw is throwing the exception "terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::length_error'" in Aktualizr Not applicable Open Embedded Low Description: From our automated test reports, it was noticed that "lshw" is not working properly. This was found out in Aktualizr logs and it has been confirmed by running "sudo lshw -json" on the command-line. The error is "terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::length_error'".
Aktualizr is not functionally affected, as it can recover from this issue and continue to properly function.
TOR-2647Fixed Unhandled exception on offline updates causes aktualizr to fail with error "Aktualizr::RunForever exiting: boost::filesystem::status: No such device:" Not applicable Aktualizr Low Description: Secure offline updates only support a physical medium for updates - an SD Card or a USB stick. That said, the following unhandled exception was reported when someone tried the unsupported use case of NFS storage instead of a physical medium: "Aktualizr::RunForever exiting: boost::filesystem::status: No such device: "/nfs/update"".
This error might also affect supported use cases, for instance, if the physical medium does not behave as expected. Therefore we are working on fixing it.
TOR-2492Fixed Splash screen not showing up on i.MX 8 SoMs in TorizonCore 6 Verdin iMX8M Mini, Verdin iMX8M Plus Open Embedded Low Description: On TorizonCore 6, the splash screen is not being displayed on SoMs that use the downstream-based NXP BSP.
TOR-2409Fixed Sometimes the automount feature mounts the partition at /media/root/xxx Not applicable Open Embedded Low Description: The pluggable media such as SD Card and USB Stick are meant to be mount at "/media/label", but sometimes it is mount at "/media/root/label".
6.1.0-devel-202212 monthly pre-release TOR-2668New Feature As a user, I want documentation on how to check device tree overlays health from procfs Not applicable Device Tree Overlays Description: Every device tree overlays that's loaded by the bootloader gets a node under /proc/chosen/device-tree/overlays/overlay_name.dtbo, and its value is the return value of the load/apply operation by the bootloader. So now you can properly check whether all overlays were properly applied during runtime.
Documentaiton is available on Checking applied overlays .
TOR-2639New Feature As a user, I want to use Docker Compose to V2 on TorizonCore, so I get the latest bugfixes and new features Not applicable Open Embedded Description: Docker Compose version 1.x was used on TorizonCore 5. On TorizonCore 6, Compose is being upgraded to version 2.x, so we continue to benefit from upgrades.
There should be no customer impact for TorizonCore users, therefore from our perspective, this is not a breaking change. You can continue to use all TorizonCore features and your tooling just like you did so far.
As a positive side-effect, Compose V2 should be much faster than V1, and this may have a positive impact in TorizonCore application startup time.
As another positive side-effect, the dependency on Python is dropped, opening up the possibility to remove Python entirely from the base OS. Users are expected to install Python - just like anything else related to their applications - in a container.
Learn more about Compose V2 on the blog post from Docker Announcing Compose V2 General Availability . For more information about Compose releases in general, see the https://docs.docker.com/compose/release-notes/
TOR-2623New Feature Enable Invensense ICM-42688-P 6-axis MEMS MotionTracking device All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable the kernel config option CONFIG_INV_ICM42600_I2C as a module on TorizonCore 6 for the Invensense ICM-42688-P 6-axis MEMS MotionTracking device support
TOR-2578Fixed python3-cryptography fails to build on Kirkstone Not applicable Open Embedded Low Description: The package "python3-criptography" fails to build on kirkstone, apparently due to our patch .
We don't use this package on TorizonCore at the moment, but if you are doing a custom build that adds it either explicitly or as a dependency, your build will fail.
Update: the patch has been dropped.
TOR-2384New Feature As a Platform Services customer, I want the gateway certificate updated on all my devices, so I continue connected after 2030 Not applicable Aktualizr, Open Embedded Description: The gateway to which devices connect to access the platform is being updated, and with it, the new gateway certificate is being updated on TorizonCore. This should be transparent to all users of the Torizon Platform Services, as long as they update their devices to TorizonCore 6 or newer until 2030.
6.1.0-devel-202211 monthly pre-release TOR-2514New Feature As a user, I want the tdx-info script available on TorizonCore Not applicable Open Embedded Description: tdx-info is a helper script meant to simplify getting information from Toradex's modules. It is helpful for customers that need to get information from their module e.g. during Toradex's support process. The public repository is inside Toradex Github: https://github.com/toradex/tdx-info .
TOR-2460New Feature Enable Microchip LAN9303 3-Port 10/100 Managed Ethernet Switch All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable the kernel config options CONFIG_NET_DSA_SMSC_LAN9303, CONFIG_NET_DSA_SMSC_LAN9303_MDIO, CONFIG_NET_DSA_TAG_LAN9303 and CONFIG_NET_DSA as modules on TorizonCore for the Microchip LAN9303 3-Port 10/100 Managed Ethernet Switch support
TOR-2458Fixed Devices updates are being locked in a "pending" state after updating from 5.2.0 to 5.7.0, due to sending of ill-formed manifests to the platform Not applicable Aktualizr Low Description: It has been reported that some devices get their updates stuck on the server, in a "pending" state.
6.0.0-devel-202210 monthly pre-release. Learn more on https://www.toradex.com/news/torizon-core-release-6-0-0-devel-202210-release-monthly TOR-2479Fixed Docker info shows warnings "no swap limit support" and "no cpuset support" on Colibri iMX6ULL Colibri iMX6ULL Open Embedded Low Description: On Colibri iMX6ULL, two warnings were seen when running "docker info": "WARNING: No swap limit support" and "WARNING: No cpuset support". We will enable the SWAP configuration in the kernel, and cpuset is expected since this is a single-core CPU.
TOR-2459Fixed Rngd service fails to start Verdin iMX8M Plus Open Embedded Low Description: The rngd.service fails to start on Verdin iMX8M Plus, which may lead to a slower boot.
Update: this was fixed at the BSP level for release 6.0.0, therefore this ticket has been rejected.
TOR-2454Fixed Aktualizr: Failed sync updates return an incorrect manifest in some cases Not applicable Aktualizr Low Description: Our platform web UI displays the currently installed packages for all ECUs for each device. This information is determined via the manifest that Aktualizr regularly sends back to the server. There is an edge case where certain sync update rollbacks will cause incorrect information to be sent in the manifest. This then causes the web UI to display the incorrect package as installed on the Docker Compose secondary.
TOR-2451Fixed LAVA test "hw-links-buses" fails due to possibly missing SPI symlink Colibri iMX6, Apalis iMX6 Open Embedded Low Description: On automated tests for our monthly pre-release, some symlinks to devices were missing. The missing ones are "/dev/colibri-spi-cs0" and "/dev/apalis-spi1-cs0", and they prevent the test from running through and checking other symlinks.
Update: this was fixed on the BSP level, nothing was required or done on TorizonCore.
Workaround: Test it on a nightly that has been released after the 6.0.0-devel-202209 monthly. Alternatively, if you plan to use the monthly, then access the given device directly, not though the symlink.
TOR-2433Fixed Verdin iMX8M Mini does not boot on nightly candidate to 6.0.0-devel-202209 Verdin iMX8M Mini Device Trees Low Description: The Verdin iMX8M Mini boot hangs with a Device Tree-related error.
Workaround: Use the latest nightly builds of TorizonCore 6, where it has already been fixed.
TOR-2432Fixed TorizonCore 6.0.0-devel-202209 won't boot on Colibri iMX7 Colibri iMX7 Kernel Low Description: The Colibri iMX7 boot hangs during the kernel startup.
Update: this was fixed at the BSP level, so nothing was done on TorizonCore. Use a nightly image from September 30 or newer to get the fix.
6.0.0-devel-202209 monthly pre-release TOR-2408New Feature Enable support for the Microchip KSZ9897 7-Port Gigabit Ethernet Switch with SGMII/RGMII/MII/RMII in TorizonCore All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable kernel config options on TorizonCore for the Microchip KSZ9897 7-Port Gigabit Ethernet Switch with SGMII/RGMII/MII/RMII support, as a module
TOR-2407New Feature As a user, I want to update the Toradex crops container to build TorizonCore 6.x series images Not applicable Device Trees, Kernel, Open Embedded Description: It is possible to Build TorizonCore from source with the Yocto Project/OpenEmbedded using a container provided by Toradex. This container is being updated so TorizonCore 6 can be built with it, and is made the default version.
TOR-2403Fixed The current `setup-environment-internal` script automatically appends data to `auto.conf` resulting in duplicated settings Not applicable Open Embedded Low Description: Every time the "setup-environment" script is run, it automatically appends data to "auto.conf", making it inconvenient to use it.
TOR-2363Fixed Aktualizr: Manifest doesn't return proper ECU installation report in some cases Not applicable Aktualizr Low Description: In some cases, it is possible for one of the ECUs to not be able to return an installation report in the manifest that is sent to the server. Instead of indicating an error in such a case the installation report just omits any information about this ECU. This can cause a weird situation where the update is marked “successful”, but the specific assignment for the problematic ECU is not marked complete since an installation report was never received. This situation while rare is not easily recovered from.
Update: this has been reported in the upstream project, on Secondary manifest not sent in some cases .
TOR-2324New Feature As a user, I want updated documentation for the TorizonCore 6.x series Not applicable Device Trees, Kernel, Open Embedded Description: As TorizonCore 6.0.0 release gets closer, we start doing internal work on updating the documentation for the release.
