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e-con Systems


Article updated at 29 Oct 2020
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e-con Systems e-CAM131_CUiMX8

e-con Systems, a leading MIPI CSI-2 camera module manufacturer partnered with Toradex to provide embedded Vision camera solution with/for Toradex's System On Module (SOM) and Carrier boards. e-con Systems offer a wide range of embedded Vision camera modules based on ON Semiconductor, Omni Vision, and SONY sensors. Toradex offers System on Modules (SoMs) based on NXP (formerly Freescale) i.MX8, i.MX7 and i.MX6 processors.
These are ideal building blocks for customers to develop products for industrial automation, medical, smart city, edge AI device, and many more applications.

e-con Systems on Embedded Linux BSP

The e-con Systems devices are available for the following Toradex products:

  • Apalis iMX8QM SoM
  • Apalis iMX6 (Coming soon)
  • Verdin iMX8M Mini (Coming soon)

For more information about the camera devices, you can refer to the Camera on Toradex Computer on Modules article.

How to use

Each one of the devices below has its own page which you can refer to the documentation:

Note: e-CAM130_MI1335_MOD and e-CAM56_CUMI0521_MOD support is coming soon.


Get Started with MIPI-CSI Cameras for Embedded Computer Vision