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Module 2: First Steps with Torizon



In this module, you will get used to the experience of using Torizon. Run some basic applications, easily serve a static webpage, use our ease-of-use Debian application, develop a hello world application on Visual Studio using our Torizon Microsoft Environment, cross-build it for a target device and deploy and debug it remotely.

Warning: Follow precautions for handling electrostatic sensitive devices (ESD)

Typographic Conventions

Throughout the Toradex documentation, the following typographic conventions are used:

$ (dollar sign) Command in the host computer (e.g. your PC)

$ Command in your PC

$$ (double dollar sign) Command in a container in the host computer (e.g. your PC)

$$ Command inside a container in your PC

# (hashtag) Command in the target device/board (e.g. Linux terminal)

# Command in the target board, e.g. Colibri iMX6

## (double hashtag) Command inside a container in the target device (Torizon)

## Command inside a container in Torizon

> (greater-than sign) Command in the bootloader (e.g. U-Boot console)

> Command in the Bootloader

No symbol: Command output

$ Command waiting for output


Starting and Managing Containers with Portainer

Container Hello World on the Command-Line

Toradex Debian Image

Install the Build Environment for Torizon

Build and Run your First C Application