TOR-2985Known Issue `skip_fdt_overlays` isn't working in TorizonCore 5.7.2 and up Not applicable Device Tree Low Description: `skip_fdt_overlays` isn't working in TorizonCore 5.7.2 and up. It is not planned to be fixed, since this feature is meant to be used during the development phase, and TorizonCore 5.7.2 and newer are maintenance releases for customers with devices on the field, past development.
If you need this feature, either use the documented workaround or migrate to Torizon OS 6.
Workaround: Instead of stopping on U-Boot and entering:
# setenv skip_fdt_overlays 1
# boot
just run these commands below. With them we're already skipping the overlay loading and we'll be resizing the fdt region:
# setenv devtype mmc; setenv devnum 0; ext4load ${devtype} ${devnum}:1 ${loadaddr} /boot/loader/uEnv.txt; env import -t ${loadaddr} ${filesize}
# run set_fdt_path
# setenv bootcmd_dtb "load ${devtype} ${devnum}:${otaroot} ${fdt_addr_r} ${fdt_path}; fdt addr ${fdt_addr_r}; fdt resize 0x20000"
# run bootcmd_run
5.7.2 patch release TOR-2650Fixed Running "shutdown -h now" or "poweroff" on Torizon for colibri-imx7-emmc results in a partial reboot Colibri iMX7 Kernel Low Description: Colibri iMX7 has two watchdog sources: the SoC and the PMIC. BSP 5 uses the PMIC watchdog as "/dev/colibri-watchdog", which in turn is the one used by TorizonCore. It turns out that the watchdog firmware for the PMIC on BSP 5 is not as featureful as required to ensure the "shutdown" properly works.
TOR-2519New Feature As a user, I want the fix for devices updates being locked in a "pending" state after updating from 5.2.0 to 5.7.0, due to sending of ill-formed manifests to the platform, backported to TorizonCore 5 Not applicable Aktualizr Description: This backport refers to the bugfix TOR-2458 .
5.7.0 LTS release. Learn more on https://www.toradex.com/news/torizon-core-release-5-7-0-quarterly-release TOR-2385New Feature Enable kernel config options for the MCP23S17 16-Bit I/O Expander with Serial Interface, on TorizonCore All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable kernel config options on TorizonCore for the MCP23S17 16-Bit I/O Expander with Serial Interface support, as a module
TOR-2382New Feature Enable support for the 1-wire DS2401 Silicon Serial Number in TorizonCore All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable the kernel config options CONFIG_W1, CONFIG_W1_MASTER_GPIO and CONFIG_W1_SLAVE_SMEM as modules on TorizonCore for the DS2401 Silicon Serial Number support
TOR-2366Fixed The docker-integrity-checker and docker-compose systemd services don't use /etc/docker/config.json as the default configuration file Not applicable Open Embedded Low Description: Docker uses a configuration file that is kept by default in the user directory (something like "/home/user/.docker/config.json"). This is not ideal for TorizonCore, since the home directory is not touched by updates, and user configuration hardly ever makes sense. Due to that, some of our services explicitly set the DOCKER_CONFIG environment variable to use the config file at /etc/docker/config.json, which is great because, as a user, you can customize it, capture changes with TorizonCore Builder, and replicate the configuration to all boards.
Recently, it was reported that the configuration file /etc/docker/config.json was not being used by the docker-integrity-checker and the docker-compose services, leading to unexpected behavior.
This is being fixed in a way that the DOCKER_CONFIG variable is globally set in TorizonCore, so all systemd services and the shell environment make use of it.
Workaround: Create a systemd override for the affected services that appends the line Environment="DOCKER_CONFIG=/etc/docker" , then capture changes with TorizonCore Builder.
Or set "/home/torizon/.docker/config.json" and "/etc/docker/config.json" with the same contents.
Or use a symbolic link from one file to another.
TOR-2359Fixed Remote updates get stuck after a power supply interruption while updating (update started shown in WebUI) Not applicable Aktualizr Low Description: The error "Top level object in '/var/sota/storage/docker-compose/docker-compose.yml.tmp' needs to be an object not ''." shows up in rare occasions, due to power cut on secondary updates leading to an empty /var/sota/storage/docker-compose/docker-compose.yml.tmp file. This leads to a scenario where the board cannot recovery from updates in the web UI and thus leads to a state where application updates cannot be performed anymore.
We are fixing it by making the file creation operation atomic, so it properly fails and rolls back if the file is not populated with the expected content during a power cut.
TOR-2340Fixed Error "E1187: Failed to source defaults.vim" when using Vim Not applicable Open Embedded Low Description: When using Vim on TorizonCore, the following message is printed before Vim is started: "E1187: Failed to source defaults.vim". While it does not prevent you from using Vim, a defaults.vim file is missing which would suppress such a message, therefore we'll add it.
TOR-2320Fixed Error response from Docker daemon "docker: Error response from daemon: transport is closing: unavailable." in LAVA tests Not applicable Open Embedded Low Description: The error "docker: Error response from daemon: transport is closing: unavailable." was identified by our test infrastructure on some SoMs, as Colibri iMX6ULL, Colibri iMX7, and Apalis iMX6D 1GB IT. We are investigating why.
If you experience the same error, please report it in our community website.
Update: we have downgraded from docker-moby 20.x to docker-ce 19.03.14, which is proven to be stable from our previous releases and test cases.
TOR-2318Fixed Device tree repository not syncing from BSP nightlies Not applicable CI / CD, Device Tree Overlays Low Description: For a while, our device-trees repository got out of sync with the Linux kernel device trees. It is fixed as of June 9th. If you have done some work previously and your device tree is not working, please pull the latest changes.
TOR-2315Fixed Offline Updates: Synchronous Updates do not work correctly if a device is offline provisioned Not applicable Aktualizr Low Description: During our internal tests to validate the secure offline updates implementation, we have noticed that synchronous updates don't work.
TOR-2305Fixed Offline Updates: Synchronous offline updates fail Not applicable Aktualizr Low Description: If you define a synchronous update using a vanilla TorizonCore image - that is, one provided by Toradex and not customized with TorizonCore Builder - then synchronous updates fail.
Workaround: Push a TorizonCore image to the Platform Services using TorizonCore Builder, then use this image for synchronous secure offline updates.
TOR-2186New Feature As a user, I want documentation about production programming and provisioning at scale Not applicable Other Description: TorizonCore Builder will contain features that allow devices to be provisioned to the Torizon Platform Services without manual intervention. This allows you to provision devices during production programming .
Update: documentation is available on Production Programming in Torizon .
5.7.0-devel-202206 monthly pre-release TOR-2356New Feature Enable kernel config CONFIG_NETFILTER_XT_MATCH_OWNER in TorizonCore All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable kernel config CONFIG_NETFILTER_XT_MATCH_OWNER in TorizonCore, as requested by a customer.
TOR-2277New Feature As a developer, I want to reduce the log level for Aktualizr "Offline-mode header not found" Not applicable Aktualizr Description: The message “Offline-mode header not found…“ is not very important on the default log level. It can bring more confusion than help in the early debug stages. We plan to drop the log level so it is omitted by default.
TOR-2276Fixed Splash screen working on Apalis iMX8 only if HDMI overlay is disabled Apalis iMX8 Device Tree Overlays Low Description: Currently, it is stated that splash screen on Apalis iMX8 is not supported due to an NXP DRM driver limitation .
However, if the HDMI interface is disabled (HDMI device tree overlays removed) and only the LVDS interface is enabled (LVDS device tree overlays added), then the splash screen shows up on the LVDS display.
TOR-2274New Feature Enable support for the SJA1000 CAN controller Not applicable Kernel Description: Enable kernel config options on TorizonCore for the SJA1000 CAN controller support, as a module
TOR-2271New Feature As a developer, I want provisioning to happen soon after internet access is available Not applicable Open Embedded Description: The provisioning service has a timeout of 30 minutes. We plan to reduce it to 5 minutes, so provisioning retry does not take too long in case it's required.
TOR-2262New Feature As a developer, I want mmc-utils on TorizonCore, so I can perform booloader updates Not applicable Open Embedded Description: mmc-utils are useful in many scenarios. Motivated by the necessity to allow bootloader updates, we decided to include the utils in the TorizonCore distro. Learn more about eMMC on our article eMMC (Linux)
5.7.0-devel-202205 monthly pre-release TOR-2259New Feature Enable support for the NXP SC16IS7xx (via SPI) and the PWM Servo Module PCA9685 All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable kernel config options on TorizonCore for the NXP SC16IS7xx (via SPI) and the PWM Servo Module PCA9685 support, as modules
TOR-2256Fixed TorizonCore build fails due to Git error when generating the image Not applicable Open Embedded Low Description: On development PCs with newer versions of Git that address CVE-2022-24765 and CVE-2022-24767 , the TorizonCore build with Yocto Project/OpenEmbedded fails.
Workaround: This is fixed on commit 256b379f02da66522eb20d93071f95b9bd859f8e , update your local version of meta-toradex-torizon to this commit or newer.
TOR-2249Fixed An OTA with the same name and version running on the device, but different hash, puts the device in an unrecoverable state Not applicable Aktualizr Low Description: If you push an application update with a given version, let's say "1.0", then you override the Docker Compose on the Platform Services but use the same version "1.0" and push a new application update, this leaves the device into an application update hanging state.
