Not all features are available on all CPUs. Please check directly in the bootloader menue.
pex.l2enable: 1 (L2 Cache Enable) pex.mpenable: 1 (MultiProcessor Enable) pex.wdenable: 0 (WatchDog Enable) pex.cpus: 0 (Number of CPUs to use (0=max number of CPUs))
l2enable: enables (1) or disables (0) level 2 cache.
mpenable: run CPU in single core mode (0) or multicore mode (1)
wdenable: enables (1) or disables (0) hardware watchdog. See also the watchdog article.
cpus: Set number of CPUs that are active. Default value is 0 which means the maximal number of CPUs supported by the module. When pex.cpus is set to 1, pex.mpenable is set to 0 automatically. Only supported for Txx Modules since image V1.4 beta 2.