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Linux Terminal and Basic Usage - Linux


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In this module you will:

  • Be introduced to PuTTY.
  • Communicate with the board through SSH.
  • Be introduced to basic Linux commands.
Typographic Conventions


For this Quickstart Guide:

  • Development computer with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. Warning: Commands and instructions may vary slightly on other Ubuntu releases and Linux distributions.
  • Successfully completed the previous lessons from this guide.

For this lesson:

  • Make sure the host computer and target device are connected to the same network.
  • Local network with DHCP assigning IP addresses to all connected devices.
  • Have your board's IP address, as seen in the last lesson.

Note: Carefully read this module's cover page clicking on "Module 1: Unboxing and Bring-up" on the left menu bar before starting this lesson.

Step 1

Write down the unique serial number of your computer on module for later usage. You can find the module's serial number on the sticker on the board:

  • Computer on Module sticker

    Computer on Module sticker

In the example of the module above, the board's unique serial number is 06438725.

Step 2

From the unique serial number, you generate your board's hostname, composed on the following format: <family>-<processor>-<serial number>

In the example from step 1, the board's hostname is apalis-imx8-06438725.

If you are not sure what is the family or processor for your board, please, refer to Toradex Products page.

Step 3

Turn your board back on. Don't worry about the prompt that appears on the monitor connected to your board, for now.

In your host PC, install PuTTy:

$ sudo apt install putty

Step 4

Open PuTTY and insert either your board's IP address or board's hostname at Host Name (or IP address) field. Leave the port configured as 22, which is the default port for the SSH server running on the board, and the other entries as is.

  • PuTTY Configuration - board's IP or hostname

    PuTTy Configuration - board's IP or hostname

Click Open. On the first connection, Putty will ask permission to add a new server's key entry to Putty's cache. Select "Accept".

  • Putty authorization dialog

    Accept to add the new key to Putty's cache

The default login information is user: torizon and password: torizon. On the first login, you have to change the default password. The login prompt should look like this:

  • PuTTY Login for the First Time

    PuTTY Login for the First Time

Note: as you type the password, there is no visual feedback. In other words, as you type the password, no asterisks or any other characters will be printed.

The PuTTY window will close as soon as you press Enter after re-typing your new password.

Issues to Connect via SSH

If you have issues connecting to the board via SSH, you can alternatively either:

Step 5

Re-open PuTTY and create a new SSH connection, as done in the previous steps from this lesson. This time you will be able to login:

  • PuTTY Login for the Second Time Onwards

    PuTTY Login for the Second Time Onwards

The success of using the IP address depends on your router keeping the board IP address the same as the one you have retrieved in the previous lesson. Most IP addresses are assigned using DHCP, which means the board IP address can be changed over time without notice. If you suspect the board IP is incorrect, try the alternative method using the board's hostname.

Step 6

If you are new to Linux, especially to using the command-line, read the basic Linux commands article.


How to Configure my Local Network?
Are there any alternatives to PuTTY?