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Reflash broken BIOS with help of Bumblebee (Robin)

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Article updated at 27 Feb 2019
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If the Robin Computer Module is not booting anymore due to a broken BIOS image or wrong settings in the BIOS, the [[Bumblebee]] Extension Board can be used in combination with the Daisy carrier board for reflashing the Firmware Hub on the Robin Module. The Bumblebee Extension Board features a second Firmware Hub in a socket. By changing the position of a jumper, it allows to boot either from the Firmware Hub on the module or the external one on the extension board.

Required Material

  • Bumblebee Extension Board (more information here)
  • Daisy Carrier Board (more information Daisy)
  • Latest BIOS image and flashing tool
  • DOS bootable USB Stick
  • If the external BIOS image needs to be recovered, a second Robin module with a working BIOS imagae. The Bumblebee comes with a preprogrammed BIOS image for Robin modules on its Firmware Hub. Therefore it should not be necessary to recover the image.

Recover the BIOS image on the Module

  • Connect the Bumblebee Extension Board to the Daisy Carrier board
  • Plug the broken module into the Daisy Carrier board
  • Close jumper X10 in order to boot from the external BIOS image
  • Plug in the power and boot the module with the USB stick
  • Open jumper X10 in order to access the Firmware Hub on the module
  • Run the TorFlash tool to flash the Firmware Hub on the module
  • Press F1 when finished in order to reboot the module and test the new BIOS image

Recover the BIOS image on the Bumblebee Extension Board

The Bumblebee Extension Board comes with a Firmware Hub that is flashed with a BIOS that can boot Robin Z510S, Z530M and Z530L modules. The recovery is only needed if for any circumstances this image is damaged or the environment is used for other COM Express modules.

  • Connect the Bumblebee Extension Board to the Daisy Carrier board
  • Plug a Robin Module into the Daisy Carrier board that contains a fully working BIOS image
  • Open jumper X10 in order to boot from the module BIOS image
  • Plug in the power and boot the module with the USB stick
  • Close jumper X10 in order to access the external Firmware Hub
  • Run the TorFlash tool to flash the Firmware Hub on the extension board
  • Press F1 when finished in order to reboot the module and test the new BIOS image