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Toradex Easy Installer - Configuration Files


Article updated at 11 Apr 2022
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Remember that you can always refer to the Easy Installer Documentation, there you can find a lot of relevant articles that might help you in the process of load and flashing an image on your module.


The Toradex Easy Installer makes use of JSON files and, if required, the files can be edited using a plain text editor. However, care must be taken not to violate the JSON specification.

To make sure the JSON file is still well-formatted an online JSON validator can be useful (e.g.

Image Format

This chapter lists the available properties and how they get interpreted by the Toradex Easy Installer.

Each Easy Installer compatible image is described in a JSON image file. Toradex provides images with a proper JSON image file. Yet, depending on the use case you might need to alter the JSON image file e.g. to add an additional partition. The easiest way is to take an existing image.json file and alter it accordingly.

The JSON consists of a single root dictionary with several mandatory properties (*: Mandatory). An image can define its configuration format. Newer configurations support more features but require a newer Toradex Easy Installer version.

Configuration Format Minimum Toradex Easy Installer Version Reason
1 1.0 or newer
2 1.4 or newer New Features
3 2.0b3 or newer New Features (container provisioning)
4 2.0b6 or newer Bugfixes (i.MX8 u-boot environment)
5 5.6.0 or newer Add offset to Raw Files properties
Property Type Description
config_format* Integer The image configuration format
autoinstall Boolean Automatically install image upon image detection (defaults to false). For more information refer to the Auto Installation section.
name* String Name of the image (as displayed in the image list)
description String Description of the image (will be shown as ToolTip of the image)
version String Version of the image, mostly informational character except if isinstaller is true, see below
release_date String ISO 8601 date format, only informational character
u_boot_env (>=1.4) String U-Boot environment file to write. Use a regular text file with one variable/value pair per line with an equal sign after the variable name (variable=value). If there is already a valid U-Boot environment on flash, new variables will be added, existing variables overwritten, empty variables deleted and other variables stay untouched. Use configuration format 2 or newer to enforce U-Boot environment file writing support.
prepare_script String File name of Linux shell script which will get executed before the image installs
The script gets 4 input parameters:
$1 - PRODUCT_ID = 4-digit product ID, which is the first 4-digits of the 8-digit product number found in our web shop.
$2 - BOARD_REV = Board revision, in user readable format (e.g. V1.2A). This is derived from the last 4-digits of the 8-digit product number found in our web shop.
$3 - SERIAL = 8-digit serial number as a string with leading zeros if necessary.
$4 - IMAGE_FOLDER = folder where all the files are located. This is relevant only for installations from a local storage.
Returning an exit code other than 0 will abort the installation, show an error message with all text the script printed to standard output/error.
wrapup_script String File name of Linux shell script which will get executed after the image has been successfully installed.
The script gets 4 input parameters:
$1 - PRODUCT_ID = 4-digit product ID, which is the first 4-digits of the 8-digit product number found in our web shop.
$2 - BOARD_REV = Board revision, the last 4-digits of the 8-digit product number found in our web shop.
$3 - SERIAL = 8-digit serial number
$4 - IMAGE_FOLDER = folder where all the files are located. This is relevant only for installations from a local storage. Note that local storage will be mounted read-only by default.
Returning an exit code other than 0 will show an error message with all text the script printed to standard output/error.
error_script String File name of Linux shell script which will get executed if the installation process fails at any time. When this property is set and the installation process fails, the error popup window will show additional information indicating whether the script was successfully executed or, else, displaying the error output for debugging. The error script is executed in the folder where it is located inside the media partition.
icon String Filename of the Icon shown in front of the image (typically a PNG with a dimension of 40x40)
license String Filename of a HTML file containing the image license agreement. When specified, the image installation will only continue after the customer agreed to the license agreement.
license_title String Title to show in the license agreement dialog
marketing String File name of a tar file with images which will be shown during installation process
releasenotes String Filename of a HTML file containing image release notes. When specified, a dialog will be shown with the release notes content.
releasenotes_title String Title to show in the release notes dialog
supported_product_ids* List of Strings List of supported Product IDs. This is the first 4-digits of the 8-digit product number found in our web shop. The product ID will be obtained from the Toradex Config Block. If an image is found that does not support the current module type it will be displayed in gray.
blockdevs(*) List of Block Devices List of block devices to flash (for eMMC based devices, see below)
mtddevs(*) List of MTDs List of MTD (Linux memory technology device subsystem) devices (for raw NAND based devices, see below)
isinstaller Boolean This is a special property that marks the image as being the Toradex Easy Installer itself.