TOR-2248New Feature Enable support for matrix keyboard (CONFIG_KEYBOARD_MATRIX) All supported modules Kernel Description: We enable support for matrix keyboard in TorizonCore, shipping it as a module
TOR-2161New Feature As a developer, I want to investigate how to run graphical applications on a headless board Not applicable Automated testing Description: Running graphical applications on a board that does not have a display connected can be useful. For example, it may help validating graphical apps on CI pipelines, or remote accessing a board while sharing it with others during a development phase.
While we execute this task mainly motivated to improve our CI pipeline, as we consider some results of this investigation useful to customers, we will publicly document them. If you have interesting in such, please contact us.
Update 1: how to force a display connector state to "on" is documented on Working with Weston on TorizonCore - Running graphical application without a display connected .
Workaround: Check if the display connector state is on. If not, force it with a command similar to "echo on > /sys/class/drm/card1-HDMI-A-1/status", depending on your board.
5.6.0 quarterly release. Learn more on https://www.toradex.com/news/torizon-core-release-5-6-0-quarterly-release TOR-2211Fixed LAVA test case for TorizonCore "hw-automounting-test" is failing Not applicable Automated testing Low Description: Our CI test infrastructure caught a regression on automounting a USB stick. This is due to the fact that, if a drive without a partition table is inserted during boot, it is not mounted properly. On hotplug, it does work as expected.
TOR-2199Fixed mwifiex drivers don't get loaded if the device hostname gets changed Not applicable Open Embedded Low Description: On TorizonCore, the loading of on-SoM Wi-Fi drivers are delayed, to improve application boot time. Currently the drivers are loaded for each SoM based on the hostname . This leads to the drivers not loading if the hostname is changed.
The method to infer the SoM model will be changed to allow customers to change the hostname without such an impact.
Workaround: Until the fix is released, avoid changing the hostname.
TOR-2192Fixed Persistent logging no longer works Not applicable Kernel, Open Embedded Low Description: The persistent journald logging should work, as it has been tested in the past. The feature was reported as not working in our community , therefore we are investigating and fixing it.
Update: the documentation is updated and the reported issue is fixed.
TOR-2187New Feature Enable support for "Rotary encoders connected to GPIO pins" (CONFIG_INPUT_GPIO_ROTARY_ENCODER) in TorizonCore Not applicable Kernel Description: We enable support for the Rotary encoders connected to GPIO in TorizonCore, shipping it as a module.
This has been requested in our community
5.6.0-devel-202203 monthly pre-release TOR-2176New Feature As a user, I want documentation on synchronous remote updates Not applicable Aktualizr Description: In the Torizon Platform Services , you can perform synchronous updates. In other words, you can deploy OS and application updates together.
We have documented it on Torizon Remote Updates Technical Overview - Synchronous updates (5.4.0) .
TOR-2175New Feature Enable support for the Micro Crystal RV8803 RTC (CONFIG_RTC_DRV_RV8803) in TorizonCore All supported modules Kernel Description: We enable support for the RTC Micro Crystal RV8803 in TorizonCore, shipping it as a module.
This has been requested in our community .
TOR-2167New Feature As a developer, I want to review the NXP license added to TorizonCore without evaluation containers Verdin iMX8M Plus, Verdin iMX8M Mini, Colibri iMX8X, Colibri iMX6, Apalis iMX8, Apalis iMX6 Open Embedded Description: TorizonCore releases come in two “flavors”: with and without evaluation containers. We add the NXP license to the Toradex Easy Installer image without evaluation containers, but we don’t use it. In other words, when installing TorizonCore, users are not prompted to accept the license. In this task, we will evaluate if the license is being deployed as a mistake, or if we should enable prompting users to accept NXP’s EULA.
Update: we came to the conclusion that, even for images without evaluation containers, some of them are shipped with components that are subject to NXP's EULA. Therefore, the license will also show up on those images, on a case-by-case basis mostly dependent on the SoC that equips a given SoM.
5.6.0-devel-202202 monthly pre-release TOR-2152New Feature As a user, I want the ifupdown plugin for NetworkManager included in TorizonCore Not applicable Open Embedded Description: The "ifupdown" plugin for NetworkManager is included in TorizonCore and disabled by default. As stated in our article Networking with TorizonCore , please refer to the official NetworkManager docs on how to use the plugin.
TOR-2115New Feature Enable support for the NXP PCF2127/29 RTC (CONFIG_RTC_DRV_PCF2127) in TorizonCore All supported modules Kernel Description: We enable support for the RTC NXP PCF2127/29 in TorizonCore, shipping it as a module. This feature has been requested in our community .
Workaround: Until the driver is enabled, you must build a custom version of TorizonCore from source , adding your patches to enable the device driver.
TOR-2084New Feature As a user, I want to learn what does a successful remote application update means and its relationship with health checks Not applicable Aktualizr Description: We lack documentation on what does a "successful remote application update" means. This creates a misalignment between what customers expect from the feature and how it behaves. It has been documented and is available in the Torizon Remote Updates Technical Overview .
TOR-2058New Feature As a developer, I want to stop providing experimental support for NAND-based modules in TorizonCore Colibri iMX6ULL, Colibri iMX7 Open Embedded Description: While Toradex has never supported raw NAND-based SoMs (the lower-end versions of Colibri iMX6ULL and Colibri iMX7 with 256/512MB of RAM), those machines were available in meta-toradex-torizon as experimental . As we don't plan to maintain them in the future, we are dropping the experimental support to indicate that to customers that may be doing their own experimentation with a raw NAND-based SoM and TorizonCore.
Workaround: If you plan to run TorizonCore on a raw NAND device in the future, you will have to maintain your own fork of TorizonCore, either in-house or through our partners .
5.5.0 quarterly release. Learn more on https://www.toradex.com/news/torizon-core-release-5-5-0-quarterly-release TOR-2087New Feature As a developer, I want to understand if DBus introduces a security issue for users Not applicable Open Embedded Description: D-Bus exposes some features from the base OS such as the ability to reboot or shutdown the system . We have evaluated if this is a security risk and came to the conclusion that, by default, it isn't. This is due to the fact that to use D-Bus from inside a container, you must explicitly bind mount "/var/run/dbus" and therefore evaluate the risk of doing so. Keep in mind that, in the worst case, even if you expose D-Bus to your container, it will be as secure as a regular non-containerized embedded Linux system , where you don't have the additional security layer offered by containers.
Workaround: If you don't trust the software running in your container, it is advised that you don't bind mount "/var/run/dbus", or at least restrict D-Bus access to some interfaces by creating configuration files on "/etc/dbus-1/system.d/".
TOR-2008New Feature As a user, I want to be made aware of the importance of setting strong password and I want to be able to enforce it Not applicable Open Embedded Description: Nowadays, certificate-based authentication is a more secure and preferred method over password-based authentication. Nevertheless, we want to at least provide the tools for our customers to create strong passwords, shall they decide to use this method. When this task is completed, you will get documentation explaining how to enforce the setup of a strong password and learn more about certificate-based authentication. TorizonCore will not change the default implementation on how to set a new password: you are required to update the password on the first login, but you still can set a weak password without being prompted about it.
TOR-2007New Feature As a user, I want to understand if it makes sense to prune Docker images periodically in TorizonCore Not applicable Open Embedded Description: Especially during development, it is common that the system accumulates several stopped containers, networks, and dangling images. This may lead to annoying usage of storage. Since this feature was added, TorizonCore is shipped with a systemd service named "docker-auto-prune" that you can enable during development, and it will run periodically to remove the accumulated garbage. Learn more on Debian Containers for Torizon - Docker Auto Prune
TOR-1881Fixed Aktualizr reports an incorrect hash when it can't find the currently-running version in its targets metadata Not applicable Aktualizr Low Description: Currently, when you install TorizonCore and provision it on the Torizon Platform Services , the Platform does not display the TorizonCore version that is installed on the device. This is a limitation that must be first fixed in libaktualizr. This fix will allow users of the Platform Services to see the TorizonCore version that is installed on the board during the first installation.
5.5.0-devel-202112 monthly release TOR-2036New Feature As a developer, I want to investigate the best approach to monitor users applications with Fluent Bit Not applicable Open Embedded Description: If you are interested in monitoring the output of your containers (stdout and stderr), it is made possible with Fluentd. Learn how to do it on Device Monitoring in TorizonCore - Containerized Application Monitoring . Keep in mind that you have to implement the server-side monitoring since the Torizon Platform Services currently don't interpret and present this data.
TOR-2034New Feature As a user, I want to be able to set the name and version when pushing OSTree commits to Torizon OTA Not applicable Aktualizr Description: When using the torizoncore-builder push command , you can set the OS update package name and version . This way, you can easily manage and select your packages on app.torizon.io .
5.5.0-devel-202111 monthly release TOR-2065New Feature Remove support for Colibri iMX8X V1.0B in TorizonCore Colibri iMX8X Open Embedded Description: The Colibri iMX8X 1.0B is an early sample. We advise you to move to the latest version as soon as possible.
Workaround: While you don't procure a newer version, use the latest supported TorizonCore version 5.4.0.
TOR-2045New Feature Remove support for Apalis iMX8X in TorizonCore Apalis iMX8X Open Embedded Description: Apalis iMX8X is being phased out and we are removing the support in TorizonCore.
