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Reg Access Tool


Article updated at 04 Dec 2017
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The Reg Access Tool or Register Access Tool is a free tool which allows you to read from and write to physical addresses such as registers, RAM locations, etc. on Colibri and Apalis computer on modules. Previously we had this functionality as a part of our Colibri Tweak tool but for better maintainability we have split this into a separate tool.


  • Allows you to read and write memory/registers in 8Bit / 16Bit / 32Bit format.
  • Provides binary values of the output, for easy readability.
  • Drop-down keeps the history of used addresses.
  • You can copy binary data using Ctrl + c.
  • Added Command Prompt interface for read and write memory/registers in all formats.
  • Added Command Prompt interface for Clear and Set mask of memory/registers in all formats.

  • reg-access-tool

Note - Reading from or writing to wrong/critical memory locations and registers can lead to the tool or even system freezes and crashes. Please make sure you know which addresses you are accessing. Please refer to the individual SoC (processor) datasheet for details about the memory map and register descriptions.

Command Prompt Interface

To use application through command prompt here are the commands to use:

  • For read operations (devmem like syntax):
RegAccessTool.exe /dm [ReadAddress] [dataWidth]

ReadAddress: physical address to read/write
dataWidth:   access type ([b]yte, [h]alfword, [w]ord)
  • For write operation (devmem like syntax):
RegAccessTool.exe /dm [WriteAddress] [dataWidth [writeData]]

WriteAddress: physical address to read/write
dataWidth:    access type ([b]yte, [h]alfword, [w]ord)
writeData:    data to be written in memory location
  • For set/clear masking operation:
RegAccessTool.exe /c[dataWidth] [address] [clearMaskValue] [setMaskValue]

dataWidth: access type ([/c32] 32 bit, [/c16] 16 bit, [/c8] 8 bit)
address:   physical address where data to be masked
clearMask: bit position/s which needs to be cleared
setMask:   bit position/s which needs to be set
  • Extended read access:
RegAccessTool.exe /r[dataWidth] address [count]

dataWidth: access type ([/r32] 32 bit, [/r16] 16 bit, [/r8] 8 bit)
address:   physical address to read
count:     Number of reads to repeat
  • Extended write access:
RegAccessTool.exe /w[dataWidth] address data [count]

dataWidth: access type ([/r32] 32 bit, [/r16] 16 bit, [/r8] 8 bit)
address:   physical address to read
data:      data to write
count:     Number of reads to repeat


Reading address 0x0000000, assuming application placed in FlashDisk directory.

\FlashDisk\RegAccessTool.exe /dm 0x0000000

Reading address 0x6000d008 in 8bit format, assuming application placed in USB HD directory.

"\USB HD\RegAccessTool.exe" /dm 0xd0006008 b

Writing value 0xFFFF at address 0x0000000 in 16bit format, assuming application placed in USB HD directory.

"\USB HD\RegAccessTool.exe" /dm 0x00000000 h 0xFFFF

Clear and Setting mask at address 0x81000000 in 32bit format, assuming application places in USB HD directory.

"\USB HD\RegAccessTool.exe" /c32 0x81000000 0x00f01010 0x10000001


Please find the download links below, for respective OS:

Tool WinCE6, WEC7 WEC2013
RegAccessTool Latest version Latest version