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Windows Embedded Compact 2013

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Article updated at 27 Mar 2019
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Note: Microsoft moved most of the Windows CE documentation to, and it is not indexed by Google.

Windows Embedded Compact 2013 (WEC2013 / WEC8 / WinCE 8), is a real time operating system from Microsoft launched in June 2013.

New in Windows Embedded Compact 2013

  • .Net Compact Framework 3.9
  • Integrates with Visual Studio 2012/2013 including "free" Community Edition
  • Improved File System Performance
  • Snapshot Boot
  • New Compiler with support for C++ 11
  • Requires ARMv7/Thumb2 and VFPv3-D32
  • New ARM Embedded-Application Binary Interface (EABI)
  • More information can be found at MSDN

There have also been some features removed. Microsoft provides a full overview of added and removed features on this MSDN site.

.Net Compact Framework 3.9

The new version of the .Net CF comes with multi-core support, faster floating point, better garbage collection, and faster boot time. You can find more information here: Microsoft Blog entry.

Snapshot Boot

Toradex is already famous for providing a cold boot in less than 0.5 seconds. Snapshot Boot allows you to directly boot to a defined status with your program loaded in memory. This is interesting if an application has a long boot time. This feature is very similar to the "Hibernate once, resume many" (HORM) feature.

New ARM Embedded Application Binary Interface

The ARM EABI is a collection of specifications that describe a calling convention, data alignment, and other details specific to the interface between programs and between programs and the operating system. The ARM EABI calling conversion requires that you recompile your existing code.

Application Debugging

New the debug connection is by default via Ethernet. To start debugging you have currently to manually start the debugger on the Module via Start->Programs->Colibri Tools-> Visual Studio->Start debugger client Visual Studio will ask you for the IP of the module. In case Visual Studio freezes during deployment, add the IP to the project properties (right click on the Project, Configuration Properties->Debugging->IP Address).

Current Toradex Support Status

All modules other then the PXA family modules are provided with Windows Embedded Compact 2013 support. Please check the frequent downloads site to get the image, BSP and workspace.

For information about which module comes with a WEC2013 license have a look at our WinCE license article.

Please follow the links below to get details on WEC2013 support on our specific modules.