Workaround: Migrate to a supported SoM that meets your requirements. Options and Apalis iMX8, Verdin iMX8M Plus and others. Browse for available SoMs on toradex.com
TOR-2025New Feature Enable Config CONFIG_MS5637 All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable MS5637 I2C temperature/pressure sensor in TorizonCore.
5.4.0 Quarterly Release. Learn more on https://www.toradex.com/news/torizon-core-release-5-4-0-quarterly-release TOR-2052Fixed TorizonCore fails to build in the plymouth's do_fetch task Not applicable Open Embedded Low Description: TorizonCore is failing to build in the plymouth's do_fetch task. The reason is that the upstream project renamed the master branch to main.
TOR-2004Fixed The rngd service is failing on Colibri iMX6ULL eMMC Colibri iMX6ULL Open Embedded Low Description: The rngd service is failing on Colibri iMX6ULL eMMC because there is no entropy source (that is because iMX6ULL doesn’t have the CAAM module).
5.4.0-devel-202109 Monthly Release TOR-1994New Feature As a user, I want device monitoring enabled by default in TorizonCore Not applicable Open Embedded Description: Enable device monitoring by default in TorizonCore. That means TorizonCore will ship with some Fluent-Bit default configuration, and the Fluent-Bit service will be automatically enabled when the device is provisioned.
TOR-1993Fixed aktualizr-torizon: Project fails to compile outside of Yocto Not applicable Aktualizr Low Description: The aktualizr-torizon project fails to compile outside of Yocto builds (i.e. when built manually).
TOR-1968Fixed docker pull fails with "too many levels of symbolic links" error Not applicable Other Low Description: On a power failure during a "docker pull", Docker data may get corrupted, leading to the error "failed to register layer: error creating overlay mount to /var/lib/docker/overlay2/hash/merged: too many levels of symbolic links".
Update: a service is now available on TorizonCore to attempt to recover the system from this situation. This service is disabled by default and must be enabled by you. Read the Docker Data Integrity Checker to learn more.
TOR-1955New Feature As a user, I want to support Colibri iMX6ULL 1G in TorizonCore Colibri iMX6ULL Open Embedded Description: Add Colibri iMX6ULL 1G (eMMC version) in TorizonCore.
TOR-1831New Feature As a developer, I want to investigate options and alternatives to optimize boot time in TorizonCore Not applicable Open Embedded Description: Measure, optimize and document TorizonCore boot time.
5.4.0-devel-202108 Monthly Release TOR-2141Fixed Torizoncore-builder creates incorrect uEnv.txt files on raw NAND SoMs Colibri iMX6ULL Open Embedded Low Description: On Colibri iMX6ULL, we cannot deploy custom images generated by TorizonCore Builder. Edit: in the end, we have identified this an issue related to OSTree and U-Boot, and have fixed it with a patch in our OpenEmbedded layer meta-toradex-torizon. No changes were applied to TorizonCore Builder.
TOR-1772New Feature As a user, I want TorizonCore to properly monitor containers and recover from Docker data corruption Not applicable Open Embedded Description: TorizonCore should be more resilient to container problems. So we need to 1) make sure the containers described in the docker-compose file are really running and 2) identify corrupted Docker data as soon as possible, and try to recover from it, like force-pulling the corrupted images.
TOR-1595Fixed Terminal Messages Between Splash and Portainer Not applicable Other Low Description: Between the splash screen and Portainer, we can see a console terminal. The transition between the splash screen and Portainer should be smooth.
5.3.0 Quarterly Release. Learn more on https://www.toradex.com/news/torizon-core-release-5-3-0-quarterly-release TOR-1952Fixed conmon is failing to build Not applicable Open Embedded Low Description: conmon fails to build because the upstream project renamed the master branch to main.
TOR-1948Fixed Change branch for git://github.com/coreos/go-systemd.git Not applicable CI / CD Low Description: The project git://github.com/coreos/go-systemd.git has renamed their master branch to main. Due to that, the build fails.
TOR-1935Fixed Cannot update Verdin iMX8MM from TorizonCore 5.1.0 (quarterly) to TorizonCore 5.3.0 (nightly) Verdin iMX8M Mini Open Embedded Low Description: When updating Verdin iMX8MM from TorizonCore 5.1.0 (quarterly release ) to TorizonCore 5.3.0 (nightly build), the boot fails with a "device tree not found" error.
TOR-1920Fixed Chromium Started From Portainer Provides a Poor UX With Error Code 256 Not applicable Other Low Description: We have performance issues when starting Chromium from another Chromium instance (Portainer), so let's change to Cog in the template.
TOR-1919Fixed Portainer Does Not Start in Fullscreen Not applicable Other Low Description: After updating to version 88.0.4324, Chromium doesn't start in fullscreen anymore.
TOR-1911New Feature Enable Configs for AD5592R & AD7124 All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable the following ADC/DAC in the kernel configuration: AD5592R, CONFIG_AD5593R, CONFIG_AD7124.
TOR-199Fixed X11 display number changes when starting/stopping weston container Not applicable Low Description: On each execution a new .X*-lock entry is created under /tmp and XWayland keeps incrementing X display number, this generates issues for any X-based application.
TOR-162Fixed VT switching broken Not applicable Low Description: VT switching between getty 1-6 (as enabled by systemd by default) and Weston running in the container does not seem to work.
5.3.0-devel-202106 Monthly Release TOR-1883Fixed use-head-next is being set even when using default.xml manifest Not applicable Open Embedded Low Description: The repo tool has been changed a while ago to create the manifest file as a plain xml file instead of a symlink. This was causing an issue where use-head-next was being added to MACHINEOVERRIDES even on monthly/quarterly builds, causing TorizonCore builds to build from the latest u-boot/kernel trees.
TOR-1855New Feature As a developer, I want Aktualizr-Torizon to be able to send device monitoring data to Torizon OTA Not applicable Aktualizr Description: Implementation of a proxy in Aktualizr-Torizon to receive JSON formatted data from a local TCP socket and send it to Torizon OTA.
TOR-1850New Feature Enable CONFIG_POWER_RESET_GPIO kernel config option in TorizonCore All supported modules Kernel Description: The kernel configuration option CONFIG_POWER_RESET_GPIO makes it possible to power off the device via a GPIO.
TOR-1848New Feature As a developer, I want to investigate the current state of Verdin iMX8M Plus support in TorizonCore Verdin iMX8M Plus Open Embedded Description: Add TorizonCore support on Verdin iMX8M Plus.
TOR-1804New Feature As a user, I want to access PWM files using the torizon user, so I don't need root privileges to do that Not applicable Open Embedded Description: Change credentials of the PWM files to a pwm group, and add the torizon user to it. That way, the torizon user can access the PWM interface without root access.
TOR-1725Fixed Forward appropriate arguments to the kernel from the boot script Apalis iMX8 Open Embedded Low Description: The BSP stores platform (SoM) related kernel arguments in the defargs U-Boot environment variable. Let's append the content of this variable in the default TorizonCore kernel arguments.
TOR-1647New Feature As a developer, I want to investigate Access Point mode support in TorizonCore, so I can provide this feature to users Not applicable Open Embedded Description: Test and document how to configure Wi-Fi Access Point mode with Network Manager in TorizonCore.
5.3.0-devel-202105 Monthly Release TOR-1771New Feature As a developer, I want to leverage systemd watchdog feature to monitor services, so I can take some action when core services freeze Not applicable Open Embedded Description: Integrate systemd watchdog feature in TorizonCore.
TOR-1770New Feature As a developer, I want to integrate greenboot in TorizonCore, so updates and rollback checks are more flexible Not applicable Open Embedded Description: Integrate Greenboot framework in TorizonCore.
TOR-1768New Feature As a developer, I want to integrate Fluent Bit in TorizonCore, so I can configure it to forward data/log to a server for monitoring purposes Not applicable Open Embedded Description: Add Fluent Bit log collector/forwarder to TorizonCore. The service will be disabled by default and may be configured/enabled by the user.
TOR-1737New Feature As a developer, I want to investigate VPN support in TorizonCore Not applicable Open Embedded Description: Add VPN support in TorizonCore using Wireguard, an extremely simple yet fast and modern VPN that utilizes state-of-the-art cryptography.
TOR-1728New Feature Add i2c-tools and evtest to TorizonCore Not applicable Open Embedded Description: Add to TorizonCore i2c-tools (i2C bus utilities) and evtest (input subsystem utility).
TOR-1441New Feature As a developer, I want to have my own Aktualizr repository, so maintenance is improved in the client application All supported modules Aktualizr Description: Aktualizr update client application forked and renamed to Aktualizr-Torizon .
5.2.0-devel-202104 Monthly Release. Learn more on https://www.toradex.com/news/torizon-core-release-5-2-0-release-monthly TOR-1781Fixed Update failing from last monthly to last nightly Apalis iMX6 Open Embedded Low Description: Update via Torizon OTA is failing from the last monthly build (5.2.0-devel-202103+build.9) to the last nightly build (5.2.0-devel-20210328+build.257).
TOR-1777New Feature Remove "for V1.0C HW" from Colibri iMX8X C0 image names Colibri iMX8X Open Embedded Description: Since we have now Colibri iMX8X V1.0D, let's remove "for V1.0C HW" from the image name.
TOR-1738Fixed Add Backlight bl_power to the video Group Not applicable Other Low Description: Missing permission for the video group on /sys/class/backlight/backlight/bl_power.
