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Display Driver Registry Settings


Article updated at 30 Sep 2019
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Registry Locations

The Display Driver Settings are located in registry file under the key name mentioned below:

Colibri Module Windows CE Image Version Registry Location
Colibri PXAxxx before V3.0 [HKLM\Drivers\Display\PXA27x\Config]
Colibri PXAxxx V3.0 and newer [HKLM\Drivers\Display\Colibri]
Colibri VFxx (all) [HKLM\Drivers\Display\Colibri]
Colibri Txx (all) [HKLM\Software\Nvidia Corporation\NVDDI\LCD]
Colibri iMX6 (all) [HKLM\Drivers\Display\Colibri]
Apalis T30 (all) [HKLM\Software\Nvidia Corporation\NVDDI\LCD]
Apalis iMX6 (all) [HKLM\Drivers\Display\Apalis]
Colibri iMX7 (all) [HKLM\Drivers\Display\Colibri]

For PXA and Tegra-based modules, you can use the Colibri Tweak Tool to adjust most of these settings.

For Vybrid, i.MX6 and i.MX7 and Tegra based modules, you can use the Display Tool to adjust most of these settings.

Registry Settings

T20/T30 GPIOs

Whenever a GPIO for the Tegra based modules is used, a special conversion from GPIO name to GPIO number needs to be used:
GPIO A0 → 0, ... GPIO A7 → 7
GPIO B0 → 8, ... GPIO B7 → 15
GPIO C0 → 16, ... GPIO C7 → 23


On Vybrid-based modules, the BL_GPIO and DISP_GPIO settings use GPIO numbers. If you want to use SO-DIMM pin numbers you can use then BL_PIN and DISP_PIN settings, but those will work only if the corresponding *_GPIO parameter is not set.

IMX6 and IMX7 Pins

On those platforms GPIO numbers are not used, the BL_GPIO and DISP_GPIO settings actually use PIN number (SO-DIMM number for IMX7 and Colibri-IMX6 and MXM3 number for Apalis IMX6). This will make display configuration more compatible across different modules and families.

Settings for all Colibri and Apalis Modules

The table below lists all available registry settings for the display driver.

For the Tegra modules, timings only affect the LCD output. For the other outputs, EDID data is read from the screen, and the most appropriate VESA timings are used.

Registry Key Description Valid Settings Default Value Note
CxScreen Horizontal Screen Resolution PXA: 1-1024
Tegra: 1-2048
VFxx: 16-1024
iMX6: 16-4096
CyScreen Vertical Screen Resolution PXA: 1-1024
Tegra: 1-2048
VFxx: 4-768
iMX6: 16-2048
Bpp Frame Buffer Color Depth 16, 32
VFxx,iMX6: 16, 32
Txx: use MainPanelBpp
VFxx, iMX6: 32
1 2
LDDS Number of LCD Data Lines used 4, 8, 16, 18, 24
VFxx: 15,16,18,24
iMX6: 16,18,24
PCLK Pixel clock in Hz PXA: 203'000 - 52'000'000
Tegra: 203'000-168'000'000
VFxx:203'000 - 60'000'000
iMX6: 203'000 - 170'000'0003
PCP Pixel Clock Polarity 0: Data valid on Rising Edge
1: Data valid on Falling Edge
OEP Output Enable Polarity4 1: ActiveLow
0: ActiveHigh
HSW Horizontal Sync Width in Pixels PXA: 1-64
Tegra: 0-8191
i.MX6: 0-1024
BLW Begin of Line Width (Back Porch) in Pixels PXA: 1-256
Tegra: -4096-4095
VFxx: 1-256
iMX6: 0-1024
ELW End of Line Width (Front Porch) in Pixels PXA: 1-256
Tegra: 0-8191
VFxx: 1-256
iMX6: 0-1024
HSP Horizontal Sync Polarity 0: Active High
1: Active Low
VSW Vertical Sync Width in Lines PXA: 1-64
Tegra: 0-8191
VFxx, iMX6: 1-256
iMX6: 2
BFW Begin of Frame Width (Back Porch) in Lines PXA: 0-255
Tegra: -4096-4095
VFxx: 1-256
iMX6: 0-1024
EFW End of Frame Width (Front Porch) in Lines PXA: 0-255
Tegra: 0-8191
VFxx: 1-256
iMX6: 0-1024
VSP Vertical Sync Polarity 0: Active High
1: Active Low
BL_GPIO GPIO/Pin5 used to Turn On/Off Backlight Any free GPIO/Pin, or -1 for None (SODIMM 71) 6
BL_POL Polarity for Backlight GPIO 0: ActiveLow
1: ActiveHigh
DISP_GPIO GPIO/Pin5 used to Turn On/Off Display Power Any free GPIO/Pin, or -1 for None (SODIMM 71) 6
DISP_POL Polarity for Display Power GPIO 0: Active Low
1: Active High
DispOnDelay Display Enable (DISP_GPIO) on delay in ms compared to the LCD data signals VFxx,iMX6,iMX7 : not supported 0 7
LCDBS Display signal buffer strength. This value could be changed to reduce EMC problems. PXA270: 0-15
PXA3xx: 0-7
VFxx 0-7
Txx: See Note 8
iMX6: 0-7
PXA, iMX6 and VFxx: 5
Txx: 0xF1612030

