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Capacitive Multi-Touch Display


Capacitive Multi-Touch Display

  • Compatible with Apalis and Colibri modules

Warning: This Product is EOL (End of Life). Please have a look at the new offerinig: Capacitive Touch Display 10.1" LVDS.

This page contains basic information related to the Capacitive Multi-Touch 7" and 10" Display Kit. The two sets are capacitive display kits consisting of a display and an interface board. Cables are included to enable easy connection with different Toradex carrier boards, no external power supply is required. It also allows developers to do tests with multi-touch and gestures easily.

What I need to order

Capacitive Multi-Touch Display can be ordered along with any Apalis or Colibri module and carrier board.

Where do I order

All the products can be ordered online at Toradex Webshop

As follow-up products for the Capacitive Multi-Touch Displays Toradex recommends the following products:

First Steps

Please check the article below for all details on using the displays.

Having trouble?

Please contact our technical support. Various option of technical support are mentioned in the article below.

Main Features

Multi-Touch Display 7”

  • Screen Size: 7”
  • LCD Resolution: 800 x 480
  • Touch Resolution: 1500 x 900
  • Multi Touch: 2 points with min. 15mm separation
  • Touch Interface: I2C
  • Adapter board for easy interfacing to various Toradex carrier boards

Multi-Touch Display 10”

  • Screen Size: 10.1”
  • LCD Resolution: 1024 x 600
  • LCD Interface: TTL
  • Touch Resolution: 2300 x 1350
  • Multi Touch: 2 points with min. 15mm separation
  • Touch Interface: I2C
  • Adapter board for easy interfacing to various Toradex carrier boards

Capacitive Multi-Touch Display 7 inch

Product # Product Description Changes from Previous Version Release Date PCN Document


Capacitive Multi-Touch Display 7"V1.0A

Initial Release


Sample Product, No PCN


Capacitive Multi-Touch Display 7"V1.1A

Conenctors X2 and X7 were replaced with Molex connectors.
Conenctors X4A and X4B are renamed as X9 and X8 respectively.
Added test points for RESET_3.3V, INT_3.3V, I2C_SDA_3.3V, I2C_SCL_3.3V, BL_ON, PWM_BLK and DISP_ON signals.
Signal DISP_ON is pulled-up to 3.3V using 10K resistor (R28).
0 ohm series resistor (R7 and R8) were connected to 3.3V and 5V power lines for testing purpose.


PCN Capacitive Multi-Touch Display 7" V1.1A 2017-02-22

Capacitive Multi-Touch Display 10 inch

Product # Product Description Changes from Previous Version Release Date PCN Document


Capacitive Multi-Touch Display 10" V1.0A

Initial Release


Sample Product, No PCN


Capacitive Multi-Touch Display 10" V1.1A

Conenctors X2 and X7 were replaced with Molex connectors.
Conenctors X4A and X4B are renamed as X9 and X8 respectively.
Added test points for RESET_3.3V, INT_3.3V, I2C_SDA_3.3V, I2C_SCL_3.3V, BL_ON, PWM_BLK and DISP_ON signals.
Signal DISP_ON is pulled-up to 3.3V using 10K resistor (R28).
0 ohm series resistor (R7 and R8) were connected to 3.3V and 5V power lines for testing purpose.


PCN Capacitive Multi-Touch Display 10" V1.1A 2017-02-22
