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Cloud Sns Lib API


Article updated at 28 Oct 2017
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Attention: this is a legacy library and thus not supported by Toradex anymore. We recommend that you use the new libraries for all Toradex modules. Please see the Toradex CE Libraries and Code Samples for up-to-date information.

Contains function declarations to be used to access AWS Cloud Sns Services Colibri Modules [PXAxxx, Tegra T20], WinCE 6.0 / 7.0 Number of Topics are restricted to 100, number of subscriptions per Topic are limited to 100. More...


AWS Account ID string Length.
AWS Account Secret Kay String Length.
AWS Account Owner ID String Length.
Maximum number of characters allowed in Topic Name.
Maximum number of characters allowed in Topic's Display Name.
AWS Sns Formatted Time String Length.
HMAC-SHA2 Signature String Length.
#define  AWS_SNS_MESSAGE_SIZE_MAX  (32 * 1024)
Maximum allowed message length 32 KB (Applicable to SnsPublish)
#define  AWS_SNS_SUBJECT_MAX  (100)
Maximum number of characters allowed in subject (Applicable to SnsPublish)
#define  SNS_LIST_TOPIC_RECEIVE_CHUNK  (32 * 1024)
Buffer Size used when receiving list of Topics.
Buffer Size used when receiving list of Subscriptions.
http Protocol
https Protocol
email Protocol
email-json Protocol
sms Protocol
sqs Protocol
Attribute Type Selection Policy.
Attribute Type Selection Display Name.
Attribute Type Selection Delivery Policy.
#define  SNS_STRING_TO_SIGN_BUFFER_SMALL  (2 * 1024)


BOOL  SnsOpenTopic (char *accessID, char *secretKey, char *ownerId, char *path, char *topicName, char *displayName, HSNS *snsTopicHandle)
BOOL  SnsCloseTopic (HSNS *snsTopicHandle)
BOOL  SnsCreateTopic (HSNS snsTopicHandle)
BOOL  SnsPublish (HSNS snsTopicHandle, const char *subject, const char *message)
BOOL  SnsDeleteTopic (HSNS snsTopicHandle)
BOOL  SnsSubscribe (HSNS snsTopicHandle, char *endPoint, BYTE protocolType)
BOOL  SnsListTopics (HSNS snsTopicHandle, char *filePath)
BOOL  SnsUnsubscribe (HSNS snsTopicHandle, char *subArn)
BOOL  SnsListSubscriptions (HSNS snsTopicHandle, char *filePath)
BOOL  SnsFindTopic (const char *filePath, char *dataOut, DWORD dataOutSize, DWORD *pointerToNextTopic, DWORD fileSize)
BOOL  SnsFindSubscriptions (const char *filePath, char *dataOut, DWORD dataOutSize, DWORD *pointerToNextSubscriptionByTopic, DWORD fileSize)
BOOL  SnsGetSubscriptionAttribtues (HSNS snsTopicHandle, char *subArn, char *dataOut, DWORD dataOutSize)
BOOL  SnsGetTopicAttributes (HSNS snsTopicHandle, char *dataOut, DWORD dataOutSize)
BOOL  SnsSetTopicAttributes (HSNS snsTopicHandle, BYTE attributeType, char *attributeValue)

Detailed Description

Contains function declarations to be used to access AWS Cloud Sns Services Colibri Modules [PXAxxx, Tegra T20], WinCE 6.0 / 7.0 Number of Topics are restricted to 100, number of subscriptions per Topic are limited to 100.

2012-11-08 19:56:19 +0530 (Thu, 08 Nov 2012)

Function Documentation

BOOL SnsCloseTopic ( HSNS *  snsTopicHandle )

Deletes already created Sns Topic Handle

[in] snsTopicHandle Handle returned by call to SnsTopicOpen()
Return values
TRUE Success
FALSE See GetLastError()
BOOL SnsCreateTopic ( HSNS  snsTopicHandle )

Creates new Sns Topic

[in] snsTopicHandle Handle returned by call to SnsTopicOpen()
Return values
TRUE Success
FALSE See GetLastError()
BOOL SnsDeleteTopic ( HSNS  snsTopicHandle )

Deletes already existing Sns Topic

[in] snsTopicHandle Handle returned by call to SnsTopicOpen()
Return values
TRUE Success
FALSE See GetLastError()
BOOL SnsFindSubscriptions ( const char *  filePath,
char *  dataOut,
DWORD  dataOutSize,
DWORD *  pointerToNextSubscriptionByTopic,
DWORD  fileSize

Finds Subscription details by Topic from list of subscriptionsByTopic stored in a local file
The file must be initialized by calling SnsListSubscriptionsByTopic()

[in] filePath File path in which list of subscription exists
[out] dataOut Pointer to the output string containing subscription details, user need to allocate memory
[in] dataOutSize Number of bytes allocated for dataOut
[in,out] pointerToNextSubscriptionByTopic Pointer to next Subscription details from list data, to find 1st Subscription by topic Detail, put NULL
[in] fileSize Size of the file in bytes
Return values
TRUE Success
FALSE See GetLastError()
BOOL SnsFindTopic ( const char *  filePath,
char *  dataOut,
DWORD  dataOutSize,
DWORD *  pointerToNextTopic,
DWORD  fileSize

Finds Topic Details from list of Topics stored in a local file
The file must be initialized by calling SnsListTopics()