5.2.0-devel-202103 Monthly Release TOR-1720Fixed TorizonCore will reboot indefinitely if the docker service fails Verdin iMX8M Plus, Verdin iMX8M Mini, Colibri iMX8X, Colibri iMX6ULL, Colibri iMX7, Colibri iMX6, Apalis iMX8, Apalis iMX6, Apalis iMX8X Open Embedded Low Description: TorizonCore reboots indefinitely if the docker service fails. This should only happen if the system is executing an update.
TOR-2140Fixed Applying overlays with TorizonCore Builder sets rollback variables in U-Boot on i.MX8 Apalis iMX8 Open Embedded Low Description: When deploying a new OSTree image with TorizonCore Builder, the system automatically rollback after 3 reboots.
Workaround: After the deploy command, and then reboot, run the following commands:
$ sudo fw_setenv upgrade_available 0
$ sudo fw_setenv bootcount 0
TOR-1687New Feature Add image metadata to /etc/os-release Verdin iMX8M Plus, Verdin iMX8M Mini, Colibri iMX8X, Colibri iMX6ULL, Colibri iMX7, Colibri iMX6, Apalis iMX8, Apalis iMX6, Apalis iMX8X Open Embedded Description: Add image type information (Docker, Podman) to /etc/os-release.
TOR-1669New Feature As a user, I want to use container images from a private registry in the docker compose file Not applicable Open Embedded Description: Currently, we do not do any authentication when pulling container images in Aktualizr. That means we only support pulling from a public registry. If we have for example container images from a private registry defined in docker-compose.yml, it won’t work due to the lacking of authentication. So we need to investigate and document the best approach to authenticate in private registries in TorizonCore.
TOR-1667New Feature Update Docker and Podman to the latest versions Verdin iMX8M Plus, Verdin iMX8M Mini, Colibri iMX8X, Colibri iMX6ULL, Colibri iMX7, Colibri iMX6, Apalis iMX8, Apalis iMX6, Apalis iMX8X Open Embedded Description: Update Docker from 19.03.12-ce to 19.03.14-ce and Podman to 2.2.1.
5.2.0-devel-202102 Monthly Release TOR-1629New Feature As a user, I want to extend container storage to external media, so I can use TorizonCore on storage limited devices Colibri iMX6ULL Open Embedded Description: Make it possible to extend container storage using external media like an SD Card or a USB stick.
TOR-1627New Feature As a user, I want recipes in meta-toradex-torizon to be fetched from https instead of git, so it is more user-friendly Verdin iMX8M Plus, Verdin iMX8M Mini, Colibri iMX8X, Colibri iMX6ULL, Colibri iMX7, Colibri iMX6, Apalis iMX8, Apalis iMX6, Apalis TK1, Apalis iMX8X Open Embedded Description: In an approach to make it more user-friendly, especially for big company customers that do not allow git-protocol in their networks, we decided to use https as a fetching source in meta-toradex-torizon.
5.1.0 Quarterly Release. Learn more on https://www.toradex.com/news/torizon-core-release-5-1-0-production-release-quarterly TOR-1615Fixed Device trees for Verdin missing in the device-trees repository Verdin iMX8M Plus, Verdin iMX8M Mini Device Trees Low Description: The device trees for Verdin are missing in the device-trees repository.
TOR-1610Fixed TorizonCore rollback is not working as expected All supported modules Aktualizr Critical Description: When doing a bad update, the rollback feature is not working as expected.
TOR-1600Fixed The rngd service is failing on Colibri iMX6ULL Colibri iMX6ULL Open Embedded Low Description: The rngd service is failing on Colibri iMX6ULL.
TOR-1594New Feature As a user, I want the update client to check for updates every 300 seconds, so I don't generate extra load in the device and in the OTA backend All supported modules Aktualizr Description: Change the Aktualizr polling frequency from 10 seconds to 300 seconds.
TOR-1591Fixed Docker compose config files are missing in Aktualizr All supported modules Aktualizr Low Description: Docker compose config files are missing in Aktualizr.
TOR-1585New Feature As a user, I want to build TorizonCore inside a container, so I don't have to care about configuring my host machine for TorizonCore builds All supported modules Open Embedded Description: The CROPS container provides a configured environment to make it easier to build TorizonCore.
TOR-1559New Feature Support verdin-imx8mp in Torizoncore meta layer and also in autobuild Verdin iMX8M Plus Open Embedded Description: A new machine verdin-imx8mp has been introduced in meta-toradex-nxp layer, let's add the support in Torizoncore.
5.1.0-devel-202012 Monthly Release. Learn more on https://www.toradex.com/news/torizon-core-prerelease-5-1-0-devel-202012 TOR-1569New Feature Enable PPP support in TorizonCore All supported modules Kernel Description: TorizonCore already has PPP support in kernel space, but it is lacking PPP support in NetworkManager.
TOR-1533Fixed Cannot apply overlays using overlays.txt in TorizonCore All supported modules Device Tree Overlays, Open Embedded Low Description: TorizonCore should be able to apply overlays using the overlays.txt implementation of the BSP.
TOR-1527Fixed do_populate_sdk task fails for the torizon-core-docker image All supported modules Open Embedded Low Description: Error generating SDK image for TorizonCore.
TOR-1509Fixed Create weston-touch-calibrator container for bullseye All supported modules Open Embedded Low Description: There is no weston-touch-calibrator for bullseye yet. We don’t need to compile weston-touch-calibrator as we had to for buster but we still need to add the special init file which exposes the touch API.
TOR-2139Fixed TorizonCore Builder dt checkout fails Colibri iMX6 Open Embedded Low Description: When using the latest TorizonCore nightly and then do a torizoncore-builder dt checkout we get the following error: "Branch name does not exist in upstream repository".
TOR-1401New Feature Make HDMI firmware updateble via OSTree Apalis iMX8 Kernel Description: Move the HDMI firmware to the root filesystem so it is updateble via OSTree.
TOR-1354New Feature Disable kernel options that could impact system latency All supported modules Kernel Description: When building RT distros (torizon-rt and torizon-upstream-rt), we should disable kernel configuration options that could impact system latency, mainly kernel debugging options and power management options.
TOR-1334New Feature Remove the boot partition All supported modules Open Embedded Description: Remove the boot partition from TorizonCore images.
TOR-1162New Feature Permissions on sysfs interfaces All supported modules Open Embedded Description: Change credentials to access hardware-related sysfs interfaces so the user can access them without running the application as root inside containers.
TOR-1124New Feature Enable the config options in mainline/downstream kernel All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable useful config options in mainline/downstream kernel.
TOR-473New Feature Add Firmware of common WiFi Adapters All supported modules Open Embedded Description: Add the following WiFi firmware to TorizonCore: linux-firmware-rtl8188eu
, linux-firmware-rtl8192cu and linux-firmware-sd8997.
5.1.0-devel-202011 Monthly Release. Learn more on https://www.toradex.com/news/torizon-core-prerelease-5-1-0-devel-202011 TOR-1506Fixed CONFIG_IGB is not enabled in mainline-based modules Colibri iMX6ULL, Colibri iMX7, Colibri iMX6, Apalis iMX6 Kernel Low Description: CONFIG_IGB is not enabled in mainline-based modules.
TOR-1484Fixed Symlink to "/dev/emmc-boot0" isn't being created. All supported modules Kernel Medium Description: The symlinks to eMMC devices are not being created, and fw_setenv/fw_printenv commands are not working.
TOR-1479Fixed Containers don't update if there is no docker-compose.yml file All supported modules Aktualizr Low Description: A bug is preventing containers from being updated if there is no /var/sota/storage/docker-compose/docker-compose.yml file.
TOR-1469Fixed Boot hangs or module freezes after docker run on Torizon Core 5 Verdin iMX8M Mini Kernel Low Description: Boot hangs or module freezes on Verdin iMX8MM after docker run on Torizon Core 5
TOR-1466Fixed Missing UPSTREAM in mainline-based images with preprovisioned containers All supported modules CI / CD Low Description: Missing UPSTREAM in in the name of mainline-based images with preprovisioned containers
TOR-1465Fixed WiFi doesn't work Verdin iMX8M Mini, Colibri iMX8X, Apalis iMX8 Kernel Low Description: WiFi doesn't work on iMX8 based modules
TOR-1459Fixed Automount USB does not work after reboot All supported modules Open Embedded Low Description: The automount feature of USB Sticks does not work after a reboot. It only mounts on unplug/plug events.
TOR-1455Fixed nmcli commands require sudo on 5.0.0 All supported modules Open Embedded Low Description: nmcli commands should not require sudo
TOR-1448Fixed Torizoncore does not ask for end user to set up a new password any more at the first boot All supported modules Open Embedded Low Description: Torizoncore does not ask for end user to set up a new password any more at the first boot.
TOR-1447Fixed polkit.service not starting correctly All supported modules Open Embedded Low Description: It seems that the System boot is categorized as degraded because of the polkit daemon.
TOR-1445New Feature Split Colibri iMX7 images for eMMC and NAND based devices Colibri iMX7 Open Embedded Description: Split Colibri iMX7 TorizonCore images for eMMC and NAND based devices
TOR-1443New Feature Configure docker-compose by default as secondary All supported modules Aktualizr Description: TorizonCore images by default should have configured docker-compose as a secondary.
