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Mem Lib API


Article updated at 28 Oct 2017

Attention: this is a legacy library and thus not supported by Toradex anymore. We recommend that you use the new libraries for all Toradex modules. Please see the Toradex CE Libraries and Code Samples for up-to-date information.

Library function to set memory timings for the Colibri PXA270 and PXA3xx.


#define  MEM_VER_MAJ  1
major library version
#define  MEM_VER_MIN  0
minor library version
#define  MEM_VER_BUILD  1
build revision
#define  MEMTYPE_FLASH  0
#define  MEMTYPE_SRAM  1
#define  MEMTYPE_BURST4  2
#define  MEMTYPE_BURST8  3
#define  MEMTYPE_VLIO  4
#define  MEMBUS_32BIT  0
#define  MEMBUS_16BIT  1
#define  MEMBUFFER_SLOW  0
#define  MEMBUFFER_FAST  1


BOOL  SetMemTimingsEx (DWORD dwBaseAddr, MSCCFG *pTimings)
void  MEMGetLibVersion (DWORD *pVerMaj, DWORD *pVerMin, DWORD *pBuild)

Detailed Description

Library function to set memory timings for the Colibri PXA270 and PXA3xx.

Target Platforms:

Macro Definition Documentation

#define MEM_VER_BUILD   1

build revision

#define MEM_VER_MAJ   1

major library version

#define MEM_VER_MIN   0

minor library version

#define MEMBUFFER_FAST   1
#define MEMBUFFER_SLOW   0
#define MEMBUS_16BIT   1
#define MEMBUS_32BIT   0
#define MEMTYPE_BURST4   2
#define MEMTYPE_BURST8   3
#define MEMTYPE_FLASH   0
#define MEMTYPE_SRAM   1
#define MEMTYPE_VLIO   4

Function Documentation

void MEMGetLibVersion ( DWORD *  pVerMaj,
DWORD *  pVerMin,
DWORD *  pBuild

Returns the library Version

[out] pVerMaj major version number.
Set this parameter to NULL if not required.
[out] pVerMin minor version number.
Set this parameter to NULL if not required.
[out] pBuild build number.
Set this parameter to NULL if not required.
Return values
TRUE Success
FALSE Failure
BOOL SetMemTimingsEx ( DWORD  dwBaseAddr,
MSCCFG *  pTimings

Set the memory timings for a particular chip select

[in] dwBaseAddr Base address of the memory region that should be configured.
valid addresses are: (PXA270) 0x04000000 0x0C000000 0x10000000
(PXA3xx) 0x14000000 0x16000000 0x17000000
[in] pTimings requested timings. See params.h for details
Return values
TRUE Success
FALSE Failure