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Tools and Utilities - Windows Embedded Compact

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Article updated at 15 Jun 2018
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All of this software is available for free if not stated differently. The table entries are encoded as follows:

f = full support
p = partial support
- = no support
N.A. = not available

Windows CE Tools

Tool Description Apalis iMX6 Apalis T30 Colibri T30 Colibri T20 Colibri iMX6 Colibri VFxx PXA3xx PXA 270
AC97Tweak Configures some special audio codec features which are not accessible through the common wave API. Audio input settings: source left/right, micboost, gain left/right, DC filter, High pass, mute.
Audio output settings: gain left/right, bass, treble, de-emphasis, headphone driver, mute.
Audio test features
- p p p - - f f
ColibriCustomize Customization possibility of the Colibri Win CE image. Automatically configures the registry for your own settings (Using .reg file). - - - - - - f f
DbgMsgLogger Displays all debug messages from RAM buffer. - f f f - - f f
ColibriMonitor Shows the usage of the CPU/RAM, processes/threads running, thread priority and has setting functionalities. f f f f f f f f
ColibriTweak Adjusts system parameters like display settings, access registers, etc. of the Colibri module. - p p p - - f f
ConfigBlockEditor Edit settings stored in the config block. f f f f f f f f
GPIOConfig Provides an interactive interface to the versatile GPIOs of the Colibri modules. - f f f - p f f
ImageViewer (a) Provides basic functionality to display a single image or a slideshow. p p p f p p f f
Launcher (a) Automatically runs any .exe or .Ink file found in an AutoRun folder or copies files in a folder AutoCopy folder on each storage medium. f f f f f f f f
RegAccessTool Read from and Write to physical addresses (registers, etc.) in 8bit/16bit/32bit format (Formerly part of Colibri Tweak tool). - f f f - f p p
RTCSync (a) Synchronizes the system time with the RTC chip on I2C. f f f f f f f f
SplashScreen Changes the picture which you can see while WinCE is booting. Now integrated in to the Update Tool. - f f f - - f f
TouchTweak Adjusts the touch screen driver to your touch screen if required. - - - - - - f f
UpdateTool (a) Updates the WinCE Image and bootloader, warmboot or coldboot, etc, part of the standard image. - p p p - - f f
VideoPlayer (a) included in standard WinCE image. - f f f - - - -


  • (a) Already included in the image.

See here for more information on our Windows CE features.

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PC Tools

Tool Description Price (Support Hours)
Colibri Loader Loads bootloader over JTAG (only for Colibri PXAxxx modules), load Images over Ethernet Free
RemoteDisplay Controls the Colibri module by a desktop PC (keyboard, mouse, display, file transfer) using a connection through ActiveSync (USB) or Ethernet. Free
CreateTBin This Windows program converts an OS binary file into a format that works with the Toradex Tool Chain. Free
Splash Screen Customizer Creates a customized splashscreen which can be shown while Windows CE is booting. 4
Win CE Image Compressor Reduces the size of the Windows CE Image to about 50%. This leaves more flash space for user applications or the flash file system. 5