Note: *: Mandatory property

Block Devices

Each blockdev entry has a name and either partition or content node or both. In case of using a partition table and (raw) content, the Toradex Easy Installer will first create the partition table and then write the content according to the specification.

Make sure that the partition table created and the data written do not conflict!

Property Type Description
name* String Name of the block device to write to (as it appears under /dev/)
erase (>=1.1) Boolean Discards all data on block device before writing (preserves Toradex Config Block on boot partition).
table_type (>=1.4) String Partition table type (dos (default) or gpt). Use configuration format 2 or newer.
content(*) Dictionary of Content Content which should get written to the raw block device (see Chapter Content)
partitions(*) List of Partitions List of partitions which will get created and written to the block device

Note: *: Mandatory property


If partitions are specified, the installer will create an MBR/DOS-style partition table. Currently, only primary partitions are supported. All partitions will be aligned to 4-megabyte boundaries (8192 blocks).

A partition specification knows the following properties:

Property Type Description
want_maximised Boolean Whether the installer should maximize the partition to the block devices size (if multiple partitions have this property set to true the remaining space will get evenly distributed)
partition_size_nominal Integer The minimal size of the partition in megabytes
offset_in_sectors Integer Fixed partition offset in sectors (typically 512 bytes on eMMC)
content Dictionary of Content Content which should get written to this partition (see below)
partition_type String Hexadecimal value used for partition type (if not specified, this will be automatically determined by the content's filesystem_type property. Don't use leading "0x" or similar notation, just two characters. Defaults to "00" (empty partition).
active Boolean Set the active/bootable flag (defaults to false)

MTD Devices

Each blockdev entry has a name and either a content, ubivolumes or winceimage node.

Property Type Description
name* String Name of the MTD device as shown in '/proc/mtd'.
erase (>=1.1) Boolean Erase MTD partition using flash_erase (this also clears erase counters of a UBI partition).
content(*) Dictionary of Content Content which should get written to the raw block device (see Chapter Content)
ubivolumes(*) List of UBI volumes List of UBI volumes to create in this MTD partition.
winceimage(*) Dictionary of WinCE image WinCE image to write into this MTD partition.

Note: *: Mandatory property

UBI volume

Property Type Description
name* String Name of the MTD device as shown in '/proc/mtd'.
type String UBI volume type: static or dynamic (default).
size_kib Integer UBI volume size in kilobytes. If not specified, the maximum available size will be used.
content Dictionary of Content Content which should get written in this UBI volume (see below)

Note: *: Mandatory property

WinCE image

The WinCE image section allows writing a WinCE image in the sparse file format to raw NAND (uses the utility flash-wince).

Property Type Description
image_filename* String Filename of the WinCE image to write.
nonfs_size Integer Non-FS size in megabyte (maximum size of the WinCE image).
size Integer The size of the image in megabytes (used for the progress bar).

Note: *: Mandatory property



For block devices, content can either be raw data (dd-style) or a file system. For MTD device, content can only be raw data (uses Linux nandwrite command) and for UBI volume, content can either be raw data (uses Linux ubiupdatevol command) or ubifs.

Property Type Description
filesystem_type String File system to create ext2 (1.4 and newer)/ext3/ext4/fat/ntfs/ubifs/raw (defaults to raw)
label String File system label used when creating the file system (ext3/ext4/fat/ntfs only)
mkfs_options String Extra options passed to the mkfs command (ext3/ext4/fat/ntfs only)
filename String Only if filesystem_type is a file system: File name of file which gets written into the new file system. If the file ending indicates a zip/tar.gz/tar.xz/tar.bz2 it will get automatically extracted into the file system.
filelist List of Strings Only if filesystem_type is a file system: List of file names which get copied into the new file system. Config version 3 supports a tuple with three elements: srcfile:destdir:unpack. If destdir is not set, the file will be copied to /, if unpack is set to 'true', and the srcfile is a zip/tar.gz/tar.xz/tar.bz2, it will be extracted into destdir. Configuration format 3 or newer is needed to use this format, or you shall use 'srcfile' only for older Configuration formats.
uncompressed_size Number The uncompressed size of all files in megabytes (used for the progress bar)
rawfiles List of Raw Files Only if filesystem_type is raw: List of files to write using block-wise copy mode (dd)

