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Starting and Managing Containers with Portainer


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Portainer is a lightweight management UI that allows you to easily manage your different Docker environments.

Torizon comes with Portainer pre-loaded and it automatically starts after the module boot-up.

In this module you will:

  • Learn how to access Portainer through a web browser
  • Learn how to start a container execution using Portainer

Typographic Conventions


For this Quickstart Guide:

  • Development computer with Windows 10 version 2004 (a.k.a. May 2020 update) or higher.
  • Successfully completed the previous lesson from this guide.

Step 1

Turn on the board. After boot, the Portainer login screen will be displayed on the monitor connected to the board. On the first access, it is necessary to set a username and password.

Alternatively, a host computer connected to the same network as the module can also access Portainer through a web interface. To access it, open a web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge) and access the address: <your-board-ip>:8840.

  • Login screen

    Login screen

Step 2

Select the primary endpoint to access the board's container settings.

  • Select the primary endpoint

    Select the primary endpoint

Step 3

Click on Containers.

  • Select Containers

    Select Containers

Step 4

Click on the button "Add container".

  • Add a new container

    Add a new container

Step 5

Type a name for your container. Type the following Docker image name: hello-world. Click on "Deploy the container".

  • New container settings

    New container settings

Step 6

The next screen will show the running containers. Press F5 to update the container status until your hello-world container finishes its execution and stops.

After the container stops, click on the Logs button.

  • Click on the Log button after the container stops

    Click on the Log button after the container stops

Step 7

See the container log. If you see the Hello from Docker! text, congratulations, your container has been successfully started from the Portainer interface.

  • Success!


The hello-world container is only a simple container used to verify if the Docker engine is working correctly in the system and if the Portainer can start a container on the board. We will build more complex containers in the next sections.

Step 8

The image TorizonCore with evaluation containers has many different demos. Explore it by going to the App Templates section in Portainer and click on one of the templates.

  • Available Container Examples in Portainer

    Available Container Examples in Portainer

  • Start a template using Portainer

    Start a template using Portainer


I don't want to expose the Portainer service on a TCP/IP port. Can I disable it?