Settings for Colibri PXAxxx Modules Only

Registry Key Description Valid Settings Default Value Note
Verbosity Bitmask to show additional display driver infos on the debug port. 1: Errors
2: Warnings
4: Initialize
8: Allocation
0 9
Type Display Type 0: Passive
1: Active
-1: LCD unit disabled
Color color or Monochrome Selection 0: Monochrome
1: Color
Dual Dual or Single Panel Selection 0: Single
1: Dual
PCLKStall Stops the Pixel Clock if a LCD underrun occurs. This can help if your display is connected over TTL 0 10
VideoRAMSize overrides the default value for the video ram. (In bytes) 11
UseSRAM Reserved internal SRAM for display driver. 0: SRAM not used for display driver
1: maximum available SRAM is used
>1: reserved size in bytes
0 12 9
Blit Blit Hardware Support 0: use emulation
1: XScale optimized
2: use 2D acceleration if possible
Cursor Mouse Cursor Mode 2: Hardware cursor
1: Software Cursor
0: hide the mouse cursor
EdidSlaveAddr 7-bit i2c address where the EDID EEPROM containing display timing information is located. 0x00-0x7f 13 14
DispOffDelay Display Enable (DISP_GPIO) off delay in ms compared to the LCD data signals 0 7

Settings for Colibri Txx and Apalis Txx Modules Only

The following registry entries are located at:
[HKLM\Software\Nvidia Corporation\NVDDI]

Registry Key Description Valid Settings Default Value Note
Enable2D Enable hardware 2D acceleration in display driver 0: Off
1: On
HwCursor Mouse Cursor 1: Mouse cursor ON
0: Mouse cursor OFF
MainPanelBpp Frame Buffer Color Depth 16, 32 16
DesktopWidth Framebuffer Width 1-2048 640 15
DesktopHeight Framebuffer Height 1-2048 480 15
DesktopScaleMode Behavior if Desktop does not match Screen 1: Scale, preserve aspect ratio
2: Center the desktop
3: Scale
HDMIHotplugBehavior Behavior of the HotPlug pin 1: Connect HDMI on HotPlug interrupt
2: Do not connect HDMI, but update list of available display modes
BootupStyle Active Display at startup (bit mask) Active Display
- 0x00001: LCD
- 0x00006: TvOut (NTSC)
- 0x0000a: TvOut (PAL)
- 0x00010: HDMI
- 0x00020: CRT
Additional Flags
- 0x20000: Cinema Mode
- 0x30000: Cinema and Mirror Mode
Colibri: LCD
Apalis: LCD and CRT
since 1.3beta3
16 17
HotPlugStyle Active Display while HotPlug pin is active (bit mask) Active Display
- 0x00001: LCD
- 0x00006: TvOut (NTSC)
- 0x0000a: TvOut (PAL)
- 0x00010: HDMI
- 0x00020: CRT
Additional Flags
- 0x20000: Cinema Mode
- 0x30000: Cinema and Mirror Mode
Colibri: LCD and HDMI
Apalis: CRT and HDMI
since 1.3
16 17
FilterScaledDesktops Filter, if display resolution is not equal to desktop resolution 0: do not filter
1: activate filter
ColorSize Native display color depth 1: 111
2: 222
3: 333
4: 444
5: 555
6: 565
7: 666
8: 332
9: 888
7 18
UseSplashSettings Ignores additional registry parameters and uses the configuration used for the splash screen. 0/1 119 since 2.2b4

The following registry entries are located at:
[HKLM\Software\Nvidia Corporation\NVDDI\LCD]

