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Battery Driver Registry Settings

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Article updated at 16 May 2022
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The Limestone board is equipped with a BQ27x10 battery gas gauge. The Driver supports the registry settings listed below. The values listed are the default values which are used if a registry value is not found.

Battery Warning Levels

	   "lowLevel"     = dword:19                ; % of capacity  (for WinCE status only)
	   "criticalLevel"= dword:5                 ; % of capacity  (for WinCE status only)

Disabling Battery Warnings and Icon

The following registry settings can be used to disable the power status icon and the low-battery warning dialogs:

	   "ShowIcon"    = dword:0
	   "ShowWarnings"= dword:0

If the value of ShowIcon is set to zero then no icon is displayed for the power status.

If the value of ShowWarnings is set to zero then no power warnings are displayed.

Settings to optimize calculations according to battery parameters

The default values are fine for the Kokam battery used for Limestone.

	   "initialBattCapacity"=dword:CE4         ; mAh (used for ILMD calculation)
	   "edvf"=dword:CB2                        ; mV  (used for EDVF calculation)
	   "edv1"=dword:D48                        ; mV  (used for EDV1 calculation)
	   "initialStandbyCurrent"=dword:3E8       ; uA  (used for ISLC calculation)
	   "lowCapVoltTempComp"=dword:0            ; %   (used for EDVT calculation)
	   "digitalMagnitudeFilter"=dword:0        ; uV  (used for DMF  calculation)
	   "selfDischargeRate"=dword:1             ; ppm self discharge per day @ 25°C (used for SD calculation)
	   "capacityAgingEn"=dword:1               ; battery aging considering: 0: disabled, 1: enabled (used for TAPER[7])
	   "chargeTaperCurrent"=dword:1            ; mA  (used for TAPER calculation)
	   "chargeTerminationVoltage"=dword:3      ; 3968mV + chargeTerminationVoltage * 48mV [0 to 3] (QV1&QV0)
	   "boardOffsetVoltage"=dword:0            ; (+-)boardOffsetVoltage * 2.45uV [-4 to + 3] (BOFF)
	   "fixedDischargeComp"=dword:1            ; fixed dircharge compensation: 0:disabled 1:enabled (DCFIX)
	   "fixedTempComp"=dword:1                 ; fixed temperature compensation: 0:disabled 1:enabled (TCFIX)
	   "gainAgeFactor"=dword:0                 ; gain age factor (GAF)
	   "lowCapVoltDischargeComp"=dword:0       ; EDV1 discharge rate compensation gain (DEDV)
	   "dischargeRateCompCoeff"=dword:0        ; discharge rate compensation coefficients (DCOMP)
	   "temperatureCompCoeff"=dword:0          ; temperature compensation coefficients (TCOMP)
	   "cycleCountTotal"=dword:0               ; total charging cycle count (CYCT)
	   "lastMeassuredDischarge"=dword:0        ; mAh  last meassured discharge (LMD) (when 0: LMD is set to initialBattCapacity)

Settings to adjust the driver to the electronic circuitry

	   "rsValue"=dword:14                      ; mOhm  RS value (fuel gauge shunt resistor)
	   "pgGPIO"=dword:FFFFFFFF                 ; PowerGood (AC power detect) gpio number (-1: FuelGauge GPIO)
	   "pgGPIOPol"=dword:0                     ; PowerGood gpio polarity
	   "chargingGPIO"=dword:FFFFFFFF           ; Charging status gpio number (-1: FuelGauge Charging status)
	   "chargingGPIOPol"=dword:0	            ; Charging status gpio Polarity
	   "battChemistry"=dword:0                 ; Battery chemistry (0:Unknown, 1:LIION, 2:LIPO)