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Install the Build Environment for Torizon


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To develop applications for Torizon, you need to have some prerequisites installed in your development PC. That means installing Docker Desktop and the Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL2). See more information on Configure Build Environment for Torizon Containers.

In this section, you will:

  • Install the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2)
  • Install Docker on your PC.
  • Verify if Docker is correctly installed on your PC.
  • Get used to Docker's official documentation.
Typographic Conventions


For this Quickstart Guide:

  • Development computer with Windows 10 version 2004 (a.k.a. May 2020 update) or higher.
  • Successfully completed the previous lesson from this guide.

Note: Carefully read this module's cover page by clicking on "Module 2: First Steps with Torizon" on the left menu bar before starting this lesson.

Step 1

Please refer to the Install the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2) section.

Step 2

On your Windows host machine, head to the Docker Hub website and create an account.

Step 3

Access the Docker for Windows page on the official Docker documentation and go to Install Docker Desktop for Windows. From here you will be redirected to Docker Hub, where you can finally download Docker for Windows.

Attention: Docker Desktop requires Windows 10 version 2004 (a.k.a. May 2020 update) or higher.

Step 4

After installing it, open the application and check it running on your taskbar icons. It may take a while to load.

  • Docker for Windows running

    Docker for Windows running

Step 5

Docker for Windows is able to run Linux and Windows containers, but you need to select which OS your containers are target to. Be sure to select "Linux containers" on installation. Otherwise, you can right-click on the Docker icon in the taskbar and select "Switch to Linux containers". This option is only available if your Docker runtime is set to Windows.

  • Set Docker in Windows to execute Linux Containers

    Set Docker in Windows to execute Linux Containers

Step 6

Verify your installation following the official Docker documentation.

Open a PowerShell window, and run:

$ docker --version

This lets you check whether the installation was successful or not.

Step 7

Make sure you can run the hello-world image in your Windows machine before going to the next lessons:

$ docker run hello-world


Docker won't load on Windows. What can I do?
Is the hello-world image the same as the one used on the last module?
I am unable to install Docker for Windows. How should I proceed?