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Colibri Evaluation Board


Article updated at 05 Feb 2018
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This board is ideal for developing purpose. It provide a lot of interfaces and has a flexible jumper area. It is also equipped with an extension connector which allows to connect your own Hardware.

The schematics of this board are freely available, so it is also perfect for a reference design.

Additional to the Evaluation with a Colibri, you need:

  • A power supply providing anything from 7-24V DC. In the basic configuration the Board consumes about 2Watts, but the on-board supply provides up to 5Amps on each of the 3V and 5V voltage rails.
  • A USB cable (A to B)

And optionally

  • A 9-pin Null-modem cable for emergency recovery (connecting to a PC running a terminal program)
  • keyboard / mouse
  • PC monitor

Evaluation Board V3.1

Please visit the Evaluation Board product page for details about this product.

Older Evaluation Board V2.1

The following chapters are for the Evaluation Board V2.1 only. They can also be applied on the Evaluation Board V3.1 but the connector names don't fit.

Write to LEDs read from switches

You first have to choose a free GPIO and wire up the connection from the GPIO to the connector X22 on the EvalBoard. You should remove the jumper, that the alternative function on the hardware is disconnected. A software example how to write to a GPIO can be found in Toradex CE Libraries and Code Samples.

Use 16 LDD mode with the VGA output

The default configuration for the Colibri modules is a 24 BPP Framebuffer and 18 display lines (18LDD). See the Colibri Tweak Tool for more information.

In case that you like to test the mode with 16 BPP and 16LDD with the VGA output you need to make to following changes.

This instructions are for a Evaluation Board with Version 2.1
If you have an older Evaluation Board rename X7 with X6, X9 with X8 and X12 with X17

X7 Pin 10   to  X9  Pin 30
X7 Pin 11   to  X9  Pin 19
X7 Pin 12   to  X9  Pin 26
X7 Pin 13   to  GND
X7 Pin 14   to  X9  Pin 12
X7 Pin 17   to  X9  Pin 18
X7 Pin 18   to  X9  Pin 24 
X7 Pin 19   to  X9  Pin 10
X7 Pin 20   to  X9  Pin 14
X7 Pin 21   to  X9  Pin 13

X7 Pin 24   to  X9  Pin 27
X7 Pin 25   to  X9  Pin 28
X7 Pin 26   to  X9  Pin 11
X7 Pin 27   to  GND
X7 Pin 28   to  X9  Pin 17

X7 Pin 30   to  X9  Pin 25

X12 Pin 21  to  X9  Pin 21
X12 Pin 24  to  X9  Pin 20

You have also to remove all affected jumpers.

Description of the patch

If you choose the 16BPP with 16 signals lines, you need to reconnect the VGA signals which are configured for 18 signal lines. In 16bit mode the color format is in 5 B: 6 G: 5R. (See also Framebuffer.) That means you have to this connection: LDD[0:4] with B[3:7] LDD[5:10] with G[2:7] LDD[11:15] with R[3:7]