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Viola Comparison

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Article updated at 28 Oct 2017
Compare with Revision


This article lists down the differences between various versions of Viola Carrier Boards (i.e. Viola V1.1, Viola V1.2 and Viola Plus V1.2).

Comparison Table

NA - Not available
✓ - Assembled
✖ - Not Assembled

Details Viola V1.1 Viola V1.2 Viola V1.2 Plus Remarks
Ethernet (X5) On Viola V1.2 PCB, the issue with respect to the ETH_TX0_P/N signals connections has been fixed.
USB Host (X6, Dual Stacked Type-A)
USB Client (X4, Micro-AB Type) Shared with USB Host (X4, Bottom)
Micro SD (X8)
Unified Interface Display (X7)
Extension Connector (X9) Pinout is compatible across versions.
Audio Connector (X10) NA On Viola V1.2 PCB, Audio connector has been added.

Please note that, this is a module specific feature and may not be supported by all the computer-on-modules in the Colibri family. For more details, refer to the datasheet of the Colibri computer-on-modules.
Colibri VFxx Tamper Connector (X11) NA Available on the bottom side of the Viola V1.2 PCB.
Terminal Block Power Supply Connector (X3) On Viola V1.2 PCB, the connector has been moved out (about 2 mm) from the board edge similar to the Ethernet and USB Host connectors.
Barrel Power Supply Connector (X2) On Viola V1.2 PCB, the connector has been moved out (about 2 mm) from the board edge similar to the Ethernet and USB Host connectors.
Battery Holder (BAT1) Can be used to provide backup power to internal or external RTC based on the PCB assembly.
External RTC On Viola V1.2 PCB, RTC power circuit has been modified.
Parallel Camera Interface Signals NA Parallel Camera Interface (CIF) signals are available on the connectors X9 and X10.

Please note that, this is a module specific feature and may not be supported by all the computer-on-modules in the Colibri family. For more details, refer to the datasheet of the Colibri computer-on-modules.
Power Supply (on board DC/DC Synchronous Step-down Converter) AP6502,
Rated 2A (max)
Rated 3A (max)
Rated 3A (max)
LED Indication 5V power 3.3V power 3.3V power

NOTE: _For more details about any specific version of the Viola Carrier Board, please refer to the respective datasheet and schematics.