TOR-1360New Feature Change the description of the iMX6ULL image Colibri iMX6ULL Open Embedded Description: Currently TorizonCore images for iMX6ULL are published in the TEZI feeds, and it is not clear in the description of the images that they are experimental and TorizonCore is not officially supported on iMX6ULL. So let’s change the name and description of the images to improve this situation.
TOR-1352Fixed Verdin HDMI output is not working Verdin iMX8M Plus, Verdin iMX8M Mini Kernel Low Description: The DSI to HDMI adapter is not enabled in the device tree, so by default the HDMI output is not working on Verdin.
TOR-1335New Feature Make the boot logic update-able via OSTree All supported modules Open Embedded Description: Make the boot scripts update-able with Aktualizr via OSTree.
TOR-1231Fixed rgnd daemon is not running on iMX7 Colibri iMX7 Open Embedded Low Description: There is a limitation in the CAAM driver initialization that prevents the CAAM module to initialize properly when running in the non-secure world. To prevent systemd from showing that the service has failed (see below), let’s disable this service for iMX7 devices.
TOR-309Fixed U-Boot and Linux print build times in 1970 All supported modules Open Embedded Low Description: Since we use reproducible builds, time stamps are set to 0.
5.0.0-devel-202010 Monthly Release. Learn more on https://www.toradex.com/news/torizon-core-prerelease-5-0-0-devel-202010 TOR-1423New Feature Bump TorizonCore containers tags to Bullseye All supported modules Open Embedded Description: Environment variables used to define containers tags compatible with TorizonCore should be bumped to Debian Bullseye.
TOR-1414New Feature Enable kernel config options requested by customers All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable in TorizonCore the support to Abracon AB1805 RTC, PPS GPIO, CAN J1939 and Samba 2/3
TOR-1411Fixed /etc/sudoers.d files should be named with numeric prefix All supported modules Open Embedded Low Description: /etc/sudoers.d/torizon renamed to /etc/sudoers.d/50-torizon
TOR-1361Fixed Issue with Aster bottom USB using TorizonCore Colibri iMX6 Device Trees, Kernel Low Description: The Aster bottom USB isn't working on the TorizonCore image on Colibri iMX6.
TOR-1350Fixed The docker group ID is is not stable All supported modules Open Embedded Low Description: Make users and groups IDs stable in TorizonCore.
TOR-1259New Feature Users and groups management All supported modules Open Embedded Description: Make it possible to receive users and groups updates via OTA event if the local users and groups files are changed.
TOR-1241New Feature Aktualizr update control (allow/block) mechanism All supported modules Aktualizr Description: The system and/or applications need a way to allow/block when updates can be downloaded or when reboot can occur.
TOR-1207Fixed Automount USB storage devices All supported modules Open Embedded Low Description: Automount USB storage devices at /media//.
TOR-1155Fixed Make sure to use consistent version number throughout a TorizonCore image All supported modules Open Embedded Description: Version number should be consistent throughout a TorizonCore image
TOR-950New Feature Introduce Torizon upstream distro All supported modules Open Embedded Description: Create and use torizon-upstream distro for machines that are build with mainline BSP.
TOR-234New Feature Integrate Docker Compose with Aktualizr All supported modules Aktualizr Description: Make it possible to update containers without rebooting.
5.0.0-devel-202009 Monthly Release. Learn more on https://www.toradex.com/news/torizon-core-prerelease-5-0-0-devel-202009 TOR-1349New Feature Use OSTree metadata for kernel branch information All supported modules Open Embedded Description: Add to OSTree metadata the kernel sources used to build the kernel image in that OSTree
TOR-1208New Feature Colibri IMX8X B0 support Colibri iMX8X Open Embedded Description: Provide TorizonCore images for Colibri IMX8X with B0 silicon (hardware version V1.0B)
TOR-1125New Feature Move TorizonCore to BSP 5.0 (dunfell) All supported modules Open Embedded Description: TorizonCore based on Yocto Project 3.1 (Dunfell) LTS release.
TOR-540New Feature Add OE layer Information to Build Metadata All supported modules Open Embedded Description: Add to OSTree metadata the OpenEmbedded build information.
4.0.0-devel-202008 Monthly Release. Learn more on https://www.toradex.com/news/torizon-core-prerelease-4-0-0-devel-202008 TOR-1202New Feature Add systemd-analyze to TorizonCore All supported modules Open Embedded Description: systemd-analyze is a tool that enables system manager analysis and debugging.
TOR-1189Fixed Bash completion is missing All supported modules Open Embedded Low Description: Add bash completion support to Docker and OSTree.
TOR-1168Fixed Prevent Aktualizer from setting bootcount and upgrade_available to zero on every boot All supported modules Aktualizr Low Description: Prevent Aktualizer from setting bootcount and upgrade_available to zero on every boot to avoid wearing of flash.
TOR-1147New Feature Add basic OpenEmbedded metadata to OSTree metadata All supported modules Open Embedded Description: Add basic OpenEmbedded metadata to OSTree such as distribution, machine or image name.
TOR-1109New Feature Modem support All supported modules Open Embedded Description: Add modem support (3G, 4G, LTE, etc) in TorizonCore.
TOR-1047New Feature PIN standardization All supported modules Device Trees, Kernel Description: Standardizing PIN access across SoM's
TOR-446New Feature Portainer templates support All supported modules Description: Add templates support to Portainer.
4.0.0-devel-202007 Monthly Release. Learn more on https://www.toradex.com/news/torizon-core-prerelease-4-0-0-devel-202007 TOR-1149Fixed Error when applying device tree overlay for 7" parallel display with capacitive touch All supported modules Device Tree Overlays Low Description: Error on dtconf when trying to apply a device tree overlay for the 7" parallel display with capacitive touch.
TOR-1144New Feature Update Podman to 2.0.0 All supported modules Open Embedded Description: Podman 2.0.0 release marks the HTTP API as stable.
TOR-1138New Feature Update Docker to 19.03.11 All supported modules Open Embedded Description: Docker 19.03.11 fixed the rather severe CVE-2020-13401.
TOR-1079New Feature Disable jitterentropy in rngd All supported modules Open Embedded Description: Research has shown that jitterentropy is causing high CPU. It seems that does threads run with regular priority, and hence really slow down the boot process. Since we install rngd mainly to fill the entropy pool from the hardware device, this change makes sure that jitterentropy is disabled by default.
TOR-1064New Feature Gumstix peripherals support All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable drivers in the TorizonCore Linux kernel to be supported by Gumstix's AutoBSP tool.
TOR-803Fixed Chromium does not render page when Weston is started with pixman Colibri iMX6ULL, Colibri iMX7 Debian Base Containers Low Description: On modules without GPU support such as Colibri iMX7 or Colibri iMX6ULL the Wayland compositor Weston is started with Pixman renderer. It seems that Chromium currently does not render properly when Weston is using Pixman renderer.
Workaround: Use Weston with Mesa software OpenGL (rebuild the Debian Weston base container and drop the `--use-pixman` flag in entry.sh).
4.0.0-devel-202006 Monthly Release. Learn more on https://www.toradex.com/news/torizon-core-prerelease-4-0-0-devel-202006 TOR-1043Fixed TorizonCore binary images are missing licence files Open Embedded Low Description: We need to provide the licence files in TorizonCore binary images.
TOR-1039Fixed Systemd is unable to stop docker-compose All supported modules Open Embedded Low Description: Containers started via docker-compose can't be stopped via 'systemctl stop docker-compose.service'
TOR-980Fixed The AP network interface 'uap0' is not being created sometimes Colibri iMX8X Kernel Medium Description: The AP interface 'uap0' doesn't always show up properly and only gets initialized after another reboot.
TOR-979Fixed WiFi interface in access point mode doesn't work on Colibri i.MX8X Colibri iMX8X Kernel Medium Description: The mwifiex.conf file is missing in /etc/modprobe.d/, therefore it is not possible to use the WiFi interface in access point mode.
Workaround: Create the file on your own with the following content:
'options mwifiex driver_mode=0x3'
TOR-976New Feature Qt Widgets and QML support with Weston/Mesa/Pixman on i.MX7 Colibri iMX7 Description: Qt Widgets and QML support on devices with no HW acceleration using Weston/Mesa/Pixman
TOR-933Fixed Docker pull fails if NTP is not synchronized Low Description: If the system clock is not synchronized, the command "docker pull" may fail.
TOR-918New Feature Add TorizonCore to uname version Description: We should add "TorizonCore" to the in the kernel version field (UTS_VERSION) compiled in.
TOR-797Fixed Build button becomes grayed out and unavailable after first run in Visual Studio Plugin Apalis iMX8X Low Description: After open Visual Studio with the plugin installed, I can succesfully build and debug a new project. However, after terminate the first debug session, the "Rebuild Torizon Application" button become grayed out and I cannot build and run the application again.
TOR-637Fixed Inconsistency in device tree overlay naming All supported modules Device Tree Overlays Low Description: The devicetree overlay naming is confusing and should be improved.
TOR-137New Feature dtconf: Suggest a git pull in case the branch is missing All supported modules Debian Tools Containers Description: In case an older dtconf container is used the branch on the local git repo is missing. Normally we should update our containers so that they already have the branch there. However, it could be that a customer has an older container locally and upated the system or similar situation. We probably should suggest to pull from the git repo in those cases.
TOR-135New Feature Missing success message when overlay has been applied All supported modules Debian Tools Containers Description: When using dtconf activate the output mentions that the overlay has been validated, but it is not clear that it also has been enabled.
