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Customized Toradex System on Modules


Article updated at 17 Jul 2020
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Toradex provides a wide range of standard, off-the-shelf products. If you have some specific requirements and think a custom assembly option of one of our products might be a better fit for you, it is possible. However, having a custom, built-to-order module has some disadvantages, namely:

  • Additional initial costs to cover our effort for engineering, production process update, logistics
  • New components have a potential higher price due to lower purchasing volumes than the components on our standard versions.
  • We don't have stock, all orders are built-to-order
  • We don't have stock for RMA exchanges
  • Additionally to the extensive in-house testing, our standard configuration are all tested by hundreds of customers, many of them do extensive additional testing for medical, avionics, industrial automation.

For higher volumes, a custom assembly option version might still make sense.

Please contact us if you are interested in a custom built product.