[in] filePath File path in which list of subscription exists
[out] dataOut Pointer to the output string containing Topic details, user need to allocate memory
[in] dataOutSize Number of bytes allocated for dataOut
[in,out] pointerToNextTopic Pointer to next Topic details from list data, to find 1st topic details, put NULL.
[in] fileSize Size of the file in bytes
Return values
TRUE Success
FALSE See GetLastError()
BOOL SnsGetSubscriptionAttribtues ( HSNS  snsTopicHandle,
char *  subArn,
char *  dataOut,
DWORD  dataOutSize

Gets Subscription Attributes

[in] snsTopicHandle Handle returned by call to SnsTopicOpen()
[in] subArn Subscription Arn String
[out] dataOut Pointer to the output string containing subscription attributes details, user need to allocate memory
[in] dataOutSize Number of bytes allocated for dataOut
Return values
TRUE Success
FALSE See GetLastError()
BOOL SnsGetTopicAttributes ( HSNS  snsTopicHandle,
char *  dataOut,
DWORD  dataOutSize

Gets Topic Attributes of Sns Topic

[in] snsTopicHandle Handle returned by call to SnsTopicOpen()
[out] dataOut Pointer to the output string containing TopicAttribute details, user need to allocate memory
[in] dataOutSize Number of bytes allocated for dataOut
Return values
TRUE Success
FALSE See GetLastError()
BOOL SnsListSubscriptions ( HSNS  snsTopicHandle,
char *  filePath

Lists Subscriptions by topic in an Sns Account, for a particular region (max 100)
Subscriptions by Topic are stored into a local file

[in] snsTopicHandle Handle returned by call to SnsTopicOpen()
[in] filePath File in which list of Subscriptions by topics will be saved, user need to delete already existing file,
else list data will be appended in the same file
Return values
TRUE Success
FALSE See GetLastError() Number of Topics are restricted to 100, number of subscriptions per Topic are limited to 100
BOOL SnsListTopics ( HSNS  snsTopicHandle,
char *  filePath

Lists topics in an Sns Account, for a particular region (max 100)
Topics are stored into a local file

[in] snsTopicHandle Handle returned by call to SnsTopicOpen()
[in] filePath File in which list of topics will be saved, user need to delete already existing file,
else list data will be appended in the same file
Return values
TRUE Success
FALSE See GetLastError() Number of Topics are restricted to 100, number of subscriptions per Topic are limited to 100
BOOL SnsOpenTopic ( char *  accessID,
char *  secretKey,
char *  ownerId,
char *  path,
char *  topicName,
char *  displayName,
HSNS *  snsTopicHandle

Opens handle for Sns topic, the returned snsTopicHandle is required as an input parameter to every Sns function call

[in] accessID AWS Access ID [20 Characters]
[in] secretKey AWS Secret Key [40 Characters]
[in] ownerId AWS Owner ID [12 Characters]
[in] path AWS Sns path
[in] topicName Topic names must be constructed using only uppercase and lowercase ASCII letters,
numbers, underscore, hyphens and must be between 1 and 256 characters long
[in] displayName [OPTIONAL] if not NULL, Display names must be constructed using only uppercase/lowercase ASCII letters,
numbers, underscore, hyphens and must be between 1 and 100 characters long
[out] snsTopicHandle Structure to hold various sns related parameters.
Return values
TRUE Success
FALSE See GetLastError()
BOOL SnsPublish ( HSNS  snsTopicHandle,
const char *  subject,
const char *  message

Publishes/Sends a message to all the subscribed endpoints of a topic. When a messageId is returned,
the message has been saved and Amazon Sns will attempt to deliver it to the topic subscribers shortly
The format of the outgoing message to each subscribed endpoint depends on the notification protocol selected

[in] snsTopicHandle Handle returned by call to SnsTopicOpen()
[in] subject Optional parameter to be used as the "Subject" line, when the message is delivered to e-mail endpoints, max 100 ASCII characters
[in] message The message you want to send to the topic. Maximum length is 32 x 1024 characters
Return values
TRUE Success
FALSE See GetLastError()
BOOL SnsSetTopicAttributes ( HSNS  snsTopicHandle,
BYTE  attributeType,
char *  attributeValue

Sets Topic Attributes

[in] snsTopicHandle Handle returned by call to SnsTopicOpen()
[in] attributeType [1] - Policy,
[2] - DisplayName,
[3] - DeliveryPolicy
[in] attributeValue String containing respective attribute value
Return values
TRUE Success
FALSE See GetLastError() only attributes = 2 (DisplayName) is working
BOOL SnsSubscribe ( HSNS  snsTopicHandle,
char *  endPoint,
BYTE  protocolType

Subscribes an endpoint to a topic

[in] snsTopicHandle Handle returned by call to SnsTopicOpen()
[in] endPoint URL "http://", URL "https://" , Email ID, Phone number for SMS, SQS: ARN of an Amazon SQS queue, etc
[in] protocolType Valid Values can be from 1 to 6,
[1] - "http",
[2] - "https",
[3] - "email",
[4] - "email-json",
[5] - "sms",
[6] - "sqs"
Return values
TRUE Success
FALSE See GetLastError()
BOOL SnsUnsubscribe ( HSNS  snsTopicHandle,
char *  subArn

Unsubscribes an endpoint from its subscription

[in] snsTopicHandle Handle returned by call to SnsTopicOpen()
[in] subArn Subscription Arn String
Return values
TRUE Success
FALSE See GetLastError()