4.0.0-devel-202005 Monthly Release. Learn more on https://www.toradex.com/news/torizon-core-prerelease-4-0-0 TOR-974New Feature Root filesystem with nano support Description: Since vim is not “user-friendly”, let's add nano as a text editor option to the TorizonCore’s root filesystem.
TOR-815New Feature Add vim-tiny to development tools container Description: It is often helpful to be able to quickly edit a device tree overlay file. It would be good to have some kind of editor in the development tools container, e.g. vim-tiny.
TOR-804Fixed Overlay display_EDT5.7_parallel_res_touch.dts does not work on Apalis iMX6 Apalis iMX6 Low Description: Overlay display_EDT5.7_parallel_res_touch.dts does not work on Apalis iMX6 (activating the overlay does not show anything on the screen)
TOR-799New Feature Enable spidev by default on Colibri iMX8X Colibri iMX8X Open Embedded Description: By default spidev on Colibri i.MX8X is disabled. It should be enabled by default to be consistent with other Torizon modules.
TOR-727New Feature Enable support of fw_utils based on NAND flash and emmc for colibri-imx7 Description: Currently TorizonCore does not have support for fw_env.conf file(s) for nand and emmc. It is needed for fw_utils to read and set boot environment variables
TOR-34Fixed Qt doesn't work with wayland-vivante container Apalis iMX8 Low Description: Applications that use only widgets work when launched in a privileged container mounting /dev, those that require opengl hang.
4.0.0-devel-202004 Monthly Release TOR-806New Feature NXP PCF85363 RTC support Colibri iMX7, Colibri iMX6, Apalis iMX6 Kernel Description: Add support for NXP PCF85363 RTC
TOR-791New Feature Development tools container on pre-provisioned images CI / CD Description: Add development tools container to pre-provisioned images
TOR-784Fixed Parallel RGB support on Colibri iMX8X Colibri iMX8X Low Description: Enable parallel RGB on Colibri iMX8X by default. Set resolution to 640x480.
TOR-777New Feature SHT3x sensor support on i.MX 8 series modules Verdin iMX8M Mini, Colibri iMX8X, Apalis iMX8, Apalis iMX8X Kernel Description: Add SHT3x sensor support on i.MX 8 series modules
TOR-776Fixed CFS Quota/Period support on i.MX 8 series modules Verdin iMX8M Mini, Colibri iMX8X, Apalis iMX8, Apalis iMX8X Low Description: Enable CFS Quota/Period support on i.MX 8 series modules
TOR-763Fixed U-Boot devicetree overlays support on Verdin modules Verdin iMX8M Mini Low Description: Enable U-Boot devicetree overlays support on Verdin modules
TOR-738New Feature Journald log driver Description: Enable use of journald log driver.
TOR-697New Feature Toradex Easy Installer Image Server with Zeroconf in a container Description: Create a container to run Toradex Easy Installer Image Server with Zeroconf
TOR-564New Feature Timezones support Open Embedded Description: Add timezones support in TorizonCore image
TOR-526New Feature Improve Splash Screen display time Description: Show the splash screen earlier and transition to the UI later to improve splash screen display time
TOR-498New Feature Verdin iMX8M Mini support Verdin iMX8M Mini Description: Add Verdin iMX8M Mini to TorizonCore
TOR-497New Feature Apalis iMX8X support Apalis iMX8X Open Embedded Description: Add Apalis iMX8X support to TorizonCore
TOR-496New Feature Colibri iMX8X support Colibri iMX8X Description: Add Colibri iMX8X support
TOR-469New Feature Goodix touchscreen support Kernel Description: Add Goodix touchscreen support to TorizonCore
TOR-410New Feature Tool to manage device tree overlays in the device Colibri iMX8X, Colibri iMX6ULL, Colibri iMX7, Colibri iMX6, Apalis iMX8, Apalis iMX6, Apalis iMX8X Description: Create a tool to manage device tree overlays on device
TOR-374New Feature Add support to reboot module after update Colibri iMX6ULL, Colibri iMX7, Colibri iMX6, Apalis iMX6 Description: Creating a file under /run/aktualizr-session/need_reboot will trigger automatic reboot.
TOR-373New Feature Splash screen support Description: Add support for splash screen
TOR-367Fixed Docker Compose does not work with Balena Colibri iMX6ULL, Colibri iMX7, Colibri iMX6, Apalis iMX6 Low Description: Images running Balena do not support using docker-compose
TOR-346New Feature Support OSTREE for different torizon versions Colibri iMX8X, Colibri iMX6ULL, Colibri iMX7, Colibri iMX6, Apalis iMX8, Apalis iMX6, Apalis iMX8X Low Description: OSTREE references have been updated. Check here for the current OSTREE feeds: https://developer.toradex.com/knowledge-base/torizon-update-system#OSTree_Update_From_Toradex_Feeds
TOR-338New Feature Apalis iMX8X support Apalis iMX8X Description: Support for Apalis iMX8X
TOR-312New Feature Apalis iMX8 support Apalis iMX8 Description: Add basic support for Apalis iMX8
TOR-311New Feature Support Mainline Linux for Colibri iMX6ULL Colibri iMX6ULL Description: Colibri iMX6ULL is only supported under Toradex Labs. Images can be found on Toradex Easy Installer CI feed.
TOR-304New Feature Use udev to provide Toradex standardized access to devices Colibri iMX6ULL, Colibri iMX7, Colibri iMX6, Apalis iMX6 Description: TorizonCore provides system links to all standard Toradex interfaces (e.g. /dev/ttycolibri0-3, /dev/i2c-colibri)
TOR-301New Feature Colibri iMX8X support Colibri iMX8X Description: Support for Colibri iMX8X
TOR-300New Feature Kernel per-process IO accounting support Colibri iMX6ULL, Colibri iMX7, Colibri iMX6, Apalis iMX6 Description: Enable kernel per-process IO accounting.
TOR-266New Feature Real-time TorizonCore image Colibri iMX6ULL, Colibri iMX7, Colibri iMX6, Apalis iMX6 Description: Real time images are available on Toradex Easy installer CI feed.
TOR-224New Feature Colibri iMX6ULL support Colibri iMX6ULL Description: Add Colibri iMX6ULL support
TOR-192New Feature Pixman renderer support on non-GPU Modules Colibri iMX6ULL, Colibri iMX7 Description: Automatically use Pixman renderer on non-GPU Modules
TOR-166New Feature USB-to-Serial converters support on i.MX8 Apalis iMX8 Description: Support USB-to-Serial converters on i.MX8 modules
TOR-133New Feature Bump to latest Linux 5.4 release Description: Bump the Linux kernel to 5.4 release
TOR-56Fixed Docker --init does not work Colibri iMX8X, Colibri iMX6ULL, Colibri iMX7, Colibri iMX6, Apalis iMX8, Apalis iMX6, Apalis iMX8X Low Description: The Docker init binary seems to be missing in the root file system
Workaround: Do not use --init, consider using an alternative like tiny-init.
TOR-54New Feature Verdin iMX8M Mini support Verdin iMX8M Mini Description: Support for Verdin iMX8M Mini
TOR-45Fixed LVDS Atmel Tochscreen not working Low Description: Fix bug that was preventing LVDS Atmel Tochscreen from working properly
TOR-15New Feature Docker seccomp support Description: Support seccomp in Docker
TOR-3480Known Issue Yocto build failing with elfutils error "error: ‘CURLOPT_PROTOCOLS’ is deprecated: since 7.85.0. Use CURLOPT_PROTOCOLS_STR [-Werror=deprecated-declarations]" on Torizon OS 6 (kirskstone) and a host PC with Debian 12 Open Embedded Low Description: The error: ‘CURLOPT_PROTOCOLS’ is deprecated: since 7.85.0. Use CURLOPT_PROTOCOLS_STR [-Werror=deprecated-declarations] happens when trying to build Torizon OS 6 (kirkstone) on a PC with Debian 12.
this is the outcome of using Debian 12 (bookworm) + building kirkstone + using curl 8.6.0 in meta-toradex-torizon. Curl added the deprecation warnings somewhere after 7.82 (which is the default in OE kirkstone), and gcc 12 (and newer) make the building fail – and since bookworm has gcc 12, the problem surfaces.
Workaround: Either use a container such as explained on Build Torizon OS from Source With Yocto Project/OpenEmbedded
or a supported distro on your PC as listed on Yocto Manual - Supported Distributions .
TOR-2918Feature Request As a user, I want to create a hotspot on TorizonCore with NetworkManager, so I can share internet to other devices Not applicable Open Embedded Description: Support for hotspot, or in other words, AP mode with internet forward, will be added to TorizonCore.
TOR-2654Known Issue Add, remove, and then re-add a secondary lead to the error “At least one ecu in EcuIdentifier was already used and removed for DeviceId and cannot be reused" Not applicable Aktualizr, Automated testing Low Description: In the TorizonCore update system, each updateable component - the OS, the application described by a Docker Compose file, the bootloader, and possibly other components in the future - is registered as a new ECU when introduced to a new TorizonCore release. The ECU naming comes from the automotive industry, and in our case it can be interpreted as a component that can be updated alone.
Due to how the updates are implemented in TorizonCore, you cannot automatically - that is, without manual intervention - update the OS to a version that has a new ECU, downgrade to a version that does not have it, and then update again to a version that has it. The system will see this as an attempt to add, remove, and re-add the ECU.
