Article updated
at 28 Oct 2017
Postgres is a relational database management system. Postgres is a popular choice for relational databases. It is one of the most widely deployed database engine, as it is used today by several prominent organizations and products.
- Inventory manager
- Billing station
- Automated Parking System
- Attendance system
- and many more..
- The above Postgres demo only demonstrates the use of a Postgres client running on the module.
- Running PostgreSQL server on the module is not supported.
- The PostgreSQL server has to be run remotely on a desktop or server machine.
- PostgreSQL can be downloaded from here.
- For managing the PostgreSQL database on the desktop or server, the pgAdminIII tool can be downloaded from here.
- Documentation for pgAdminIII and PostgreSQL.
- Download the postgres_demo source code from here.
- Setup WinCE development environment using this link.
- Modify the CONNECTION_STRING constant in the demo code as per your set up.
- Build postgres_demo.sln in Visual Studio 2008 and then deploy on Colibri device.
- Navigate to Program Files on Colibri device, project folder and run postgres_demo.exe.
Following window will open showing different choices for PostgresDemo.
Enter 1 to connect to the database.
Enter 2 and the SELECT query to display the table data in database.
- To insert, enter 3 & then the INSERT query to be executed. For example: INSERT INTO ceshcema.cetable VALUES ('Chris', 21, 8, 1967).
- To modify, enter 4 & then the UPDATE query to be executed. For example: UPDATE ceschema.cetable SET "Date" = 4 WHERE "Year" = 1967.
- To delete, enter 5 & then the DELETE query to be executed. For example: DELETE FROM ceschema.cetable WHERE "Year"=1967.
- To modify the table structure, enter 6 and then the ALTER query to be executed. For example: ALTER TABLE ceschema.cetable ADD COLUMN Address varchar(50).
- To close the connection and exit, enter 7.