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VGA (Robin, Woodpecker)

Applicable for

Article updated at 27 Sep 2012

The CoM Express connector specification defines possible pins for VGA and other Video outputs like CVBS, Component video and S-video.

On the Robin module those signals are available, on Woodpecker not. If on Woodpecker VGA is needed, a LVDS to VGA adaptor or (easier) a SDVO to VGA chip must be implemented on the baseboard.

Carrier board remark for Robin

For the VGA and other Video outputs like CVBS, Component video and S-video 150R load resistors to GND are needed on a carrierboard. Otherwise the CH7022 doesn't output the signals. The following signals need the 150R resistor if VGA output is used:

  • B89: VGA_RED
  • B91: VGA_GRN
  • B92: VGA_BLU

HSYNC, VSYNC and I2C signals don't need the 150R resistor.

The following signals need the 150R resistor if the according output is used:

  • B97 TV_DAC_A
  • B98 TV_DAC_B
  • B99 TV_DAC_C