Toradex announces regular Windows Embedded Compact (WEC) BSP and Image (beta and stable) releases together with their feature set and bug fix planning via respective roadmaps:
Release notes are also available for all platforms:
Toradex may put older platforms on maintenance which means no regular releases are done for these platforms anymore unless required for major issue resolving.
If a release is to be declared as stable (non-beta) it was tested with extended tests on respective volume production hardware. Only then it gets released as a stable version by dropping the beta e.g. b4 part in its version number. There are usually no or only minor changes in a stable release compared to the last beta release.
Toradex provides long-term support for all its officially available Windows Embedded Compact BSPs. Bugs and feature requests should be reported to Toradex through official technical support channels.
Toradex usually doesn't update old BSP versions, but integrates changes and fixes into new BSP releases.
Toradex doesn't provide any source code for its WEC BSPs. Toradex maintains the code and builds new binaries when needed.
Toradex provides the binary BSPs as well as the respective Platform Builder Workspaces needed to build the default WEC images. These downloads can be found with the respective platform information on our developer website:
Critical software issues get announced via customer information notification emails to customers who purchased affected products.