Registry Key Description Valid Settings Default Value Note
forcePLLD Force the PLLD to be used as source clk. Use this if you need a more accurate pixel clock. Otherwise the best fitting clock source is chosen by the driver. 0: set by driver
1: force PLLD
0 since 1.4beta1
LvdsEnable Enable or disable LVDS converter 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
0 since 2.0beta3, Apalis T30 only.
LvdsMode Single or dual channel LVDS mode 0: Dual channel
1: Single channel
0 since 2.0beta3, Apalis T30 only.
LvdsBitMode 18 bit (6 bit per colour) or 24 bit (8 bit per colour) mode 0: 24 bit
1: 18 bit
0 since 2.0beta3, Apalis T30 only.
LvdsMap 24 bit / 18 bit compatible (JEIDA) or Common 24 bit colour mode (VESA) 0: VESA
0 since 2.0beta3, Apalis T30 only.
LvdsRS LVDS swing mode: standard LVDS value or reduced swing reduces EMI and power consumption, suitable for short cables 0: reduced
1: standard
0 since 2.0beta3, Apalis T30 only.

Settings for Colibri VFxx Modules Only

Registry Key Description Valid Settings Default Value Note
UseSplashSettings Ignores additional registry parameters and uses the configuration used for the splash screen. 0/1 1
VideoRamSize Configures the amount of bytes used for display frame buffer, overlays and back buffers 0-32MB 0x800000-0xC00000
(8-12MB depending on the display resolution)
ActivateDisplayEvent If present, this key forces the display to show splash screen until the specified named OS event is set. SYSTEM/ShellAPIReady 21
FirstRefreshDelay Delay (in milliseconds) between the driver loading and display initialization,
this may prevent "black screen" between splash screen and desktop/application
0-n 10000 22
Cursor Mouse Cursor Mode 1: Mouse cursor ON
0: Mouse cursor OFF
DISP_PIN PIN used to Turn On/Off Display Power Any free SODIMM if DISP_GPIO is not defined then DISP_PIN is checked
BL_PIN PIN used to Turn On/Off Display backlight Any free SODIMM if BL_GPIO is not defined then BL_PIN is checked

Settings for i.MX6 Modules Only

Registry Key Description Valid Settings Default Value Note
UseSplashSettings Ignores additional registry parameters and uses the configuration used for the splash screen. 0/1 1
Out Output port, all values are valid on Apalis, on Colibri only 0 and 5 are supported.
0 - VGA on Apalis / Parallel LCD on Colibri
1 - Parallel LCD
2 - LVDS Channel 0
3 - LVDS Channel 1
4 - LVDS dual channel
0-5 0
CxScreenPhysical Defines the display physical horizontal resolution 0-2047 CxScreen must be lower or equal and image will be centered on the screen
CyScreenPhysical Defines the display physical vertical resolution 0-2047 CyScreen must be lower or equal and image will be centered on the screen
VideoMemSize Configures the amount of bytes used for video memory 0-128MB 0x800000-0x2000000
(8MB on Colibri-32MB on Apalis)
EdidSlaveAddr 7-bit i2c address where the EDID EEPROM containing display timing information is located. 0x00-0x7f Default value 0x50
UseStandardMode Mode number of a standard CEA mode that should be used for the display (check iMX6 reference manual for a list of supported CEA modes). 0x00-0x7f
DetectMode Defines how the driver behaves when EDID is enabled 0-2 0: Use a mode that matches the configured display resolution
1: Use the standard CEA mode that is closer to the desired resolution and supported by the display
2: Use EDID preferred mode (usually maximum display resolution)
Cursor Mouse Cursor Mode 1: Cursor is visible
0: hide the mouse cursor
UseJeidaMapping Uses JEIDA standard mapping for LVDS signals (1=JEIDA). 0/1 0
DisableSyncs Bitmask of signals that should be disabled (1=HSYNC,2=VSYNC,4=OE/DE; E.g. Disable HSYNC & VSYNC = 3) 0/5 0

Support for multiple displays

To support an additional display you can create a subkey under the display configuration key. This key is used to specify the additional screen's parameters, using the same entries described above for the main screen. Key can be named "Clone" to have a second display that reproduces the same image of the main one (the image will be centered if the resolution is higher than the main display) or "Secondary" if the display will be independent. It's possible to specify a different pixel clock, polarities, and timings for the additional display. Please consider that some hardware limitations may prevent you from using some pixel clock frequencies combination because none of the additional PLLs used for video may match the range of the clocks.
Make sure that you configure the identical bpp value (16 or 32) for all displays.