Raw Files

Property Type Description
filename String File name of the file which gets copied blockwise to the target device. If the file ending indicates zip/gz/xz/bz2/lzo(/zst for config version 3 and higher) it will get uncompressed before being written.
dd_options String Extra options passed to the dd command (raw on block devices only)
nandwrite_options String Extra options passed to the nandwrite command (raw on NAND devices only)
product_ids List of String Product IDs on which this file will be copied (all supported Product IDs if empty)
size Number The uncompressed size of this file in megabytes (used for the progress bar)
offset Number Byte offset where filename is being written. If negative it counts from the end of the partition. dd_options "bs" and "seek" are not allowed if this is set. (make sure to use "config_format": 5, using this property to ensure Easy Installer is capable of handling it)


This is a typical example derived from a standard Linux image.json file: It creates the usual two partition layout, a FAT partition for the Kernel/Device Trees and an ext3 partition for the root file system. An additional third partition has been added to create a location for user data.

The filename or filelist property can be used to pre-install user/application data.

    "config_format": 1, 
    "autoinstall": true, 
    "name": "Toradex Embedded Linux BSP using LXDE desktop", 
    "description": "Toradex Embedded Linux BSP using LXDE desktop.", 
    "version": "V2.6.1", 
    "release_date": "2016-10-13", 
    "prepare_script": "", 
    "wrapup_script": "", 
    "marketing": "marketing.tar", 
    "icon": "toradexlinux.png", 
    "supported_product_ids": [
    "blockdevs": [
            "name": "mmcblk0", 
            "partitions": [
                    "partition_size_nominal": 16, 
                    "want_maximised": false,
                    "content": {
                        "uncompressed_size": 4, 
                        "filesystem_type": "FAT", 
                        "filename": "Apalis_iMX6_LinuxImage.bootfs.tar.xz", 
                        "mkfs_options": "", 
                        "label": "BOOT"
                    "partition_size_nominal": 512, 
                    "want_maximised": false,
                    "content": {
                        "uncompressed_size": 300, 
                        "filesystem_type": "ext3", 
                        "filename": "Apalis_iMX6_LinuxImage.rootfs.tar.xz", 
                        "mkfs_options": "", 
                        "label": "RFS"
                    "partition_size_nominal": 512, 
                    "want_maximised": true,
                    "content": {
                        "filesystem_type": "ext3",
                        "label": "DATA"
            "name": "mmcblk0boot0"
            "content": {
                "filesystem_type": "raw",
                "rawfiles": [
                        "filename": "SPL",
                        "dd_options": "seek=2"
                        "filename": "u-boot.imx",
                        "dd_options": "seek=138"

Image List Format

Images loaded from an HTTP server need an index file that points to the individual images. The file name is typically image_list.json, but it can be anything.

A local HTTP server needs such an image list file to point to the individual images.

Property Type Description
config_format* Integer The image list format configuration version, currently always 1
images* List of Strings List of images. This can be absolute or relative URLs.

This example points to two images, which are located in the directories Apalis_iMX6_LinuxImage_V2.6.2 and Apalis_iMX6_LinuxConsoleImage_V2.6.2 relative to the location of this index file:

  "config_format": 1,
  "images": [

Configuration Format

The Toradex Easy Installer configuration file allows adding additional HTTP image sources.

The configuration file needs to be named tezi_config.json and located on the root of any partition on a supported external storage media (SD card or USB flash drive). This allows extending the search locations for image lists beyond the pre-configured Toradex servers, e.g. to distribute images in a local network or over RNDIS.

Property Type Description
config_format* Integer The image list format configuration version, currently always 1
image_lists* List of Strings List of image list sources. The absolute URL need to point to an Image List file (see above).
show_default_feed Boolean If set to true the default image feed is fetched and the available images listed in the UI, else the feed is ignored.
show_3rdparty_feed Boolean If set to true the 3rd party image feed is fetched and the available images listed in the UI, else the feed is ignored.

  "config_format": 1,
  "image_lists": [