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Watchdog Software Library API


Article updated at 28 Oct 2017
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Attention: this is a legacy library and thus not supported by Toradex anymore. We recommend that you use the new libraries for all Toradex modules. Please see the Toradex CE Libraries and Code Samples for up-to-date information.

This article describes the Watchdog software library API and provides a functional overview


#define  WATCHDOG_VER_MAJ  1
Major Library Version.
#define  WATCHDOG_VER_MIN  0
Library Subversion.
Library Build.


void  WatchdogGetLibVersion (DWORD *pVerMaj, DWORD *pVerMin, DWORD *pBuild)
BOOL  WatchdogInit ()
BOOL  WatchdogDeinit ()
BOOL  WatchdogRetrigger (DWORD Timeout_ms)

Detailed Description

WatchDog Support Library.

kia, $Author$
Target Platforms:
Colibri PXA320, Windows CE 6.0
The watchdog does not work on PXA270 due to bug in the PXA270 CPU.

Define Documentation


Library Build.


Major Library Version.


Library Subversion.

Function Documentation

BOOL WatchdogDeinit ( )

Deactivates watchdog This is not possible, therefore the function always returns FALSE

Return values:
TRUE success
FALSE error
void WatchdogGetLibVersion ( DWORD *  pVerMaj,
DWORD *  pVerMin,
DWORD *  pBuild

returns the version of this library

[out] pVerMaj Main Version of this library
[out] pVerMin Subversion of this library
[out] pBuild Build Number of this library
BOOL WatchdogInit ( )

Activates the watchdog, and sets the Watchdog timer to the maximum timeout: 2^32 ticks / 3.125MHz = 1'374sec = 23min.

Return values:
TRUE success
FALSE error
BOOL WatchdogRetrigger ( DWORD  Timeout_ms )

Retriggers Watchdog

[in] Timeout_ms A hardware reset will be done if the Watchdog is not retriggered within this time [ms]
valid range: 1...1'374'389
Return values:
TRUE success
FALSE error