To use clone mode: Add the following registry key/value:

[HKLM\Drivers\Display\Colibri\Clone]  ;(you need to use Apalis instead of Colibri as the key name on Apalis module)
"Out" = dword:5

To enable extended display: Add the following registry values:

[HKLM\Drivers\Display\Colibri\Secondary]  ;(you need to use Apalis instead of Colibri as key name on apalis modules)

Starting from release 1.2 of the BSP and image the display driver supports multiple displays. If you configured a secondary display (not a clone) you can change

"Total Monitors"=dword:2  ; Please note the space character in "Total Monitors" !
After a reboot, Windows CE will use both displays and allows you to move an application from one display to the other. Displays will be aligned side by side, with the main one (configured directly under display) at coordinates 0,0 and the additional one on its right.
Please download the sample registry file.

Solve issues for applications that directly access video memory

Applications that bypass the blitting calls by accessing video memory directly may show some artifacts on screen because this memory is accessed through cache. To prevent this from happening you need to add the following registry entries:

[HKLM\Drivers\Display\Colibri]  ;(you need to use Apalis instead of Colibri as the key name on Apalis modules)

Settings for i.MX7 Modules Only

Registry Key Description Valid Settings Default Value Note
UseSplashSettings Ignores additional registry parameters and uses the configuration used for the splash screen. 0/1 1
VideoMemSize Configures the amount of bytes used for video memory 0-128MB 0x800000

Display Timings

The following picture shows the naming convention for display timings in the registry settings.

Front: Beginning of line/frame and is also known as Back Porch in many display datasheets.
Back: End of line/frame and is also known as Front Porch in many display datasheets.

  1. Currently maximum display resolution supported on Vybrid VF50 is 1024x768@16BPP (XGA), 32BPP not possible at this resolution ↩︎

  2. For any dual display configuration on the iMX6 (clone / extended), the bpp value must be identical for all displays ↩︎

  3. Actual maximum value may vary depending on memory bandwidth and other factors, please check the processor reference manual for more detailed specifications ↩︎

  4. Output Enable polarity can't be changed on Vybrid, it's always positive ↩︎

  5. Some platforms (T20-T20/VFxx) use GPIO number, others (IMX6, IMX7) use connector pin number ↩︎ ↩︎

  6. If BL_GPIO and DISP_GPIO are set to the same value, the Display Driver stops the LCD controller when turning off the backlight The default values for BL_GPIO and DISP_GPIO depend on the Colibri module; the default is the GPIO which is routed to SODIMM 71 ↩︎ ↩︎

  7. In PXA Images later than V3.3 negative values allowed. Negative values are not supported in the Bootloader      In Tegra Images supported since V1.3, no negative values allowed ↩︎ ↩︎

  8. For Txx modules enter the register value of the LCDCFG2 pad control register. More information about this setting can be found in the Technical Reference Manual - Tegra2, Tegra3. To minimize the drive strength try to set lcdbs to 0xF0000000 ↩︎ ↩︎

  9. Available in Image V3.4beta2 and later ↩︎ ↩︎

  10. Available in Image V3.6 beta 1 and later ↩︎

  11. For more information about using VideoRAMSize (overriding the video RAM size) see VideoRAM ↩︎

  12. PXA320 only ↩︎

  13. Any value outside this range disables the EDID feature ↩︎

  14. Available in Image V3.7beta1 and later ↩︎

  15. To avoid stretching, we recommend to set the framebuffer resolution identical to the screen resolution ↩︎ ↩︎

  16. Do a logical OR of 1 or 2 displays. For dual display, optionally add the cinema or mirror bits. The default is mirror mode, i.e. both screen show the same content. In cinema mode, videos are shown on the 2nd display.
    For example 0x20011: LCD and HDMI (Cinema) - The desktop is shown on the LCD output, videos are shown on the HDMI output ↩︎ ↩︎

  17. Not all combinations are tested ↩︎ ↩︎

  18. This parameter is located in [HKLM\Software\Nvidia Corporation\NVDDI\LCD]. The display controller uses dithering to emulate the color depth given in the Bpp parameter ↩︎

  19. If Splashscreen and Desktop resolution match this settings defaults to 1, if they don't match it defaults to 0 ↩︎

  20. This parameter is considered only if the "UseSplashSettings" parameter is set to 0. The default value is 4 or 8MB, depending on resolution and bit depth ↩︎

  21. See Splash Screen for a usage sample ↩︎

  22. If the ActivateDisplayEvent is used, this value is the timeout used to wait on the event ↩︎