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Article updated at 28 Oct 2017
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Attention: this is a legacy library and thus not supported by Toradex anymore. We recommend that you use the new libraries for all Toradex modules. Please see the Toradex CE Libraries and Code Samples for up-to-date information.

Library to support Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)


#define PWM_VER_MAJ  2 Version Info.
#define PWM_VER_MIN  1#define PWM_VER_BUILD  2#define COLIBRI_PWM1  0#define COLIBRI_PWM2  1#define COLIBRI_PWM3  2#define COLIBRI_PWM4  3#define APALIS_PWM1  3#define APALIS_PWM2  2#define APALIS_PWM3  1#define APALIS_PWM4  0


void  InitPWM (DWORD pwm, DWORD prescale, DWORD period)
void  SetPWMDuty (DWORD pwm, DWORD duty)
void  SetPWMDutyPercentage (DWORD pwm, DWORD duty)
void  DeInitPWM (DWORD pwm)
void  PWMGetLibVersion (DWORD *pVerMaj, DWORD *pVerMin, DWORD *pBuild)

Macro Definition Documentation

#define APALIS_PWM1   3
#define APALIS_PWM2   2
#define APALIS_PWM3   1
#define APALIS_PWM4   0
#define COLIBRI_PWM1   0
#define COLIBRI_PWM2   1
#define COLIBRI_PWM3   2
#define COLIBRI_PWM4   3
#define PWM_VER_BUILD   2
#define PWM_VER_MAJ   2

Version Info.

#define PWM_VER_MIN   1

Function Documentation

void DeInitPWM ( DWORD  pwm )

Deinitialise PWM Controller

[in] pwm,: channel to use (0-3)
void InitPWM ( DWORD  pwm,
DWORD  prescale,
DWORD  period

Initialise PWM Controller (0-3)

[in] prescale,: scale factor for the 13Mhz Clock (1-64)
[in] period,: period length in scaled clocks units. Note - This is fixed for Tegra 2 i.e. 256
void PWMGetLibVersion ( DWORD *  pVerMaj,
DWORD *  pVerMin,
DWORD *  pBuild

get the library version

Out] pVerMaj Returns the major version number. Set this parameter to NULL if not required.
Out] pVerMin: Returns the minor version number. Set this parameter to NULL if not required.
Out] pBuild: Returns the build number. Set this parameter to NULL if not required.
void SetPWMDuty ( DWORD  pwm,
DWORD  duty

Assign duty cycle in PWM Controller

[in] pwm,: channel to use (0-3)
[in] duty,: high time in scaled clocks units for each period i.e. 256
void SetPWMDutyPercentage ( DWORD  pwm,
DWORD  duty

Assign percentage duty cycle in PWM Controller

[in] pwm,: channel to use (0-3)
[in] duty,: high time in percantage (0-100)