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Article updated at 26 Sep 2012

Because this tool is not available for free we provide you the service to insert the Video BIOS into the Toradex BIOS for one support hour (smallest unit we can offer). Just email your Video BIOS to or depending the module you are using. Please make sure that you have purchased one support hour we can take into account before sending the Video BIOS. Normally we send back the generated BIOS to you in one day or less.

Important: before sending us the Video BIOS you can test it under DOS. Please take a look to the documentation coming with the IEGD (search for TSR). Toradex is only make the new BIOS without any test.

To integrate the Video BIOS into the existing BIOS you have to do the following steps:

  1. Read out the existing BIOS on your target (run AFUDOS.EXE /oORIGINAL.ROM or AFUWIN.EXE /oORIGINAL.ROM)
  2. Start MMTOOL
  3. Open the BIOS from Step 1 by using "Load ROM"
  4. Go to the Replace Tab
  5. Select Module 20, PCI OPTION ROM with Size 10000h (65536 Bytes)
  6. Browse for your Video BIOS generated with IEGD
  7. Press "Replace"
  8. Save the modified BIOS to a new file (BIOS.ROM)