This is a rare scenario, and one example when this can happen is when Toradex introduced bootloader upgrades - which in practice introduced an ECU. If you update from TorizonCore 5.7.0 or older to 5.7.2 or newer, then downgrade to 5.7.0 or older, then update to 5.7.2 or newer, you will get the error “At least one ecu in EcuIdentifier was already used and removed for DeviceId and cannot be reused".
Workaround: Run the following command on the affected device: "rm -rf /var/sota/storage/bootloader"
TOR-2303Known Issue Offline Updates: Strange "INTERNAL_ERROR" log during an application update Not applicable Aktualizr Low Description: The log message with a result equal to INTERNAL_ERROR results from the online updates call chain and it does not affect offline updates. Post the Secure Offline Updates MVP we plan to support concomitant online + offline updates and then review this log message.
Workaround: Just ignore the message.
TOR-2129Feature Request As a user, I would like a VPN that supports TCP Kernel, Open Embedded Description: Wireguard requires UDP access to function. There are some use cases where a TCP-based solution is needed.
Workaround: It is possible to run OpenVNP on TorizonCore. Read the article OpenVPN and Weston's VNC/RDP on TorizonCore
for more details.
TOR-2082Feature Request As a user, when I use U-Boot fw-utils without sudo, I want a more descriptive error message than "Configuration file wrong or corrupted" Not applicable Open Embedded Description: When running U-Boot fw-utils commands as fw_setenv or fw_printenv as the torizon user, the command fails with the error message "Configuration file wrong or corrupted".
Workaround: Either run the commands with sudo, or switch to the root user before running the commands.
TOR-2022Known Issue TorizonCore Real Time image reboots randomly on Apalis iMX8 Apalis iMX8 Kernel Low Description: It has been reported by a customer that the PREEMPT_RT version of TorizonCore reboots spontaneously on Apalis iMX8. Internally, we were able to reproduce this bug on TorizonCore 5.7.0.
As of July 2022 - when 5.7.0 LTS has been released, the images with the PREEMPT_RT patch haven't been fully validated by Toradex. We have only run smoke tests and cyclictest to make sure that the system boots properly and the PREEMPT_RT patches are working on idle conditions.
In the TorizonCore Download Links we only list PREEMPT_RT images as monthly pre-releases, because they don't go through our validation steps to promote them to production-ready.
This bug is rejected because the customer who reported it didn't follow up on it and we suspect they may have been able to use the regular image without PREEMPT_RT, or another alternative. If you are waiting for this bug fix, please contact us so we can re-evaluate this decision and possibly resume our investigation.
TOR-1878Feature Request As a user, I want to completely quiet the serial console, so I can use the serial port for other purposes Not applicable Open Embedded Description: Although we advise customers to keep the first UART dedicated to debugging purposes by default, in the end, it should be a customer decision (for example, it may make sense in scenarios where security concerns are high). Our investigations show that it isn't possible to keep an easy-to-use solution in TorizonCore Builder, therefore we may document our findings with documentation, but we won't provide this as a feature. Please have a look at the workaround below to find some documentation.
Workaround: You can find some useful information in the article Configuring Serial Port Debug Console (Linux/U-Boot) .
TOR-1371Known Issue Buggy behavior using openjdk with qemu-static binaries for armv7 and armv8 All supported modules Other Low Description: Installing Java or the use of Java-dependent applications does not work during docker build
Workaround: Do not use java directly on your Dockerfile which will use a distro based on ARM architecture. Create a multistage Dockerfile and use a x86-64 distro as a base to perform tasks that require java.
TOR-319Known Issue Colibri iMX6S gets very slow with Docker Colibri iMX6 Open Embedded Low Description: Limited amount of memory on iMX6S prevents the system from running fast.
Update: Colibri iMX6S is not supported by TorizonCore anymore, since the low RAM leads to a poor user experience and limited use cases.
TOR-3744Known Issue CVE-2024-12084/CVE-2024-12085: remote code execution vulnerability in rsync Open Embedded Low Description: Rsync has a vulnerability that a remote user can exploit to read unauthorized memory, and potentially even gain remote code execution. This would be an issue if there is an SSH server running, with a user intended to have restricted access such that they can only execute the rsync server command. That is not the case in any default Torizon OS configuration, but if a user configured their system to allow ssh users to have access only for the purpose of using rsync, they would be affected.
Workaround: Disable SSH access for unprivileged users.
TOR-3662Known Issue Offline updates are broken with Lockboxes created by TCB 3.12.0, with error "validateMetadata: bad config file extension [RE]" Aktualizr Low Description: When a lockbox is created with TCB 3.12.0 and an offline update is triggered, the Aktualizr logs display the following error:
Dec 11 20:58:07 verdin-am62-15136118 aktualizr-torizon[8708]: Successfully loaded metadata from tarball: "/mnt/nrgsmart-updates/images/6a055debfaf0ce4f28801b853098ea684597ed31ab5545ee226985fe477def9b.images/e5bc873aeeb2ffc4d4cc38b812603b43734b2a3d588a7099bfbebcc1a1a13255.tar"
Dec 11 20:58:07 verdin-am62-15136118 aktualizr-torizon[8708]: validateMetadata: bad config file extension [RE]
Dec 11 20:58:07 verdin-am62-15136118 aktualizr-torizon[8708]: Loading of tarballs aborted!
Dec 11 20:58:07 verdin-am62-15136118 aktualizr-torizon[8708]: Offline loading failed: Failed to load docker tarball e5bc873aeeb2ffc4d4cc38b812603b43734b2a3d588a7099bfbebcc1a1a13255.tar
Dec 11 20:58:07 verdin-am62-15136118 aktualizr-torizon[8708]: Event: AllInstallsComplete, Result - INSTALL_FAILED
This leads to failure in performing the offline updateWorkaround: Use either TCB 3.11.0 or a newer release than 3.12.0
TOR-3656Known Issue Kernel modules not working correctly on Torizon OS 7.X PREEMPT_RT images Open Embedded Low Description: It was reported that kernel modules are not loaded on some builds of Torizon OS with PREEMPT_RT. Preliminary investigations seem to indicate that this is a build-time issue where the name of "/lib/modules/kernel-version" is not properly set, leading to the kernel not being to load the modules even when they are deployed to the final image.
TOR-3628Known Issue Bootloader/OS incompatibility issue on Verdin iMX8MP U-Boot Low Description: Our testing has shown that using the Torizon OS 7 bootloader with the Torizon OS 6 - which is a mandatory step before upgrading the OS - on Verdin iMX8M Plus may cause a reboot loop.
Update: this issue will be fixed in an upcoming maintenance release of Torizon OS 6.
Workaround: It is recommended to wait for the fix.
Alternatively, upgrade the Torizon OS from 6 to 7 without performing a bootloader upgrade. Be careful to validate that this works for your use case.
TOR-3359Feature Request Enable support for the TI LP5521 Three-Channel RGB and White LED Driver on Torizon OS All supported modules Kernel Description: Enable the required kernel config for the TI LP5521 Three-Channel RGB and White LED Driver on Torizon OS.
TOR-2802Known Issue Error "Configuration file wrong or corrupted" in reading U-Boot environment variables with fw_printenv in greenboot scripts Not applicable Open Embedded Low Description: Reading the U-Boot environment early in the boot stage with the “fw_printenv“ command may fail due to a missing symlink to “/dev/emmc-boot0“, which is created from a udev rule. It may happen, for example, from a Greenboot check script as documented on Update Checks and Rollbacks .
Workaround: Either wait for the symlink to be created before running “fw_printenv“, or if you need to use the command in the early boot stages, change the fw-utils configuration to use the eMMC device directly instead of the symlink.
TOR-2790Known Issue Error in initial call to auto-provisioning causes a 5 min delay before it takes effect Open Embedded Low Description: Sometimes auto-provisioning fails to work immediately after boot.
Workaround: Restart auto-provisioning.service or modify RestartSec in the service so it retries sooner, as described on Check and Customize Auto-Provisioning Process .
TOR-2779Known Issue Aktualizr has issues with handling the hashes of metadata files containing multi-byte unicode characters Not applicable Aktualizr Low Description: Due to a mismatch between how the client and the server calculate the hashes of packages names and versions, updates of packages that contain multi-character bytes in their name or version fail.
Workaround: Only use non-control ASCII characters in package name and version.
TOR-2304Known Issue Offline Updates: Short-lived containers get pruned from the system and can't be re-fetched Not applicable Aktualizr Low Description: As described in the Torizon Remote Updates Overview , application updates pull containers, then check if Docker Compose starts them without errors and last prunes the system, thus removing unnecessary containers.
A side-effect is that, between starting containers with Docker Compose and pruning them, some containers may exit/finish their task, and thus get pruned. For offline updates, there is no way for the system to pull those containers back.
Workaround: If your application includes oneshot/short-lived/ephemeral containers that exit shortly after they are started, you must add an artificial delay before the container exits, for example using the "sleep" command.
TOR-2302Known Issue Offline Updates: Update doesn't proceed after temporary update lock expires Not applicable Aktualizr Low Description: While it is possible to block updates locking a given file , the offline updates are never unblocked after the lock expires.
Workaround: Two workarounds are possible. Either remove and re-attach the lockbox media to trigger another update, or restart the aktualizr service after releasing the lock.